Trouble changing app's name in xcode 5 - ios

I am currently using xcode 5.1
I have successfully changed an app's name before using the same steps described this SO Question.
But for some reason I am having trouble right now. Usually, I have experienced this same screen. but this time when I changed the name it did not fully change everything.
When I view my project's targets, the old app name is still being used. If I clean and build my project, it will show the old name very quickly in the "progress bar" up at the top of xcode.
If I look at my project's supporting files folder, the plist still has the old app name ie. old-app-name-Info.plist
So far I have manually changed the project name, changed the bundle identifier, changed the Product Name in the Build Settings, and changed the name of the Scheme. I don't know what else to do.
The app now has the correct name when I run it on the simulator or on my iPhone, but the old app name is still being used throughout various areas in project folder's, xcode settings, etc.
I just want to fully change everything that use's the old app's name and make them use the new app name.
EDIT: Here's another example. If I go to the File Inspector tab the correct name is shown for the project, but if I go to the Issue Navigator tab it shows the old app name at the very top.
What do I need to do to change everything over?

This ended up finally changing it for me.
I went to the Project Navigator tab in xcode and clicked on my project. I then double clicked the target that still had the old app name, changed the name to the new app name, and hit the return key.
Everything is now correct and changed to the new app name. However, I still have no idea why the SO Answer that I linked to in my question did not get the job done in the first place.
I have used that solution several times over the past 6 months and it has always worked perfectly for me so I have no idea why it did not work this time.

Open your plist file and edit bundle name and bundle display name as you want.
This should do the trick.

Simply if you want to change the application name on devices go to the info.plist file on your application and Change Bundle Name to (yourAppName)
That's work for me. (XCode 6.3.2)


How to change app display name in Xcode 8 to add a space

I am trying to put a space in my app name (standalone sticker pack) in Xcode 8. The solutions I've seen on here are to change the Product Name (in packaging) or to change the "Bundle Display Name".
I've changed the product name and that hasn't worked (I cleaned, rebuilt, reset content and settings in simulator and logged out of xcode, logged back in and rebuilt app).
I can't see "Bundle Display Name" anywhere. Should I add it and if so, how do I do that?
I've read the thread How to change the name of an iOS app? and done the suggestions, but it's still showing in simulator and testflight without the space. Have I missed something?
1. Open project Info.
2. Add a property Bundle display name into Custom iOS Target Properties. (as "Key")
3. Enter the display name, that will be shown on iPhone/iPad screen under an app icon. (as "Value")
It's my solution that works properly. Also you should delete previously installed app and reinstall it.
Just go to Target -> General -> In Identity -> Display Name. By default, it has your app display name which is unhighlighted. Enter here your new app display name.
There are two ways to change app display name.
Solution 1:
Goto Targets -> General Tab -> Identity section
In this you’ll find Display Name field where you set app display name.
Solution 2:
Bundle Display Name property is not present by default in Info.plist. You need to explicitly add this property.
Below image shows how to add this property.
Note: If still this new name is not reflected in your app then delete app and install it again.
When creating a new project, Xcode uses the Product Name by default. You can just change that in your Build Settings, even setting separate names for your schemes.
After changed Bundle display name make a Clean of project.
Change the Bundle Display Name (CFBundleDisplayName) in your Info.plist file
Check if you have any localization (InfoPlist.strings) files, and change the corresponding CFBundleDisplayName values in those files to the localized values.
That's it.
Goto Info.plist and add "Bundle display name" and set your rename in value box make sure the Bundle display name type is a string run the project automatically it will be changed
For xcode 9.3, Goto Targets, Build Settings, under packaging change Produce Name. See below screen shot
After this if it not changed, clean product to reopen X code.

iOS changing my app name

I was playing around with my app and tried to rename the app. And now I have the name stuck for some reason. I want to name it "MantisX", butfor some reason I have it stuck as "DataRecorder". I went into Targets and selected my app and changed the name to MantisX. But for some reason it still shows up as DataController. If I go into schemes, it only let's me select, even if I go into manage screens it has MantisX, but for some reason DataController is still around. I somehow wedged it, and I can't figure out how to change it. See the screenshots below..
I've already tried deleting the DerivedData folder and all it's subfolders/files and deleting XCUserData and XCSharedData and build->clean and restarting xcode and deleting the app from my phone and for some reason that dumb little icon hasn't updated it's text.
You should select target want edit and go tab info and rename field like screenshot below:

Accidentally deleted or lost the .xctest file in xcode 5 for my iOS app

I was trying to change my app's name earlier and for whatever reason what I normally do didn't work and so now things are sort of screwed up. I ended up manually changing the app name in various places in xcode and now the name appears to have successfully changed.
The app currently cleans, builds, and runs fine for both the simulator and my physical iPhone.
However, one thing that is bothering me is that if I go to the Project Navigator, and scroll down and view the contents of the Products folder, my .xctest file is red. If I select it, and then view it's details in the File Inspector on the right, and click the arrow button to view it in the finder, it doesn't take me anywhere.
If I open the folder that it's supposed to be in with Finder, it currently has 4 files. 2 of the files are .app files, one has the old app name and the other has the new app name. Both of these show warning icons like this in the Finder:
The other 2 files are dSYM files. One uses the old app name, and the other uses the new app name.
Like I said the app currently cleans, builds, and runs fine for both the simulator and my physical iPhone, but it still bothers me that I have somehow lost or deleted the .xctest file.
I am about to submit this app as my first app to the app store and I want to make sure that everything is perfect.
Do I need to create a new .xctest file from scratch?
Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.

Duplicating the iOS xcode project

I have copied the existing project and changed the name of the project, info.plist, and product name, targets. I wanted to create the same project with different name.
Actually this is done. The project name is changed, I have changed the name of the info.plist and the target name.
The problem I'm facing here is,
whenever I run the newly copied app on my simulator, it opens up the old app.
If I try deleting the old app. this newly created app doesnot open up. just say app is running. And the app is not launched on the simulator
I think some settings update have been missed out, which I'm not able to find out. Any idea what this might be.
Create different BundleID for your application.
If this does not work then as a workaround try to delete the old app from the simulator.
You need to change bundle identifier from info.plist to differentiate your app.
Reset your simulator and try running the new app it should work for you

Storyboard won't update in simulator

I have a working app in Xcode, however when I try to build and run it the simulator displays an older version of the storyboard I was working on. I had changed some of the design on the storyboard but this does not reflect in the simulator, nothing is updated.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Delete the App on the simulator.
List item
Build & Run
Use NSLog(#"") in your controller to check code execution.
I just spent at least 6 hours on this. I have a solution, but I also submitted a technical support ticket to apple to try to get more info on the cause and proper solution.
Simply remove the references to your storyboard files and add them back in the same file group.
This seems to include the storyboard files back into the app bundle generated during build(which can be seen in the
From here I can see my changes reflected from the storyboards as expected.
PS - Are you using localization at all? I was.
I lost 2 hours to this.
Solution was braindead simple: delete app, turn OFF the iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1), and turn it bavk on.
When you turn on localization,
xcode moves storyboard file in localization folder (ex. Base.lproj/name.storyboard). When you build and run project on simulator, xcode copy name.storyboard into "derivedData"/Base.lproj/name.storyboard, but previous, created before localization "derivedData"/name.storyboard still exists. In this case simulator uses the file which can be found easier, i.e simulator uses old file "derivedData"/name.storyboard to operate.
Solution: Just rename the storyboard file, in navigator and in targets/general.
This error happened to me for the first time when I had multiple copies of a project on my computer. For whatever reason, the fact that there were multiple copies were making it look as if the storyboard had not been updated between copies and in some cases the code was not updated. I thought I had forgotten to throw the right copy on my flash drive before going home, but it turned out it's an XCode error.
Delete any multiple copies using the same name, restart XCode and open your most recent copy. Extremely bizarre, but I will probably use BitBucket or GitHub from now on instead of throwing it on a flash drive.
worked for me!
I just have the same problem after localizationMy solution is clicking Product, Clean build folder. Then it will be fine
The storyboard on the simulator was what it should have been. The storyboard on the device would not update. I had to delete the application from the iPhone and then re-run it on the device in order to get the Storyboard to update on the device. Fortunately for me it was only test data, but I was using Auto-Layout on one view and went back to manual. I think that's what caused the issue for me.
I find that removing and adding storyboard file back doesn't work in my case, also it has side effects like it will automatically add a main nib entry into App's plist file (which subsequently makes the App fails to launch in iPhone simulator).
I don't want to try to delete the application from the simulator since I have many files under the Document directory of the App.
At last I find another way that works well: simply delete the "/Users/$username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/$app/$" file. The files under Documents directory are untouched.
(I have localized my storyboard as well.)
I found this same thing happened with Xcode 6.1.1 if I happened to have copied a project; the new project run in the simulator was actually still reflecting the old, original project.
In my case the problem was with how the default area was set up for derived data (essentially the location where the binary files go for a build). Mine was set to legacy and the simulator was using the wrong project, even after a clean. The solution was to go to Preferences->Locations, press Advanced, and change the location from Legacy to Unique.
I get this too when using localized storyboards - Run in Xcode just refuses to install the latest version of the compiled storyboard. I think it is something to do with the way Run copies changed resources across to the device - it does it differently than other forms of on device app installation.
The quickest way to get past this without deleting the app and losing any data is to:
Generate an Archive build in Xcode
Export this for Adhoc deployment
Double-click on the generated IPA to add it to iTunes
From the device page in iTunes force an update to that app
In order for iTunes to see that you have a new version your app build number will need to be incremented (if you don't do that already), before generating the archive.
I find this method means you don't have to delete an app off the device, you're just forcing it to install the entire install package rather than a diff which is what I think Run is doing.
I'm not sure what causes this, if it is a localized resources bug or what, but this is still a problem in Xcode 7 for me.
