Google Calendar API location swift iOS - ios

I am making an app for iPhone that wants to fetch some data from Google Calendar, and I am programming in Swift. The data I want to fetch is location, time, date and title of event. I have not been able to find out how one gets the location data from Google Calendar. I know it exist in the pods to GoogleClientForRest/Calendar, but I am not able to access it. I thought I could access it from GTLRCalendar_Event, but it does available under this.
Xcode Error:
Can somebody please help me with this?

In your code you are using
This is the class itself, not an instance of it, so it has no data.
You need to use the instantiated object to fetch the properties.
Having a quick scan over the SDK you are using when you fetch a list of calendar entries it looks like you get a list of type [GTLRCalendar_CalendarListEntry] this type also has a location property which it looks like you could use.
If you could show more of your code I could give you a more specific answer as I haven't used this SDK in a while


Sending data from iOS application to a Google spreadsheet

I am making an app that will allow users to send data to a google spreadsheet. The app is an order form that has different fields for the items and names etc, then they user will be able to go back to the app and enter their order number and view weather or not the order is complete or not.
With other systems I have been able to simply use a URL that contained the data that was being sent the service, although Google spreadsheets does not seem to have that, I have been playing around with the script editor and thought I could use that to do something of that nature but could not figure it out.
So here is what I want to do, user submits data and that data is logged then the spreadsheet creates a new order number for that data line entry and returns it the device. What is the simplest way to send data to a Google spreadsheet? I have looked at their Drive API for iOS but I am using swift and they're guides are partially in swift and Objective-C; it's just a mess and I can't even get their example code to run.

Google Place Picker API Query for App-scoped Places?

I have recently been looking at the following link to add to my application. It is the Google Place Picker API. I also know how to add places to the list of places that the Place Picker API uses to query for so that my custom places can appear in Place Picker API. However, I want it so that the Place Picker API only queries for just the places that have been created only by my application, and not for any other places that the Google Places API provides. I have found that this example query, under the scope key, helps me find if the Place created was created via my app or by Google. I want it so that the Place Picker API queries only for the Places created by my app. Is there any way to do this? That would be much appreciated. Thanks!
It's not possible, sorry. Neither the iOS or Android Place Pickers have an option to do this.
In fact both the Android Place class and the iOS GMSPlace class lack the scope property, which only exists on the Places API web service today.
You'd have to build this yourself, e.g. by displaying a map and adding markers to it for your places, etc, rather than using the Place Picker widget from the Google Places API for iOS (or Android).

search location like iCal add event location in ios

I want to implement same functionality like iCalendar > add event> Location search in my iOS app.I am using google place autocomplete api but it only returns 5 records at a time. Is there any other way to do it?
Any help will be appreciated.
You can't get more than 5 results. Looking at Google's Documentation
predictions contains an array of places, with information about the
place. See Place Autocomplete Results for information about these
results. The Google Places API Web Service returns up to 5 results.

Obtaining locations around user API?

I'm attempting to retrieve locations around a user upon retrieving their current location. Is anyone familiar with which API's/Frameworks are best to accomplish this? I've tried Foursquare2 but it seems that half the locations don't return addresses. I need a better API to use, preferably one that will return addresses, and can't seem to find any others. I came across Google Places, but it appears to be in beta and not available unless I submit a form and wait. Is there a way to do this with Google Maps or the Facebook graph perhaps?
Depending on which device you use. For example if you want to retrieve location data from android use this api, for an ios device, use read the my location section in this doc. Hope this gives you some idea.

How to get current location of others in ios

I have a project in which I need to get location of other people those who are in my contact list in iOS (like Find My Friend). So is there any library or any procedure or anything to do this?
That type of library not available at that time . but this functionality is possible with manually setup.
See this steps:
Get each friends current location information.
Store them in a db in a server.
Access them from my application through webservices.
Google Latitude was helping to track others and later was depreciated.
Hope this is useful for you.
