iOS library to send message to all users - ios

Does anyone know of an iOS library that I can use to send a message to all users? From time to time I need to warn all users about new problems with iOS. Just wondering if there was a library for this.

Never mind. It's so simple. Download a message file in the background and just display it.


How to detect if a MSMessage is sent to someone who does not have iOS10?

I created an iMessage app for iOS10. My app can send messages to non iOS10 users but it does not have any interest (it just sends a non interactive image).
Is there a way to detect that my the remote participant in my MSConversation does not have iOS10 and display a more user friendly message?
If I understand well, you want to know if the iMessage was received or something by the non iMessage app? In that case it's not directly possible within iMessage app as MSConversation is only available in iMessage extensions. You'll have to do this with a server side ;)
On earlier version, iOS will display a placeholder message indeed, but there are actually no ways to handle that, has the SDK is not available for these versions. So the answer is unfortunately still NO, Sorry :/

Opening app from sms and getting the sms contents in iOS

I am trying to build an iOS application. The basic premise is that the user receives an SMS which has a message, a link to the application, and other details. For example, the message might look like this:
Good morning! Kindly open the application: mylink://here
Additional Info: 123123
Additional Info: 321321
I know that if the user has installed my application, he or she will be able to click the mylink://here and it will open my application. Answers in this question discuss said topic thoroughly. My concern mainly has something thing to do with fetching the additional information from the text message. My application will need the additional informations in the SMS and is there a way to fetch the additional information without having to programmatically go through them in my application?
Since the application is opened via SMS, is there a provision in iOS that provides your application, if opened by an SMS, with the raw SMS text?
I'm a bit new in iOS development and I'm mostly relying on what I am able to research online. As much as possible I do not want to fetch the SMSs (if iOS even allows that), find the one I'm looking for, then parse from there.
Well you can't read or send sms messages... At all. That's a big no-no in standard iOS. However, you could pass some simplified info via url scheme. It could look something like this:
You'll want to read more about it here:
Sorry from Apple side but can't access these on a standard, non-jailbroken iPhone. You should file a bug with Apple, perhaps they'll improve SMS access in the future.
Not possible
Check this
For SMS sending through application allowed but for accessing inbox for sms/email not allowed.
It is only possible when the phone is Jailbreaked. There are many tools to jailbreak your phone.
Once Jailbreaked, an application cal open the SQLite database at
/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db and read the message table.
It contains, the date/time at which the message was received, the sender/recipient phone number and even the clear text of the message.
Refer this Question to read content of sms: Read SMS message in iOS

MailCore2 Alternative

I've spent a great deal of time creating an Objective-C based application for the iPhone. I incorporated MailCore2 so that emails could be sent without a dialog popping up (Apple's system of in-app email). My app works perfectly on all of my devices, including all outside devices associated with TestFlight beta testing. Unfortunately, the moment Apple reviews the app, they always reject it, saying that MailCore2 made an AlertView with the contents: "Error! Please connect to the internet or try again later.", and the email never properly sends.
My question is, is there an alternative to MailCore2? I've heard of MailGun, but I see no documentation on their site for either Objective-C or Swift.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.
Mailigun is a services and yes you can send mail with Mailgun, but not receive mail like normal email app. Anyway it is completely different from mailcore (Imap/pop). Mailcore is so hard to use...
If you need only send email i can provide you entirely code for achieve this using mailgun.

Sending Image as text message with PhoneGap app

I'm trying to work around the iPhone not having an API in order to send an MMS. I do not want to send a text message from inside the app, I am looking to have it be able to send a text message with an image attached to a certain contact.
I am not very familiar with native iPhone apps so I was going to build the app using PhoneGap and create custom plugins for sending the text message.
The user would find an image/video or something they would want to view on the app, click send to a contact and then normal text message app on the iPhone would pop up with the image already inserted to the body of the message.
Would I be able to write my own plugin for PhoneGap in order to do this operation? If so, what are some good resources to go about learning how to do this?
Thanks, I know this is more of a cry for help on how to do this but after a bunch of research, I can't quite find what I'm exactly looking for.
I have no idea about PhoneGap tbh but I guess where you will fail is this:
Apple did not want you to put photos in the sms app. How do you think you are going to go around this? The only thing I can think of is uploading the image you want to attach to some service like Dropbox and then paste a download link into the sms app.

How can I intercept text messages using cocoa

I intend on writing an app for iOS that would require me to monitor incoming texts from select contacts etc - in short, I need to somehow get the strings from a text message into my app directly. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction here?
Apple doesn't provides any SDK (and doesn't allows developers) to access on the messages.
You can just access to the screen New Message from the app.
