How to implement Error bar in iOS? - ios

I am new to iOS programming and taking course work.
One of the homework talks about implementing an error bar which shows up when there is no network.
It also says not to use UIAlertView.
Can someone point me to resources how to do such a thing? I don't even know what to search. I tried implementing error bar and alike queries which did not produce any useful result.

It's a custom view and you won't find any of these in Xcode by default. You can implement it by yourself - but of course it needs some time and knowledge. Or you can get any ready made solution.
I found something called CWStatusBarNotification and I know it's not the same but it's a good way to start.
Try searching in CocoaPods. You can find many good libraries there with a documentations, tutorials etc.


Use MobileNativeFoundation/Store in iOS project

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. But I can't find iOS implementation of the MobileNativeFoundation/Store.
So with that, does anyone able to implement or use MobileNativeFoundation/Store to their iOS project? Or point me to right place to start? "Store" is very common word and searching over the internet using this keyword doesn't give correct results.

First Person Map View in iOS

I am currently developing an iOS app using Objective-C and I came across with a requirement from my client that I am unsure and unaware if it can be made.
The app that I am working with is Map based using the geolocalization of the user at all times. To do so, as I am sure you all know, I am using the MapKit.framework that Apple gives us pre-built.
My doubt came when my client asked me if it’s possible to use the First Person Maps View instead of the traditional 2D Map. To make my question clear to you, what I was exactly asked if there is any chance to use the same view of the GPS navigation in the app (See picture below). Is there any way to do so? If so, could you give me some guides to achive that?
Any help would be appreciate it!
After some hours of research I've found a way to do so. The key property is initialized trough:
MKMapCamera *mapCamera = [MKMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:ground fromEyeCoordinate:eye eyeAltitude:50];
Take a look at this tutorial if you are need of an explanation step by step:

Implementing Google Play Games Services in Swift

Hello fellow developers :)
I have been trying to implement Google Play Games Services in my newest app project, but find myself being completely lost. I find GMS to be quite complicated and therefore need some sort of tutorial to stand a chance.
Unfortunately the official guide on Googles websites ( only describes the setup process for Objective-C.
My question is therefore, as ambiguous as is, if anyone knows anything that could help me implement GMS. This includes links to tutorials, code-snippets, personal tips, or anything else that could come in handy.
And yes, I am aware that questions like these are often frowned upon due to their ambiguous nature. What must be understood is that this question is a desperate last attempt before giving up and going with GameCenter instead. I simply have not found the information needed anywhere else.
Thank you! :)
You may need to use a bridging header for this. Check out the following link by gguuss in GitHub:

Swift - SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete - how to deal with it?

My research showed that the only proper way to have an autocompletion search bar which retrieves coordinates is to use SPGooglePlacesAutoComplete.
However, here are only installation hints along with bridging from obj-c to swift. But actually, I cannot find anywhere how to handle it in swift. How to connect search bar outlet, how to connect it to existing project with map etc.
Does anybody know some neat tutorial which makes handling this library in swift clear? If no such thing around the web, could anybody post here, as an answer, short tutorial how to deal with SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete, how to connect outlets, retrieve coordinates, how to pair it with search bar etc. I would be very grateful
Thanks in advance!
as the person who maintains (in a very inactive way), I have received several inquires about supporting Swift. I'm planning to migrate this repo to Swift, however with a full-time job and 2 kids, I can't promise a specific timeline.
Meanwhile, would you be able to follow the solutions provided in this issue:

iOS 7 embedded calendar api

I'm fairly new to iOS development, I've been asked to write an application that moves around days in a calendar. The graphics designers thought it would be a good idea to have an embedded scrollable calendar so the user could navigate easily through dates.
I'd love to post an image for what I want but I don't have the reputation yet to do so.
This calendar view looks just like the native calendar app on iOS 7 but it's just a sideways scrollable choosing date of the month you're in and it only take a small portion of the screen. Would anybody know if there's a framework I could use to achieve similar results?
Thanks in advance!
I know it's a little late, but I'll just post it here in case other people has the same problem.
A few months back, I had the exact same problem.
I couldn't find exactly what I need, so I had to implement it myself with UICollectionView
Anyway, after finishing my project, I've decided to make a library based on it.
This should be easier to use than any other calendar library.
Hope it helps :)
There will most likely not be a component that does exactly what you want. A good thing to do in a situation like this is search on Github and filter by language, then sort by popularity.
Here is an example search to get you started, for "calendar":
A few promising candidates from that search:
There are tons of these, all slightly different, so you'll need to do some digging to find one that is most similar to what you want to accomplish.
In general, any implementation you find or create yourself should probably use a UICollectionView to accomplish this.
