newsstand app without subscriptions - ios

Back in iOS 5 days Newsstand-Apps needed to have a subscription option. Also if the app only offers free issues, there had to be at least a free subscription.
after downloading a bunch of apps from the iOS app store (newsstand section), many of them don't include a option to subscribe. Does Apple accept Newsstand-Apps that don't offer subscriptions?
i can't find any hints in the documentation that handle this topic?
anybody knows whats the current state of this "issue" ?

Yes. There are a lot of Newsstand which do not require subscription. The same topic is discussed here. You can even get a tutorial to develop free newsstand app here.
Hope this helps. Thanks.

I think so apple accepts coz in one of app c&en developed by me doesn't have any free subscription, but app already provide free toc. You can check that app on App Store.


IOS - Is is required to implement ATT into app before publishing

I am about to submit my app to App Store, but just wondered if it is required to implement the ATT alert into apps to publish in App Store. I looked into it and found that Apple postponed that until early next year. So to make sure, I called the Apple Developer Support, a guy said that it's required. I am confused not. Again, is it required to implement the APP alert at this point?
Yes you have to implement ATT into your app otherwise your app will be rejected by Apple.
We are talking about this guy :
If you interest this links are useful for this topic as well:
article about Apple policy for tracking change
apple document

How To Setup iOS App to Have Notify Button on App Store Pre-Launch

Some iOS apps that have not yet launched on the iOS app store now (Super Mario) have the ability for users to click a button on the app store listing to be notified when the app becomes available. How is this done? This will obviously impact a large number of apps/developers. If this is not yet possible for general release apps from the general developer community, only for apps that have specially arranged it with Apple, please update answers to this question when/if this becomes generally available, which seems likely.
Please do not downvote this question as 'off topic' given that the answer to this will obviously be important to a lot of iOS developers who turn to SO for answers (like I just did).
This is not a feature part of the Apple Developer Program.

Apple Rejection Policy and Programming Guide versioning

Is there any sort of change control documentation available regarding Apple's Programming Guidelines and rejections policies?
In the last few months our apps have been getting rejected for code that hasn't changed since the previous version. The two recent issues are Dropbox and now the in-app restore button. When you have to wait 12 days+, I would like a greater degree of certainty releases wont be rejected.
This are Apple guidelines,
Bare in mind that if apple wants to be stubborn with some things, they will find a way to make you change what they want. Dropbox problem was resolved, and IAP restore button is mandatory though.

What shoud I do/know before send my first ios app to Apple App store?

What shoud I do/know before I'll send my first ios app to Apple App store? Thak you.
Test the App
Let others test your App (try to find people with different devices and iOS versions)
Check the official guidelines and make sure your App does not use private API's
And, most important: be patient, review may take more time than expected.
Be ready to wait. Patience is a virtue.
Follow official documented guidelines and you will be unlikely to encounter any problems. 99% of bad stories you've heard about the app submission process are from people who didn't.

Does the Corona SDK support iOS app subscriptions?

I see they support in-app purchases, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.
I've never even heard of this before (incidentally, thanks for bringing it to my attention) and I've been frequently visiting their website as I work on my current project, so I would say that no they don't support subscriptions. This must be a brand new revenue model Apple just unveiled, so there hasn't been time for this to find it's way into Corona.
