CouchDB and Ruby on Rails Tutorials - ruby-on-rails

I am very new to rails and couchdb and I am looking for good tutorials that describe how to create a project using the two technologies.
Does anyone has links to useful resources/tutorials?

I could recommend you this article: (UPDATED)
Also here is good step-by-step manual:
Good luck with CouchDB.


Getting Started: Learning RoR for a ASP.Net MVC/C# Developer

I am an ASP.Net MVC / C# developer looking to get started with Ruby on Rails. Could you point me out to any books / tutorials which would help jump ships quickly.
I am familiar with MVC, Castle Active Record and jquery.
Having just gone through this and looking for the best ways to learn ruby and rails I found the following most useful: (covers Rails 3)
I found this a good starting place to go through the basics of rails and while reading this I was able to follow along and build the application.
Instead of building an application you get the vertical view of rails - i.e., sections to understand models, caching, views, layouts, etc. This is a great resource to follow along and read the sections you are dealing with.
As you come across something you need to implement - e.g., many to many relationships this site provides some great examples and walkthroughs.
As a C# developer you may be slightly confused by Ruby. Here are the sites I recommend for learning Ruby:
Although not formatted great - I found this one very useful to get the gist of Ruby syntax.
Another great easy to follow tutorial
Lastly just try out some code.
Good luck!
I enjoyed Ruby on Rails for .NET Developers
How quick you can jump ships is really dependent on how fast you pick up the Ruby language and a new IDE. If you already know MVC and ActiveRecord you'll probably fly right along.
Heroku is really really really cool. Definitely try it out.
Welcome to the rails world :) !
Here is some links that may interest you :
There is a fun way to learn :
You can watch great screencast at :
You can find a free book here it is very complete :
I also found this :
There should be a lot more.
Have fun !
Ya right of now Ruby on Rails 3 is so proper among RoR developer. so get update on it.
Beginning Rails 3 -
Agile web development Rails 3 -
These two books are rocking new learning and making a step on RoR.
and if u want video tutorial,
go for Railscasts and Teachmecode

Starting off with Ruby and Ruby on Rails

I am interested in building web applications using Ruby on Rails. I surfed the Internet and found out that I need to have a prior knowledge of the Ruby language. So can you please suggest some good books, online resources to start off with Ruby first and then Ruby on Rails?
As far as Ruby goes, two good books are:
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide by Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, and Andy Hunt
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming by Hal Fulton
Check out this link also for some helpful sites:
You may also find RailsCast is useful too. :)
i also find above mentioned site Ruby on Rails tutorial quite helpful.. After this i suggest you can refer some of mentioned books to gain more experience in this language and framework.
* The Ruby Programming Language
* Rails 3 Way,
* Advanced Rails Recipes
There is also Why's famous guide:

Current ruby and rails resources (2010)

Can you great and knowledgable programmers please point me to some current and updated Ruby/Rails blogs/sites? I am also looking for an active forum for lively discussions on ruby/rails.
I already tried to google for them but as I already mentioned on SO, many of the links on google seem to be to sites that are no longer updated.
New website that started for rails developers:
Great blogs are:,
mislav created a cool tool at GoGaRuCo called explain ruby:
I've found the following to be very useful:
Online forum: railsforum
IRC (instant answers): irc://
Video tutorials: railscasts
If you can't watch online videos: asciicasts
Rails Community page would be a nice start point for you.
I prefer RailsGuides and for asking questions and lively discussions I use SO (it is a great site, if you still don't use it, you should give it a try!)
For Ruby blog aggregators, there are and

Rails wiki highlight/strikethrough version differences between article versions

I'm wondering how to implement highlighting of changes to user edited articles on a wiki style rails project. Since articles may be fairly lengthy I'd ideally like strikethrough and highlighting, similar to github and wikipedia for example. Despite searching around the net I've not really come up with much, apart from instiki which is a complete wiki application.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
To implement in Rails, you should use the a version management gem such as vestal version. Ryan Bates did an excellent screen-cast on the subject. Once you get the versioning of articles, you will want to use the html-diff (or a similar library) to do the html output.

Rails3 and forum plugin?

I'am looking for a good Forum plugin running under rails3 ?
If you have any idea, i'll be glad to hear it :)
It's probably quicker to develop your own than to adapt and upgrade one of the existing Rails forums. There aren't many Rails forum projects as compared to PHP (for example), as it's generally pretty quick to write your own, depending on how many features you need. :)
I started to develop one too in rails 3. It's going to be similar to Wordpress Ideas. Right now i have build the user part with devise and integrated angularjs. I just started. If you are interested in contributing you can find it here:
