IOS - chat application using XMPP Protocol - ios

I am going to start an IOS application. In which I am going to implement the
one to one chat
one to many chat
with using the XMPP protocol.
I have searched over the internet. I have seen that "Xabber" (open source) did what I want. But It is available only in android.
I am new to this domain. So can anyone give some samples to do that functionality in IOS?

Related vs xmpp for a mobile chat app

I have to build a realtime chat app in iOS, which can later also have voice and video calling. I want to use a scalable and light weight solution integrated with the backend, making sure that the solution also supports calling in the future.
I'm not too sure if supports voice and video calls; Should I use that or xmpp? Or any other similar solution?
As it was written above is a chat server implementation using Websockets, while XMPP is a protocol.
I'd recommend using an XMPP chat server in this case.
For audio/video calls implementation you will need to implement signaling via XMPP to establish connection between the devices before the call.
Also for audio/video chat implementation you will need STUN/TURN/ICE server and you will need to add client-side implementation for passing media streams from peer-to-peer if you choose WebRTC peer-to-peer option.
There is an easier way as well. You can use a ready XMPP based server and SDK to build your app. For example, ConnectyCube provides such service.
They have a ready backend and SDKs you can use for building chat and audio/video chat apps. Also they already have a TURN server, so you do not need to worry about this part too.

iOS - XMPP with WebRTC for realtime video call or chat

I have searched the whole web but did not get any document for passing the XMPP IQ to WebRTC. Also I see is the XMPP Jingle class, but cannot find any document for integrate this.
Can someone help me with setting up a two-way video call using XMPP and WebRTC? By providing a working sample of Objective-C code?
I have tried:
Checking and many other Github projects.
Are you want to support different platforms to get live video streaming?
So, i have a very good experience with library.
It's supports iOS, Android and Web. Has demo applications and trial period.
About documentation:
XMPP Framework:
It's very good documented.
WebRTC Native Code:
It's contains all information about WebRTC.

How to implement webRTC in iOS app

I have successfully implemented xmpp Connection and text chatting by using xmpp in my application. Now want to implement video calling by using webRTC. I don't know the exact procedure for it. I have searched about it but, I'm unable to implement the video chat.
If anyone have any idea about the procedure, please help me.
look at the code. The library compiles with bindings for iOS, and the app (appRTCDEMO) provides a full example for iOS. It's a great start.

Video(with Audio) chat for iOS

I"m trying to build an app for iOS which includes video(with audio/voice) and text chat. The chat will be one-on-one chat. One source for video is surely coming from desktop/laptop camera(or IP Camera). How can this be achieved for iOS devices? Any open source/ free library as solution available will be welcomed.
You can try these
ooVoo provides free sdk for video chat implementations its very easy to use. But for free sdk it will have ooVoo logo at the bottom of the screen. For more information go to this link:
If you want to implement your own video chat application. You can use xmpp, this link has a good example for xmpp implementation on iOS : [it doesn't have video chat implementation you have to modify it].
Or you can write your own custom socket program. In which you will be able to send and receive UDP packet which will contain the video data.

XEP-0166: Jingle protocol implementation for voice/video chat in iOS

I have already implemented chat with text message using XMPP framework for iOS. But, now I want to implement voice/video chat using XMPP framework in iOS. So, anybody know about how to implement XEP-0166: Jingle Protocol with available XMPP framework in iOS/Objective-C? Thanks in advance.
Refer This book regarding XMPPFramework. In this book all things are described regarding all fetchers provided by XMPP like one to one messaging, file sharing, voice call, video call and etc.
In this book how to send stanzas to server and client are described in detail.
hope this book will help u.
