TFS Build definition - how to specify condition for scheduled build - tfs

I want to reorganize our build system.
Some of the builds are depended on some other builds and I want to make sure that they are not queued automatically if condition is not met(build that they depend on is not finished without errors).
Does anybody know how to do this?
We are using TFS 2012.


I can start the same build definitions multiple times and they are processed parallel, how can I deny this behavior?

I have created a vNext build definition in TFS 2018. I'm able to queue this
build definition many times and they were processed parallel.
This behaviour is not acceptable. If they are processed in order, I can live with it.
Does anyone know which setting I have to setup in the definition?
I'm running a tfs in following environment:
TFS 2018.2 On-Premise
4 Build-Agents with different capabilities
1 Build-Definition which fulfills the capabilities of all agents
It is planned, to have more build definitions. Today, we have only one because we are migrating our xaml-builds to vNext.
On the Triggers tab, check the "Batch Changes While Build is in Progress" option and set the number of concurrent builds to 1.
However, I would strongly recommend fixing whatever prevents your builds from running in parallel. Builds should ideally be stateless and have no impact on one another.
You can also set a custom Demand/Capability pair such that only one of your agents satisfies your build definition's requirements.

TFS Chained Gated Check In Builds

Currently my TFS 2012 build environment features a Build Verification (BVT) build which mostly follows LabDefaultTemplate.xaml worfklow. The BVT build first queues a Continuous Build (which mostly follows the DefaultTemplate.11.xaml), waits for that build to finish, then performs the necessary tests.
Now, I would like to change this BVT build to be Gated Check-In. Which is to say, I don't want any changes to be committed until the BVT is successful. The problem seems to be queuing the Continuous build definition in such a way that it will pick up the shelf set. This logic appears to be dependent on the build being started with Reason = "CheckInShelveset". However it seems all builds queued from another build always have Reason "UserCreated". Has anyone found a way around this problem? Is it possible to chain builds together while still having Gated Check-Ins?

TFS, Jenkins and how to update work items with build numbers

We are using TFS and the TFS Build Service. We are considering to migrate the Build service to Jenkins but we came across some issues. According to this site, there are some things that do not work very well with the TFS and Jenkins plugins. All of them we use a lot:
Associated Change sets – Team Build automatically associates a list of change sets that are included in the build
Associated Work Items – Team Build analysis the relationships and also associates Work Items with a build. Indeed it walks the work item tree (parent) and maintains that association in the chain.
Is this still true? We have this scenario:
A developer checks in a code that fix a bug or resolve a User Story. It does that by associating his check in with the work item ID.
His check in triggers a build that will associate the work item with his changeset. For bugs, the build will update the "Integrated in Build" field with the build number. We use this field to know in witch version the bug was fixed.
Is there any way to make Jenkins behave and do what TFS build service does?
Another option is to mix the two using dummy builds on the TFS side that set the records straight and kick-off the Jenkins' builds. Some hints
How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters and “Fake” a TFS Build.
This approach requires a bit of effort but has many advantages:
No big-bang, use Jenkins opportunistically
Can continue using existing builds
Having a build identifier in TFS allows you an overall monitoring and to use the Test features
I have a VSTS build definition for one of our projects that requires jenkins to build, but we still have all our other products using VSTS natively. To maintain consistency, this build definition triggers a jenkins build. We configured the build definition to not sync code as jenkins will download it (save time) and not to publish the artifacts back to the agent (i have another script for that found here). This allows developers to continue to use git as normal, and the build/release process is consistent with our other products. Along with task tracking and such.

TFS 2010 Exclude file type from gated check-in

Is it possible programmatically to on a Gated -Check in build in TFS 2010 to not trigger a Gated Build when checking in a specific file type, i.e. ".config"? How can I accomplish that?
Not that I know of, you can only configure the workspace mappings which controls when the build triggers. so you can include or cloak folders, but not file types.
Presumably you don't want to run the Gated Build because a config file won't affect the build. But still running the build anyways shouldn't really hurt anything, you just waste a little bit of resources on your build server.
If it's really a concern, you can customize the build template, to look at what files are in the linked changeset (using a custom activity and the TFS API probably), and if it's just config files abort the build (with a successful result).
I would go down the route of seeing what messages TFS processes when performing a gated checkin. It might be possible to some how write a TFS server side plugin to hook the event, inspect the changeset and stop the build while allowing the shelf set to commit.
You are swimming pretty far out of Microsofts swim lane on this one so I'm not sure how much work and what the side effects would be on this one.
FWIW, I would want the build to run even on a config file change because I always want to be able to deploy the latest build and see the state of my project.

How to perform the Build in TFS2010? What is the Logic should we adopt and How to get a files from TFS 2010?

Currently we are using StarTeam to perform the build as well as versioning. we planned to migrate startteam to TFS2010. We have some script for perform the build. i wanted to change this script according to my requirement. i gone through the TFS but i had lot more confusion.
in StarTeam, we will get a files from "Ready to Build" label and perform the build. In TFS, how we are going to get a files from TFS? What concept should i use to get a files and perform the build? i have gone through the lot of commands like get, check-in, checkout etc..
If we use "tf get" command, we can get all the files from TFS but i have a clarification on that. shall i get all the files from TFS for every build? i hope, this is unnecessary headache.. correct me if i am wrong..
how we perform the build in TFS? i have read some types of build such as manual, gatedcheckin, Continuous Integration and schedule.
Is there any relationship between branch and build activities?
In TFS, What is the meaning of Workspace?
As said, many questions in one. Hope this helps along the way:
A workspace is a mapping between the server and a local storage,
similar to checkout in Subversion, view in ClearCase, etc.
"TF get" normally only fetches those files that have changed since
last update. You can force it to fetch everything - and sometimes
have to - but its not normally done.
Team Build is the recommended system to build with when using TFS. It can take some time to get into (Windows Workflow-based), but is quite powerful. There are default process definitions that set up the most common actions for you.
By default, you can't control whether to build by setting a certain label, but you can define that only this label should be used when builds are triggered. Labels in TFS work a little differently compared to other VCS, though, so maybe there's an 'opportunity' to re-think your build process along the way. If you're set on using a label as before, you'll need to build a Custom build activity.
