How to get current location of others in ios - ios

I have a project in which I need to get location of other people those who are in my contact list in iOS (like Find My Friend). So is there any library or any procedure or anything to do this?

That type of library not available at that time . but this functionality is possible with manually setup.
See this steps:
Get each friends current location information.
Store them in a db in a server.
Access them from my application through webservices.
Google Latitude was helping to track others and later was depreciated.
Hope this is useful for you.


Google Calendar API location swift iOS

I am making an app for iPhone that wants to fetch some data from Google Calendar, and I am programming in Swift. The data I want to fetch is location, time, date and title of event. I have not been able to find out how one gets the location data from Google Calendar. I know it exist in the pods to GoogleClientForRest/Calendar, but I am not able to access it. I thought I could access it from GTLRCalendar_Event, but it does available under this.
Xcode Error:
Can somebody please help me with this?
In your code you are using
This is the class itself, not an instance of it, so it has no data.
You need to use the instantiated object to fetch the properties.
Having a quick scan over the SDK you are using when you fetch a list of calendar entries it looks like you get a list of type [GTLRCalendar_CalendarListEntry] this type also has a location property which it looks like you could use.
If you could show more of your code I could give you a more specific answer as I haven't used this SDK in a while

iOS - SKReverseGeocoderService reverseGeocoding gives generalised result not detailed

I am using SKMap sdk from skobbler, everything works great, but while developing further, I found that the SDK doesn't provide much detailed information when I do offline geocoding, that is my requirement.
I am using following code
SKSearchResult *searchObject = [[SKReverseGeocoderService sharedInstance] reverseGeocodeLocation:coordinate];
Below I have demonstrate how the reverse geolocation giving generalised result mostly it gives you Street Names, rather than building, or location details, see the demo below I am pointing pin on a building it gives me adjacent street name always.
The problem I am facing is, I need to save the location as bookmark, so if I have couple of location nearby, I always get the street name which doesn't allow me to distinguish the saved bookmarks.
Please help, if I am missing anything, I am using the map completely offline.
Thank You.
Our reverse geocoder only returns address information (no house number), it does not return POI information.

Proximity Based Search without user location swift

I'm working on an app which utilizes Google Places API in order to find locations based on a users search. I've implemented the search with the help of the UIAutocomplete (Google Places), but unfortunately, it is not location based (until the user provides authorization). I was wondering if there is a way to get the users location through their IP address or otherwise using Swift. I don't need a precise location, the city would be enough.
I've searched for a while and there doesn't seem to be any other way of doing this, so if you know of an API which can return the city the user is currently in, that would be great.
Thanks for all the help,
I don't think the system frameworks allow you to get the user's remote IP address anymore. A solution for you might be to use a website like, which shows your IP address and location. Perhaps you can make a request to this website and parse out the HTML that comes back to get the location. Please note, this isn't the most accurate way of getting the user's location and you would be much better off using the CoreLocation framework.

Obtaining locations around user API?

I'm attempting to retrieve locations around a user upon retrieving their current location. Is anyone familiar with which API's/Frameworks are best to accomplish this? I've tried Foursquare2 but it seems that half the locations don't return addresses. I need a better API to use, preferably one that will return addresses, and can't seem to find any others. I came across Google Places, but it appears to be in beta and not available unless I submit a form and wait. Is there a way to do this with Google Maps or the Facebook graph perhaps?
Depending on which device you use. For example if you want to retrieve location data from android use this api, for an ios device, use read the my location section in this doc. Hope this gives you some idea.

Using Google Maps to store custom set of locations (iOS Google Maps SDK)

Create mobile application, which gives the user ability to look for certain places (payment terminals) nearby and to add new ones. Of course user will have ability to edit places, change some of their meta-info fields, add photos, etc.
I can understand, how to implement such things at the mobile device side(i mean interface and model), but can't imagine, what i have to do at the "google-side" to store locations and get them to device.
I'm looking through for appropriate service, but google have so much different "Maps" services and their variety makes me disappointed, which one can give me necessary instruments.
I'm sorry, if my question is too stupid but i can't realize how to implement such functionality.
If anybody ever made such applications, please help me to find, at least, the service, which can help me to implement such functionality. Sample code at github will be the great!
You're looking to build a "back-end" or a database to store the locations that you are interested in. This means that you will save them on a server, that you will access through requests over the internet from your iPhone.
For a really simple back-end to set up, check out Parse that is very simple to implement.
