Nearest nodes to a give node, assigning dynamically weight to relationship types - neo4j

I need to find the N nodes "nearest" to a given node in a graph, meaning the ones with least combined weight of relationships along the path from given node.
Is is possible to do so with a pure Cypher only solution? I was looking about path functions but couldn't find a viable way to express my query.
Moreover, is it possible to assign a default weight to a relationship at query time, according to its type/label (or somehow else map the relationship type to the weight)? The idea is to experiment with different weights without having to change a property for every relationship.
Otherwise I would have to change the weight property's value to each relationship and re-do it to before each query, which is very time-consuming (my graph has around 10M relationships).
Again, a pure Cypher solution would be the best, or please point me in the right direction.

Please use variable length Cypher queries to find the nearest nodes from a single node.
MATCH (n:Start { id: 0 }),
Note that the syntax [CONNECTED*0..2] is a range parameter specifying the min and max relationship distance from a given node, with relationship type CONNECTED.
You can swap this relationship type for other types.
In the case you wanted to traverse variably from the start node to surrounding nodes but constrain via a stop criteria to a threshold, that is a bit more difficult. For these kinds of things it is useful to get acquainted with Neo4j's spatial plugin. A good starting point to learn more about Neo4j spatial can be found in this blog post:
The post is a little outdated but if you do some Google searching you can find more updated materials.
GitHub repository:


Neo4j and Cypher - How can I create/merge chained sequential node relationships (and even better time-series)?

To keep things simple, as part of the ETL on my time-series data, I added a sequence number property to each row corresponding to 0..370365 (370,366 nodes, 5,555,490 properties - not that big). I later added a second property and named it "outeseq" (original) and "ineseq" (second) to see if an outright equivalence to base the relationship on might speed things up a bit.
I can get both of the following queries to run properly on up to ~30k nodes (LIMIT 30000) but past that, its just an endless wait. My JVM has 16g max (if it can even use it on a windows box):
WHERE a.outeseq=b.outeseq-1
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
WHERE a.outeseq=b.ineseq
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
I also added these in hopes of speeding things up:
I can't get the relationships created for the entire data set! Help!
Alternatively, I can also get bits of the relationships built with parameters, but haven't figured out how to parameterize the sequence over all of the node-to-node sequential relationships, at least not in a semantically general enough way to do this.
I profiled the query, but did't see any reason for it to "blow-up".
Another question: I would like each relationship to have a property to represent the difference in the time-stamps of each node or delta-t. Is there a way to take the difference between the two values in two sequential nodes, and assign it to the relationship?....for all of the relationships at the same time?
The last Q, if you have the time - I'd really like to use the raw data and just chain the directed relationships from one nodes'stamp to the next nearest node with the minimum delta, but didn't run right at this for fear that it cause scanning of all the nodes in order to build each relationship.
Before anyone suggests that I look to KDB or other db's for time series, let me say I have a very specific reason to want to use a DAG representation.
It seems like this should be so probably is and I'm blind. Thanks!
Creating Relationships
Since your queries work on 30k nodes, I'd suggest to run them page by page over all the nodes. It seems feasible because outeseq and ineseq are unique and numeric so you can sort nodes by that properties and run query against one slice at time.
WHERE a.outeseq = b.outeseq-1
WITH a, b ORDER BY a.outeseq SKIP {offset} LIMIT 30000
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
It will take about 13 times to run the query changing {offset} to cover all the data. It would be nice to write a script on any language which has a neo4j client.
Updating Relationship's Properties
You can assign timestamp delta to relationships using SET clause following the MATCH. Assuming that a timestamp is a long:
SET = abs(b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
Chaining Nodes With Minimal Delta
When relationships have the delta property inside, the graph becomes a weighted graph. So we can apply this approach to calculate the shortest path using deltas. Then we just save the length of the shortest path (summ of deltas) into the relation between the first and the last node.
WITH p AS shortestPath, a, b,
reduce(weight=0, r in relationships(p) : AS totalDelta
ORDER BY totalDelta ASC
MERGE (a)-[nearest:NEAREST {delta: totalDelta}]->(b)
RETURN nearest;
Disclaimer: queries above are not supposed to be totally working, they just hint possible approaches to the problem.

Most efficient way to get all connected nodes in neo4j

The answer to this question shows how to get a list of all nodes connected to a particular node via a path of known relationship types.
As a follow up to that question, I'm trying to determine if traversing the graph like this is the most efficient way to get all nodes connected to a particular node via any path.
My scenario: I have a tree of groups (group can have any number of children). This I model with IS_PARENT_OF relationships. Groups can also relate to any other groups via a special relationship called role playing. This I model with PLAYS_ROLE_IN relationships.
The most common question I want to ask is MATCH(n {name: "xxx") -[*]-> (o) RETURN, but this seems to be extremely slow on even a small number of nodes (4000 nodes - takes 5s to return an answer). Note that the graph may contain cycles (n-IS_PARENT_OF->o, n<-PLAYS_ROLE_IN-o).
Is connectedness via any path not something that can be indexed?
As a first point, by not using labels and an indexed property for your starting node, this will already need to first find ALL the nodes in the graph and opening the PropertyContainer to see if the node has the property name with a value "xxx".
Secondly, if you now an approximate maximum depth of parentship, you may want to limit the depth of the search
I would suggest you add a label of your choice to your nodes and index the name property.
Use label, e.g. :Group for your starting point and an index for :Group(name)
Then Neo4j can quickly find your starting point without scanning the whole graph.
You can easily see where the time is spent by prefixing your query with PROFILE.
Do you really want all arbitrarily long paths from the starting point? Or just all pairs of connected nodes?
If the latter then this query would be more efficient.
MATCH (n:Group)-[:IS_PARENT_OF|:PLAYS_ROLE_IN]->(m:Group)

how new traverse api works

nowadaya i m learning new traverse api of neo4j and i followed the link below
so now i know how to use uniqueness,evaluater etc.
that is i know how to change beahviours of the api.
but the thing i want to know is that how exactly it traverse.
for example im trying to find neighbours of a node.
does neo4j use index to find this?
does neo4j keep a hash to find neighbours?
more specifically, when i write the following code for example.
TraversalDescription desc = database.traversalDescription().breadthFirst().evaluator( Evaluators.toDepth( 3) );
node =database.getNodeById(4601410);
Traverser traverser = desc.traverse(node);
in my description i used breadthFirst. So it means that when i give node to traverse, the code should find the first neighbours. So how the api finds the first neighbours is the thing i want to know. Is there a pointer to neighbours in node? So when i say traverse until to depth 3 it finds the first neighbours and then take the neighbours as node in a recursive function and so on? So if we say to depth 10 then it can be slow?
so what i want exactly is how i can change the natural behaviour of the api to traverse?
Simplified, Neo4j stores records representing nodes and relationships a.s.o. in its store. Every node is represented by a node record on disk, that record contains a pointer (direct offset into relationship store) for the first relationship (neighbour if you will). Relationship records link to each other, so getting all neighbours for a node will read the node record, its relationship pointer to that relationship record and continue following those forward pointers until the end of that chain. Does that answer your question?
TraversalDescription features a concept of PathExpander - that is the component deciding which relationships will be used for the next step. Use TraversalDescription.expand() for this.
You can either use your own implementation for PathExpander or use one of the predefined methods in PathExpanders.
If you just want your traversal follow specific relationship types you can use TraversalDescription.relationships() to specify those.

Neo4j: Java API to compute intersection multiple properties

I'm very new in using Neo4j and have a question regarding the computation of intersections of nodes.
Let's suppose, I have the three properties A,B,C and I want to select only the nodes that have all three properties.
I created an index for the properties and thus, I can get all nodes having one of the properties. However, afterwards I have to merge the IndexHits. Is there a way to select directly all nodes having the three properties?
My second idea was to create a node for each property and connect other nodes by relationships. I can then iterate over all relationships and get for each property a list of nodes which are connected. But again, I have to compute the intersection afterwards.
Is there a function I miss here, since I suppose it's a standard problem.
Thanks a lot,
Do you also have the values you look for? You would start with the property that limits the amount of found nodes most.
MATCH (a:Label {property1:{value1}})
WHERE a.property2 = {value2} AND a.property3 = {value3}
For the Java API and lucene indexes:
gdb.index().forNodes("foo").query("p1:value1 p2:value2 p3:value3")
Lucene query syntax

Neo4j Spatial- two nodes created for every spatially indexed node

I am using Neo4j 1.8.2 with Neo4j Spatial 0.9 for 1.8.2 (
Followed the example code from here with one change- instead of SpatialIndexProvider.SIMPLE_WKT_CONFIG, I used SpatialIndexProvider.SIMPLE_POINT_CONFIG_WKT
Everything works fine until you execute the following query:
START n=node:stadiumsLocation('withinDistance:[53.489271,-2.246704, 5.0]')
RETURN, n.wkt; is null. When I explored the graph, I found this data:
For Node 80 returned, it looks like this is the node created for the spatial record, which contains a property id:79. Node 79 is the actual stadium record from the example.
As per the source of IndexProviderTest, the comments
//We not longer need this as the node we get back already a 'Real' node
// Node node = db.getNodeById( (Long) spatialRecord.getProperty( "id" ) );
seem to indicate that this feature isn't available in the version I am using.
My question is, what is the recommended way to use withinDistance with other match conditions? There are a couple of other conditions to be fulfilled but I can't seem to get a handle on the actual node to actually match them.
Should I explicitly create relations? Not use Cypher and use the core API to do a traversal? Split the queries?
Two options:
a) Use GeoPipline.startNearestNeighborLatLonSearch to get a starting set of nodes, supply to subsequent Cypher query to do matching/filtering on other properties
b) Since my lat/longs are common across many entities [using centroid of an area], I can create a relation from the spatial node to all entities that are located in that area and then use one Cypher query such as:
START n=node:stadiumsLocation('withinDistance:[53.489271,-2.246704, 5.0]')
MATCH (n)<-[:LOCATED_IN]-(something)
WHERE something.someProp=5
RETURN something
As advised by Peter, went with option b.
Note though, there is no way to get the spatially indexed node back so that you can create relations from it. Had to do a withinDistance query for 0.0 distance.
can you execute the enhanced testcase I did at ? It shows how to find a location, and traverse with cypher to the next node.
