The bundle is invalid with xcode 5.1.1 - ios

I know you already have several posts with this subject but I still could not find the answer to my problem in time to upload my binary. I get the error:
The bundle is invalid. New apps and updates app submitted to the App Store must be built with public.
...but I'm already using xcode 5.1.1 so do not know why I get this error. How should I proceed?


Invalid Swift Support. ... "doesn’t have the correct file type for this location" on App validation

I am trying to upload my app to iTunes Store. But when I try to do that I get the following message:
Invalid Swift Support. The file,,,,,,,,,,,, doesn’t have the correct file type for this location. Ensure you’re using the correct file, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it.
I am getting crazy, I do not know what is the problem. I had XCode 9.2 (which is the latest version in the App Store; I updated it a few days ago), but I have deleted the from /Applications in order to reinstall it from the AppStore. But I get the same error.
I have tried to upload a completely new app, a blank app, without any change, just like XCode creates it. And it gives me the same error.
I think there is something bad in my XCode installation, but I do not know what... Could you help me? Please? I have been trying a lot of things for 2 days.. I need to publish the app, I am loosing my time with this sh*tty error.
I am going to try to completely remove XCode, do you know what files should I remove?

Trying to re-upload app compilation to iTunes Connect

Alright, I'm trying to upload my first app to the App Store, at first it got rejected due to a simple bug, But I can't figure out how to re upload the fixed version to iTunes Connect. When I try to send it through Xcode ou Application Loader, I get the following error:
The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken.
The app's version is 1.0, the build number is 1. I can't figure out how to replace the older rejected compilation with the new one. Every time I try sending a new compilation, I get this error. I already tried changing the app's version and bundle numbers. I also can't make a new version or even delete the app from iTunes Connect.
I'm using Xcode 9.
I probably rejected the rejected build, so the app's status is "ready to send" again, like in the beginning.
The error you have mentioned, does not seem to be about the version, but rather the app name. Its been asked and answered already
For versioning :
Read the Technical note on Version Numbers and Build Numbers.
Specifically :
For every new build you submit, you will need to invent a new build
number whose value is greater than the last build number you used (for
that same version).
You you will have to bump your build number.
Turns out it was the app's name (Display name)! Looks like that if you compile it with a different display name than what's on iTunes Connect, it will get you that error!

FirebaseCrash error with dump_syms when submitting to iOS App Store

I've installed Firebase Crash into my app (without using CocoaPods) but, when I try to submit it to the iOS App Store, I get the following error:
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file
'' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain
standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable
of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at for information on
the iOS app bundle structure."
Please note that, if I remove the dump_syms file from the bundle resources, the crash is correctly reported into Firebase but is not symbolized.
Someone suggested to read Firebase issue #46 where they say that the warning problem during the build has been resolved, but it is not. I'm using the latest version of Firebase.
I asked to Firebase Support Team and they said that dump_syms should not be included in the bundle.
Probably the only way to have report properly symbolicated (if you use Apple's Bitcode) is to upload dSYMS files manually.
You can read more on this issue I opened here

iOS app submit for review fails 'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities'

I am getting an error when attempting to submit my new app version for review through iTunes Connect. This is the error I am getting:
The app's Info.plist can't contain values for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key that would prevent this app from opening on any iOS device that was supported by previous versions. For more information, see Understanding the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities Key.
In every build previously released of this app, I have listed the following attribute under "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities" in the plist file:
In this latest build I have included some features dependent on location so I have increased the required capabilities to:
armv7, location-services, gps
This now causes my build to throw the above error message on submission. Has anyone dealt with this problem before?
Currently, I have attempted bumping the version and tried removing 'armv7' from the required capabilities.
Device Compatibility for iTunes submissions.
Here is the relevant section:
Important: All device requirement changes must be made when you submit
an update to your binary. You are permitted only to expand your device
requirements. Submitting an update to your binary to restrict your
device requirements is not permitted. You are unable to restrict
device requirements because this action will keep customers who have
previously downloaded your app from running new updates.
So the short answer is, you cannot do that. If you absolutely must have those flags, then you will need to create a new app for it.
The issue here is, that devices where the app was installed previously and don't support these capabilities "won't" be able to update the app, and that's why you get this error
So I don't think you will be able to put them there.
I originally asked the question, but I am commenting because I was able to submit the app for review by removing the 'gps' device capability.

GooglePlayGames not signed using an Apple submission certificate

Since itunes connect UI have changed I'm expressing problems submitting app updates.
I am using libgdx v 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT' and roboVM v '0.0.14'
The error I am getting from Application Loader:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle
'' at bundle path
'Payload/' is not signed using
an Apple submission certificate."
Any idea on why is this happening?
I found the solution! :
The latest update google has done to their iOS SDK 1.7.1 has fixed up everything except for the final GooglePlayGames.bundle which is available in the outdated GooglePlayGames iOS SDK v3.0
As soon as that SDK gets updated, we should be able to use this plugin and validate properly.
As for now you can do it manually by deleting the "GooglePlayGames.bundle/GooglePlayGames" binary.
It won't affect anything since it's just derived data.
Works Perfectly!
