What shoud I do/know before send my first ios app to Apple App store? - ios

What shoud I do/know before I'll send my first ios app to Apple App store? Thak you.

Test the App
Let others test your App (try to find people with different devices and iOS versions)
Check the official guidelines and make sure your App does not use private API's
And, most important: be patient, review may take more time than expected.

Be ready to wait. Patience is a virtue.

Follow official documented guidelines and you will be unlikely to encounter any problems. 99% of bad stories you've heard about the app submission process are from people who didn't.


How can I upload my ios app to apple store?

My iOS app is based on WebView.
I want to register this app to app store.
After submit, I can see this message from support team.
Hello,Thank you for your patience.
Regarding 4.2.0, your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile website. Specifically, your app does not contain any native iOS features within the app.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality..
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app."
How can I upload my app to app store?
My app is just to show only website on iOS webview. Just a simple app.
Please help me with this problem.
You can't.
I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but unless you change your app to significantly use some native iOS features, Apple will continue to decline your app. This is to ensure a minimum level of quality in the apps available. Due to this regulation, WebView-centric apps will not be accepted on the store. Please have a read on the guidelines to help you understand
If you really want to get it up on the store, you will have to add features. Otherwise, there are alternative distribution solutions that don't require publishing to the App store, but more often than not they are for businesses & in-house deployment.

Is it okay to solicit bug reports?

I've noticed that Instagram and some other apps allow users to report problems but don't actually let people report "bugs". Since I guess the premise of the Apple review process is they catch all bugs and there are no bugs in IOS apps, it makes sense that they do not use the word.
However, is Apple likely to reject the app if you use the word "bugs"?
Coming from a web background where it is okay to launch with a beta, I would like to be honest with users rather than politically correct if that is possible.
The reason I want to let them report bugs is not so much to catch them as we hope to launch bug-free but if anyone has a problem let them report it rather than write a bad review.
Would appreciate any guidance.
Thank you.
Apple review guideline;
2. Functionality
2.2 Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
I don't think this means that they have a filter on the word 'bug'. You may find some bug tracking apps available on the app store where they used the word so rejection it not a given, just because of a report bugs section in your app.
But at the time of an Apple review, if they find any bug, they will reject the app so that you may fix it. So you need to be very sharp at it that your app should not have any permanent bug or issue.
For confirmation you may contact App Developer support at https://developer.apple.com/contact/submit.php
You need to avoid using bug, beta or similar words. The phrase Bug report gives users the impression that your app has known issues. I would recommend Send feedback or Contact developer.
The App Store Review Guidelines does not allow you to submit beta apps.
Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected.
Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the
TestFlight guidelines
Similarly, you should not leave known issues present in your app. If you already know the issues, you need to fix them before you submit the app.
For example, when I wrote Please reboot the app if it freezes in the description, it was rejected.

newsstand app without subscriptions

Back in iOS 5 days Newsstand-Apps needed to have a subscription option. Also if the app only offers free issues, there had to be at least a free subscription.
after downloading a bunch of apps from the iOS app store (newsstand section), many of them don't include a option to subscribe. Does Apple accept Newsstand-Apps that don't offer subscriptions?
i can't find any hints in the documentation that handle this topic?
anybody knows whats the current state of this "issue" ?
Yes. There are a lot of Newsstand which do not require subscription. The same topic is discussed here. You can even get a tutorial to develop free newsstand app here.
Hope this helps. Thanks.
I think so apple accepts coz in one of app c&en developed by me doesn't have any free subscription, but app already provide free toc. You can check that app on App Store.

Apple to reject any apps that access UDIDs,don’t support Retina, iPhone 5 displays?

Got news from TNW, which states, "Starting May 1, the App Store will no longer accept new apps or app updates that access UDIDs. Please update your apps and servers to associate users with the Vendor or Advertising identifiers introduced in iOS 6."
My question is quite simple, how about OLDER APPS that have been released before May 1st and do access UDIDs? Also, what if the app doesn't support retina display? Do they remove it from the App Store?. If so, I am afraid of hearing YES.
Its very bad that apple not giving permission to access UDIDs, but there are some work arounds. Check out the link
Whatever, apple wont remove any app from appstore which is already reviewed by them.
They will not remove older Apps but its better to Update it with new rules like if it doesn't have retina support than it'll not useful for the retina iPhone & in current scenario Majority of users using retina iPhones only so its good to update the Application.
Hope this helps.
I don't think so if Apple need to remove the current app that recently access UUID it takes time to review before remove them out.

Zynga Fontlabel is accepted by AppStore?

I need to handle fonts in iOS at runtime. The only solution I found is zynga FontLabel: https://github.com/zynga/FontLabel.
I am not sure, if using this solution, will affect the acceptance of my App into AppStore. So my question is, will using this solution ruin my chance of getting my App into AppStore? Any experience with that?
FontLabel will not prevent you from getting listed on the app store. It doesn't use any private frameworks or alone violate any App Store policies.
Many apps use it on the App Store today without an issue.
