Delphi ios app gets wrong name on phone when in release build - ios

This may seem like a stupid question. But when I make a debug build, my app gets the correct name on the "ios desktop". When I use release build, it gets the name of the app I made some time ago.
I have been into project settings and changed it for all similar/device debug/release modes.
I have also made a Windows search and replaced all places found.
I do also use other provision profiles, but I am still wondering if it could be something like that? But I just do not believe that can be the case... So clearly me + Windows search is missing something somewhere....

Check the the name in your .plist for the Bundle Display Name. That is the the name of the end product. check this similar question App store name and info.plist


App Store Connect issue ITMS-90129 keeps blocking upload

App Store Connect keeps blocking App upload by issuing
ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken.
So far I tried:
Changing the Display Name, Bundle Identifier (even with generated Hashcodes to make sure that the names really are not taken already)
Created alternative Profiles, Identifier and App in App Store Connect (also using the same mentioned hashcode)
Tried these changes in the Xcode input fields (under 'General') and also directly modifiyng the Info.Plist
Re-Exporting the project from Unity to XCode with the new naming (to make sure Unity is not writing some bundle id somewhere which is not visible in XCode)
(Update) Tried to Clean the build folder based on
minchaej suggestion
Additional information: The XCode project is exported from Unity and we're using Firebase which is installed via Pods.
I'm grateful for any hint where to continue looking - because I'm really running out of ideas. Thanks a lot for taking the time.
The solution for this (probably very Unity-to-XCode specific) issue was localization related:
I had to remove all but the English localization entry in the Localization section.
I'm not sure why there were other loca resources before (since we didn't set them up) but I assume these included an alternative app name which was causing the ITMS-90129 to pop up.
My salvation for ITMS-90129 is the next:
Remove definitions for
for base(en) localisation InfoPlist.strings.
Setup this variables with single value $(PRODUCT_NAME) directly in Info.plist
Variable $(PRODUCT_NAME) define via root project Build Settings/Packaging/Product Name
Setup variable LSHasLocalizedDisplayName in YES value in Info.plist
Setup Russian (or other) localisation for variables
via InfoPlist.strings
As I am personally assume, setup this variables via base localisation is the key of problems in which I am faced with

Xcode Display Name and Danish Characters causes Xcode to fail

I'm developing an app with Swift + Spritekit with the project name as simple as "learningApp".
A good step and several hours into the development my team decided to name the app (with danish letters) "Lær Toner" (which in English means to learn tones).
However, when doing so - the entire project fails in Xcode. The .swift and .sks scene-files are not able to communicate and the console outputs this message:
2019-10-31 00:09:47.549357+0100 Lær Toner[18206:292858] Unable to load custom class 'LaunchScreen' from module '(null)'
Just to be clear, here's images:
So if I change the name to "Learn Tones" there are no issues at all and the app works as intended. As soon as I change it back to "Lær Toner" and run the app the console outputs the message above.
I tried to change it via "Build Settings" also - I also tried to reboot Xcode, clean the build folder, but nothing have helped so far.
I can see in the Danish App store that multiple applications have Danish letters like Æ, Ø and Å in the name, so that leads to think it's (hopefully) a minor thing I've missed.
I've searched the world wide web till the end, but I have not found anything close to a solution to this issue.
If anyone has any input, or knows how to deal with this, I'd be a happy developer.
Thanks in advance.
I found the same issue when i have changed the display name from the 'General' tab of my target settings.
The solution is;
Go back to the previous name by discarding the changes you have made, and make sure the app is running correctly.
Uninstall the app from your device or simulator.
Clean the project.
The important thing is to add a new key on your info.plist
<string>Lær Toner</string>
And it will be ok.

SiriKit: Cannot reply to a message

I just added the Intents Extension to my Project, and decided to try it out using the example code that is added by default.
I select the Siri target, run on the device, Siri pops up and I start with: "Search messages in [MyApp]".
Method handleSearchForMessages is executed in IntentHandler.m and Siri responds You have a message from Sarah.
After reading the message, Siri asks Would you like to reply?
But when I answer Yes, I get:
I don't see an app for that. You'll need to download one.
The weird thing is that when I try the same on a brand new Project, it works, even without enabling the capabilities.
I really don't know why in my project works the part of searching messages, but not the part of replying.
Of course in the Info.plist I have the 3 default Intents for messaging.
Alright I kinda solved the issue or at least found a workaround:
I have 2 targets, one for PROD and other for Staging environment.
The display name of the app in both targets are same, but matches only the name of the target for PROD.
The Intents Extension was embed in the Staging Target, where I was getting the error mentioned above.
However, I tried exactly the same directly on the PROD target and it worked.
Provisioning profile and capabilities are same for both targets, so I assume is related to the mismatch between the name of the app and the name of the target built

xcode not showing simulator schemes

when i create a new project in xcode, i only see "iOS Device" under the list of possible run schemes. all simulators are missing. the strange thing is, if i do the exact same thing from a different user account, the resulting new project will show all schemes as expected.
i assume there is some kind of file permission problem with one of the user accounts, but i would like to know what the responsible files would be that could cause this. i already tried to repair disk permissions, no change.
i also removed xcode completely and re-installed, but no change.
many posts here suggest that a change of deployment target or settings verification can cure this, but in my case this did not help.

Trouble changing app's name in xcode 5

I am currently using xcode 5.1
I have successfully changed an app's name before using the same steps described this SO Question.
But for some reason I am having trouble right now. Usually, I have experienced this same screen. but this time when I changed the name it did not fully change everything.
When I view my project's targets, the old app name is still being used. If I clean and build my project, it will show the old name very quickly in the "progress bar" up at the top of xcode.
If I look at my project's supporting files folder, the plist still has the old app name ie. old-app-name-Info.plist
So far I have manually changed the project name, changed the bundle identifier, changed the Product Name in the Build Settings, and changed the name of the Scheme. I don't know what else to do.
The app now has the correct name when I run it on the simulator or on my iPhone, but the old app name is still being used throughout various areas in project folder's, xcode settings, etc.
I just want to fully change everything that use's the old app's name and make them use the new app name.
EDIT: Here's another example. If I go to the File Inspector tab the correct name is shown for the project, but if I go to the Issue Navigator tab it shows the old app name at the very top.
What do I need to do to change everything over?
This ended up finally changing it for me.
I went to the Project Navigator tab in xcode and clicked on my project. I then double clicked the target that still had the old app name, changed the name to the new app name, and hit the return key.
Everything is now correct and changed to the new app name. However, I still have no idea why the SO Answer that I linked to in my question did not get the job done in the first place.
I have used that solution several times over the past 6 months and it has always worked perfectly for me so I have no idea why it did not work this time.
Open your plist file and edit bundle name and bundle display name as you want.
This should do the trick.
Simply if you want to change the application name on devices go to the info.plist file on your application and Change Bundle Name to (yourAppName)
That's work for me. (XCode 6.3.2)
