uploading images from iPad to a bucket in S3? - ipad

I am writing a web app in HTML5 that is supposed to run on iPads.
I would like to upload images from the iPad directly to a S3 bucket.
If that is not possible, I can settle for uploading to my server and then I'll store it on S3 myself.
I've seen on the net that the preferred tool is SWFUpload, but I fear it wont work on iPads.

Unfortunately you're out of luck. Apple block file uploads in iOS Safari. The browser doesn't have access to the iOS file system or photos.
You'll see if you go to Facebook's Mobile Web app http://m.facebook.com and try to post a photo, they tell users to email the photo to a custom email address.
If you want photo uploads you'll have to find another route to upload or use an iOS application.


iOS 8, uploading multi files into AWS S3 Bucket, while app running in the backgroud

I am new to AWS S3, working on app that will have a large number of files ( probably hundreds of 1 mb files ). Because of the large size I want to be able to perform this upload while app is in background mode. I went through the AWS documentation for http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/s3transfermanager.html
But this does not talk about whether its possible for it to run while app is in background. This app is kind of like a dropbox for photos.
to clarify more, I am using iOS 8, as per this page
Feedback is welcome.
AWSS3TrasnferManager does not support background transfer. You should use AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder instead. You should take a look at S3BackgroundTransfer-Sample that demonstrates how to use background transfer with AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder.
For those who still see this question, you can check out my tutorial on uploading large file to S3 using multipart in the background. You should be able to extrapolate how to do it for non multipart upload:
Taming the AWS framework to upload a large file to S3

Uploading image to Azure and getting back its URL

I am writing an iOS app for a service that runs on Azure. I need to be able to upload images (users' profile pictures) and get back the image's URL.
Azure's SDK for iOS doesn't seem to work with Blob, but only with Tables.
On my search, I've found tutorials like this, which gives an intro on the SDK, or this one that shows how to store a base64 string of the image in a table, but that's not what I'm seeking.
Is it possible to upload images to the Blob? If yes, how?
I am not an ios person, but have worked on apps that run on azure and communicate with ios for information hence this might be of your help as I am certain rest services can be accessed from ios.

Video upload with Instagram API now allowed?

According to the Instagram documentation, Instagram only allows API uploads for images (JPG, PNG).
A new iPhone app called Cinamatic allows users to upload videos to Instagram after loging in to the Instagram via Cinamatic.
Is video upload via the Instagram API now allowed? There is no mention on the public documentation.
According to this there might be the option for a white list of developers with access to the video uploads via the API. Any ideas?
At this time, uploading via the API is not possible.
following reasons:
Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app.
We want to fight spam & low quality photos.
Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.
I also check this link.
Posting video on instagram using hooks
It also doesn't work properly for me.

What solution should I use for a backend of an iOS app to store and stream video (like Instagram for example)?

I'm working on an app that will record video and upload it on a server.
The app shoud also to be able to stream this video.
I don't know what backend solution I should use to do it.
I looked at Azure Media but it's to great.
Thank you for your help

iPad / iPhone Offline Webpage

I need to supply a single page website for a client to view offline on an iPad / iPhone.
The webpage will have Javascript, image and video assets. Reading about Cache Manifest it seems the cache on iPad is limited to 5mb.
Anyone suggest any routes forward, which ideally do not require the use of an additional app, but will allow for the offline storage of video.
You will likely have trouble with Safari to guarantee availability of your web page and videos offline.
The most reliable alternative would be to create an app using PhoneGap, because that would give you control over the video and the web page being stored offline. However that requires you to distribute it as an iOS-app to your client.
If you don't/can't distribute it as an app, you could try to find an app that is designed for offline browsing and supports video on the appstore. If you search for "Offline browser iPhone" on google or appstore you will be presented with some alternatives.
