Easygrid Custom formatter for creating link - not getting generated - grails

I have created a page based on the examples found in the Easygrid petclinic sample apps.
Everything is working fine except the formatter/unformat.
I have a field called 'key' with label 'date', I am trying to generate hyperlink based on this field. I notice that the generated page ignores this attribute.
I am sharing the controller and the gsp
Field key defined in controller as
columns {
key{ label 'Date' }
In the View
<div id="grid-container" style="max-height:100%;overflow:auto;">
<grid:grid id='jqgridinitial' name="daily">
<grid:set width="2000" height="450">
<grid:set col="key" label="Date" formatter='f:customWikiFormat' unformat="f:wikiUnFormat"/>
The generated page is ignoring the formatter
I also referred this solution by the creator of the plugin
Please let me know, if any additional details are required

You got the syntax a little wrong. Basically the parent tag is grid:grid and inside it you can set different properties ( by using grid:set ).
If you don't specify a 'col' then those properties will be set on the actual grid.
<grid:grid id='jqgridinitial' name="daily">
<grid:set width="2000" height="450"/>
<grid:set col="key" label="Date" width="100" formatter='f:customWikiFormat' unformat="f:wikiUnFormat"/>


Page attribute value showing null in oracle webcenter sites 11g R1

Hi I am working in oracle webcenter Sites 11g.
I have added a new page attribute name pagetitle and added that in PageDefinition and add a new template with JSP logic and added the code:
but when viewing the page after creating a new page , the value of pagetitle is showing null.
You have to load the page asset first after read the required attributes.
Below is the sample code for display the 'pagetitle'
<assetset:setasset name="Page" type='<%=ics.GetVar("c")%>' id='<%=ics.GetVar("cid")%>' />
<assetset:getattributevalues name="Page" typename='PageAttribute' attribute='pagetitle' listvarname="pagetitlelist" />
<ics:listget fieldname="value" listname="pagetitlelist" output="title"/>
With this line in your JSP you can obtain all attibutes:
<ics:argument name="attributes" value="attribute1,attribute2,...,attributen" />
if want to use any attribute, do that.
For example: ${asset.attribute1}

local:MvxLang failed to bind the resource text to TextView when it is part of itemtemplate of MvxListView in Xamarin app

Issue:- local:MvxLang failed to bind the resource text to TextView when it is part of itemtemplate of MvxListView in Xamarin app using localization feature in MVVMCross.
My application is Xamarin.android, using MVVMCross, used Localization feature of MVVMCross with resx file.
Running sample can be found here:https://github.com/pallaviak1/RestaurantBilling.Droid
I am getting localized string through code using below syntax in viewmodel (AllBillsViewModel) BillClickedCommand:-
_dialogService.ShowAlertAsync( string.Format(TextSource.GetText("InformationReceivedMessage"), bill.CustomerEmail, bill.AmountPaid), TextSource.GetText("InformationReceivedHeader"), TextSource.GetText("InformationReceivedButtonText"));
Also my main view page where local:mvxLang is button attribute, which shows button text from resource of selected culture, also works well.
<Button ... local:MvxLang="Text ViewBillsResourceText" local:MvxBind="Click NavigateAllBills" />
Problem:- However when I am using MvxLang in controls which are part of item template of MvxListView control the localized string is blank (not populated).
file:- RestaurantBilling.Droid\RestaurantBilling.Droid\Resources\layout\ListItem_Bill.axml
The control which is part of item template view looks like below:-
<TextView android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
local:MvxLang="Text CustomerEmailTextView" />
The mail list control looks like below:-
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource AllBills; ItemClick BillClickedCommand"
local:MvxItemTemplate="#layout/listitem_bill" />
CustomerEmailTextView resource key is present in resx files as Name: AllBillsViewModel.CustomerEmailTextView, value : "US Customer Email".
Just to add, my Localization code is as below:-
Resource files are present in library MVVMCross.Localization, whose reference is added in RestaurantBilling.core library as well as android project.
code in core, App.cs file as below:-
(new ResxTextProvider(Strings.ResourceManager, currentCulture));
BaseViewModel has below code:-
public IMvxLanguageBinder TextSource =>
new MvxLanguageBinder("", GetType().Name);
Getting warning in visual studio output window as below:
[0:] MvxBind:Warning: 9.78 Unable to bind: source property source not found Property:TextSource on Bill
02-10 07:41:52.020 I/MvxBind ( 4357): 9.78 Unable to bind: source property source not found Property:TextSource on Bill
I could not find enough help on MVVMCross formal website, also could not find much discussion points on same. The same thing is working in sample downloaded "My Trains" when referred from pluralsight training.
Please help.
my problem is resolved. ref link: How to bind ItemClick in MvxListView in MvxListView
This link issue is somewhat similar. I resolved the issue in below way,
whatever TextSource property I have added in viewModel, I need to put in Bill.cs class which is model
public IMvxLanguageBinder TextSource
get {
//Mvx.Trace("****************TextSource get in bill.cs**************************");
return new MvxLanguageBinder("", GetType().Name);
Then, the resource text key looks like below:-
This is kind of workaround, actually BaseViewModel has TextSource property however it is not useful in case of item template case.
Please let me know if you have better solution because we are kind of mixing viewmodel and model properties.

How to remove a-tag's title param in tt_news using typoscript

The standard output of a tt_news list view hyperlink is like:
News Headline
How to remove the title tag from the standard output with typoscript ? So that you get:
News Headline
I' am looking for a typoscript something like:
plugin.tt_news.displayList.linkParams.ATagParams >
Info: The template (sub)marker which includes the hyperlink is called:
<!-- ###LINK_ITEM### -->
... some Headline ...
<!-- ###LINK_ITEM### -->
There is a hook for this.
You will have to use it in an own extension.
Your hook consuming class will have to implement the following method
function processSingleViewLink(&$linkWrap, $url, &$params, &$pObj) {
// modify $linkWrap to remove title="" using regex
See here for reference how to consume hooks in TYPO3: http://typo3.org/documentation/article/how-to-use-existing-hooks-in-your-own-extension/
plugin.tt_news.displayList.linkTitleField =
However title will be there, it will not be filled.
If you want to remove the empty title part as well you need to dive into the plugin to remove it.

Grails "bean:input" (bean fields) showing the wrong bean property

Since we've updated to grails 2.0.1 (from 2.0.0) all of our beans shown via bean fields are incorrectly displayed as the first property of that "withBean" field. In the example I've posted below, all of [firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, contactNumber] are shown as just 'firstName' (we know it's not just the messages which are wrong because otherwise the 3rd property (dateOfBirth) would be a date picker, not just a text field).
Any potential workarounds or suggestions?
I encountered the same problem, and have a work-around.
I has customised beanfield templates extracted into a gsp template called /shared/_beanfieldConfig.gsp , which I then included by rendering before calling any beans tags. e.g.
<g:render template="/shared/beanFieldConfig" />
<bean:withBean beanName='command'>
<bean:input property='username' />
This worked nicely in 1.3.7, and meant I could share beanFieldConfig between views.
When upgrading to 2.0.3, I enountered the same issue as the original question. I've found I can work around this by inlining the content of my _beanFieldConfig in each view.
Yuk, but at least it means I don't need rewrite all my views to use the replacement plugin (yet).
Interestingly, although beanField config in a render'd template doesn't work, sticking it in a taglib DOES.
so, while previously I had in beanFieldConfig
<div class='input ${errors ? 'errors' : '' }'>
<g:if test="${errors}">
If I define the equivalent tag -
def beanFieldConfig = {
bean.inputTemplate { m ->
m.with {
""" <div class='input ${errors ? 'errors' : '' }'>
${errors ?: ''}
and then in my gsp replace <g:render template="/shared/beanFieldConfig" /> with <g:beanFieldConfig/>, it works.

Grails: checkbox not being set back to false

I am developing a Grails (1.0.4) app where I want to edit a collection of collections on a single page in a grid view. I got it to work quite well depending only on the indexed parameter handling of Spring MVC, except for one thing:
boolean (or, for that matter, Boolean) values in the grid can be set via checkbox, but not unset, i.e. when I check the checkbox and update, the value is set to true, but afterwards when I edit again, uncheck the checkbox and update, it remains true.
This is the GSP code of the checkbox:
<g:checkBox name="tage[${indexTag}].zuweisungen[${indexMitarb}].fixiert" value="${z.fixiert}" />
And this is the HTML that is generated:
<input type="hidden" name="tage[0].zuweisungen[0]._fixiert" />
<input type="checkbox" name="tage[0].zuweisungen[0].fixiert" checked="checked" id="tage[0].zuweisungen[0].fixiert" />
I've found a Grails bug that describes exactly this effect, but it's marked as fixed in 1.0.2, and the problem mechanism described there (underscore in hidden field name is put in the wrong place) is not present in my case.
Any ideas what could be the reason?
This is the solution a guy named Julius Huang proposed on the grails-user mailing list. It's reusable but relies on JavaScript to populate a hidden field with the "false" response for an unchecked checkbox that HTML unfortunately does not send.
I hack GSP to send "false" when
uncheck the box (true -> false) with
custom TagLib.
By default checkBox send nothing when
uncheck, so I use the checkBox as
event handler but send hidden field
"params" in Controller can handle
"false" -> "true" without any
modification. eg. Everything remain
same in Controller.
The Custom Tag Usage in GSP (sample usedfunc_F is "true"),
<jh:checkBox name="surveyList[${i}].usedfunc_F" value="${survey.usedfunc_F}"></jh:checkBox>
Here is what the Tag generate,
<input type="hidden" name="surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F" id="surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F" value="false" />
<input type="checkbox" onclick="jhtoggle('surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F')" checked="checked" />
The Javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
function jhtoggle(obj) {
var jht = document.getElementById(obj);
jht.value = (jht.value !='true' ? 'true' : 'false');
This is my own solution, basically a workaround that manually does what the grails data binding should be doing (but doesn't):
Map<String,String> checkboxes = params.findAll{def i = it.key.endsWith("._fixiert")} // all checkboxes
String key = it.key.substring(0, it.key.indexOf("._fixiert"))
int tagIdx = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(key.indexOf('[')+1, key.indexOf(']')))
int zuwIdx = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('[')+1, key.lastIndexOf(']')))
dienstplanInstance.tage[tagIdx].zuweisungen[zuwIdx].fixiert = true
dienstplanInstance.tage[tagIdx].zuweisungen[zuwIdx].fixiert = false
Works, requires no change in grails itself, but isn't reusable (probably could be made so with some extra work).
I think that the simplest workaround would be to attach a debugger and see why Grails is failing to populate the value. Considering Grails is open source you'll be able to access the source code and once you figure out the solution for it you can patch your version.
I have also found this other bug GRAILS-2861 which mentions the issue related to binding to booleans (see Marc's comment in the thread). I guess that is exactly the problem you are describing.
I would create a small sample app that demonstrates the problem and attach it to the Grails bug (or create a new one). Someone here may be able to debug your sample app or you'll have shown the bug isn't really fixed.
Try this out, set the logs to DEBUG, frist try the first 3 if they don't show the problem up, flip them all to DEBUG:
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet="error" // controllers
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages="error" // GSP
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh="error" // layouts
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping.filter"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails.commons="info" // core / classloading
codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins="error" // plugins
codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate="error" // hibernate integration
This should allow you to see exactly when and how the parameters setting is failing and probably figure out a work around.
