TFS, Jenkins and how to update work items with build numbers - jenkins

We are using TFS and the TFS Build Service. We are considering to migrate the Build service to Jenkins but we came across some issues. According to this site, there are some things that do not work very well with the TFS and Jenkins plugins. All of them we use a lot:
Associated Change sets – Team Build automatically associates a list of change sets that are included in the build
Associated Work Items – Team Build analysis the relationships and also associates Work Items with a build. Indeed it walks the work item tree (parent) and maintains that association in the chain.
Is this still true? We have this scenario:
A developer checks in a code that fix a bug or resolve a User Story. It does that by associating his check in with the work item ID.
His check in triggers a build that will associate the work item with his changeset. For bugs, the build will update the "Integrated in Build" field with the build number. We use this field to know in witch version the bug was fixed.
Is there any way to make Jenkins behave and do what TFS build service does?

Another option is to mix the two using dummy builds on the TFS side that set the records straight and kick-off the Jenkins' builds. Some hints
How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters and “Fake” a TFS Build.
This approach requires a bit of effort but has many advantages:
No big-bang, use Jenkins opportunistically
Can continue using existing builds
Having a build identifier in TFS allows you an overall monitoring and to use the Test features

I have a VSTS build definition for one of our projects that requires jenkins to build, but we still have all our other products using VSTS natively. To maintain consistency, this build definition triggers a jenkins build. We configured the build definition to not sync code as jenkins will download it (save time) and not to publish the artifacts back to the agent (i have another script for that found here). This allows developers to continue to use git as normal, and the build/release process is consistent with our other products. Along with task tracking and such.


TFS 2015 and later - Tagging agents

Does anyone know if the feature to tag agents has dissapeared?
I could not find anything related to over the internet.
My idea is to have certain builds use a specific agent. On TFS 2013 I would use tagging, but i no longer see that option.
On the other hand, I see that it is possible to connect a build definition to a certain agent queue.
There is no more agent tags for TFS 2015 or later version. If you want to use a particular build definition and a specific build Agent which used to run the build.
You could add a user Capability to that specific build agent then in the build definition you put that capability as a demand (General tab).
Another way is directly using Agent.Name or Agent.ComputerName demands in build def or when queuing a build. Take a look at this blog: How to send TFS build to a specific agent or server, which also support on TFS2015.
Oren: Is this feature works in TFS15 SP3?
Reply Eric Parvin: Yes, this should work on TFS 2015 to the newest version.
Use demands and capabilities for this. Add a custom capability to the build agent, and then add a matching demand to the build definition.
Demands and capabilities would work, and you could also create a specific queue, with a single available agent in it, and set the queue to your desired build, so you would achieve the same behavior as desired one.

TFS2012 Project Build Priority

Is there a way in TFS 2012 to set Project (not .csproj projects but TFS projects) build priority?
Currently we have many projects in TFS, one of which is a core project that many other projects reference. If someone checks in changes to both core and another project at once, the core project build doesn't always kick off first (I think they build in alphabetical order). It would be nice to be able to set the core project as the highest priority so that its build always runs first when changes to multiple projects are checked in. Is this possible?
There is no way to set the default build priority for a Build Definition. Since a Build Definition isn't bound to a Team project, but to a collection, there is also no way to configure the Queue to pick up builds from one Team Project before any others.
What you can do is to set a tag on an agent and then assign that tag to the build you want to take precedence. This will exclusively reserve the Build Agent to that specific build definition, causing it to jump in the queue.
Is there a way in TFS 2012 to set Project (not .csproj projects but TFS projects) build priority?
A project in TFS is quite a loose term which does not correspond to a VS project, it's actually used to refer to a product which can contain many branches. The high level project management tools then operate on the TFS "project".
If someone checks in changes to both core and another project at once, the core project build doesn't always kick off first (I think they build in alphabetical order).
Nope, assuming you don't have a custom build then they (the VS projects) don't build in alphabetic order at all, they build in order of dependency. Solutions are built in the order they are returned from the evaluation of the $(SolutionsToBuild) property (this does a wildcard search of the filesystem for .sln files, so maybe that's where your alphabetic observation comes from). Note that dependencies are evaluated on projects within a solution, there is no evaluation of dependencies across solutions.
For the following statements I'm going to assume that you have standard CI style builds gated upon checkin.
If a developer checks in everything at once then the checkin will happen as an atomic unit of work and the build will commence once the checkin is successfully committed. If this is not your experience then I would suggest that you either have funky stuff happening in a custom build, or the developer is checking blocks of work in separately rather than all at once.
Note that this happens per checkin per workspace - if two different developers check stuff in at the same time then whoever checks-in first will trigger the build, and the submission of the second developer will miss the build.

Build Pipelines in TFS

In 2009, there was a SO question on the same topic.
I'm wondering if later versions of Team Foundation Server are better at longer build pipelines. Refer features of Jenkins, TeamCity, ThoughtWorks' Go (my employer).
The visualizations of the build pipelines are important to me, as well as the notification about individual stages passing or failing. That and the eminent clone-ability of say a 'trunk' pipeline into one for a release branch as that branch leaps into being.
Secondly, a personal holy-grail is the CI server storing its config in the SCM that's holding the buildable thing itself, and even picking up on the creation of branches silently to provision new pipelines; Can TFS be configured to store the CI definitions/scripts in its SCM side rather than its accompanying SqlServer?
TFS build consists of three components:
The build definition - stored on the SQL server data tier.
The build workflow - a XAML file stored in the source control.
The supporting MSBuild scripts - usually contains user defined actions, also stored in the source control.
As the build progresses, you can see visualization of the build steps and you also get a different log for the main build and the MSBuild output.
The build definition in TFS is merely a collection of build settings, similar to CC.Net's config file and TeamCity's build configuration tab which both stored on the file system as well. Assuming there's a backup plan on the database you don't really need to store the build defintions on the source control, but if you must it's possible by exporting the tbl_BuildDefinition table.
The TFS Power Tools adds cloning functionality for build definitions.
There's no OOTB support for provisioning build definitions from a new branch though it's fairly feasible using the TFS-API.
Bit late to the party, but just don't bother with TFS if you want advanced build pipeline automation. It simply doesn't cut it.
I have used Jenkins and TFS both extensively. Tfs is just. pure. crap. Here's why.
No down/up stream build.
No piepline/orchestraion build. (like jenkins)
Obscure ways of adding build steps and falls back to using MsBuild.
Slow and still polls the source control.
Ties you to MsTest.
And please don't point me to "Oh look you can do everything if you write a custom activity". I'm not wasting time doing development for a closed source, sub-par platform. If I am going to contribute something, it's to a FREE. OPEN SOURCE platform.

How to perform the Build in TFS2010? What is the Logic should we adopt and How to get a files from TFS 2010?

Currently we are using StarTeam to perform the build as well as versioning. we planned to migrate startteam to TFS2010. We have some script for perform the build. i wanted to change this script according to my requirement. i gone through the TFS but i had lot more confusion.
in StarTeam, we will get a files from "Ready to Build" label and perform the build. In TFS, how we are going to get a files from TFS? What concept should i use to get a files and perform the build? i have gone through the lot of commands like get, check-in, checkout etc..
If we use "tf get" command, we can get all the files from TFS but i have a clarification on that. shall i get all the files from TFS for every build? i hope, this is unnecessary headache.. correct me if i am wrong..
how we perform the build in TFS? i have read some types of build such as manual, gatedcheckin, Continuous Integration and schedule.
Is there any relationship between branch and build activities?
In TFS, What is the meaning of Workspace?
As said, many questions in one. Hope this helps along the way:
A workspace is a mapping between the server and a local storage,
similar to checkout in Subversion, view in ClearCase, etc.
"TF get" normally only fetches those files that have changed since
last update. You can force it to fetch everything - and sometimes
have to - but its not normally done.
Team Build is the recommended system to build with when using TFS. It can take some time to get into (Windows Workflow-based), but is quite powerful. There are default process definitions that set up the most common actions for you.
By default, you can't control whether to build by setting a certain label, but you can define that only this label should be used when builds are triggered. Labels in TFS work a little differently compared to other VCS, though, so maybe there's an 'opportunity' to re-think your build process along the way. If you're set on using a label as before, you'll need to build a Custom build activity.

TFS Build Architecture

I am preparing to move my team's source control from VSS over to TFS 2008.
This is for an website, and I am currently using a combination of nant scripts and Cruise Control to do all of the builds and deployments.
I've been trying to wrap my head around the best way to architect TFS build to do the same thing I'm doing with NANT and Cruise Control, but I can't determine the best approach.
Here are my requirements:
When code reaches a certain point, I manually apply a label to it.
This labeled code needs to be built and deployed to any of our 25 different Dev, QA, or production environments.
Any of these 25 environments can be on any current or past labeled version of the application.
I need to be able to deploy any labeled version of the application to any of the environments.
I'm currently accomplishing the above using NANT to perform the build, and using Cruise Control to just pass in command line options for which environment(s) to build and deploy. I have a Nant config file with a list of all of my environments, and an associated label each environment should currently be using. This file gets manually updated whenever a new label is created.
I know the approach I'm using for NANT probably won't be the same as with Team Build, but has anyone done something similar with Team Build and could share how you accomplished it?
Labeling in TFS is much more robust than in VSS. When you create a label, you can create based on a changeset, date, workspace version, heck even a different label. (BTW, I was grabbing a link and came across this post that you might find relevant.)
By default, a Team Build will build from the latest version of code in source, but you can override the "CoreGet" target in a build to build a specific version. Aaron Hallberg (a.k.a. TFS's John Skeet) shows an example here.
see 4.
I haven't personally had this difficult of a requirement, but I've done something similar. When you queue the build, you can pass in any number of parameters in a couple important ways, 1) through the response file and 2) at queue time (simple example here). In either case, two parameters could be which environment and which label/version number. At my current project, I have continuous integration turned on, so when code in a workspace is checked in, the current code is automatically labeled, pull the specifics for my drop location from the response file, then deploy to the respective location.
Given the fact that you have ~25 environments and n number of versions/labels, you could build a simple GUI that reads the current labels through the TFS API and lets you pick which version to build to a particular environment.
To answer the question, the way I addressed this was to use a combination of a custom build task, cruise control, and msbuild.
The custom build task allowed me to get the latest version from a specific branch and label.
Cruise control allowed me to pass in specific information for a specific build to MSbuild, using a config file, but initiate the build from a UI.
msbuild was used like normal, however it was called from cruise control, and the custom build task did most of the work.
