How to troubleshoot heroku rake tasks - ruby-on-rails

I have rake tasks that work fine in localhost. When i run rake task:task_name it executes fine. In heroku, when i run heroku run rake task:task_name it does not execute. Logs doesn't seem to contain information on this. Is there somewhere I can go to see why this isn't working?
I also have this set up in my scheduler but that's not working either. It completes fine but doesn't actually seem to do what it should (send an email out).
Thanks for any guidance.

Unless your rake task writes to the log, it won't generate any logs. You should add in some logging statements that give you some waypoints that you know you are hitting, so you can start to see where the task falls over. From there, you can drill in and add more logging statements


How to run code when starting a rails app but not when jumping in console or using rake tasks?

I need to run some code when starting the rails server. I put the code in the application.rb and it works; the problem is that it runs every time I launch a rake task or I jump in rails console.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Here is a good start:

IntelliJ Idea/Rubymine push to Heroku running db:migrate

I'm using IntelliJ Idea with the Rubymine plugin, and Heroku plugin, and I'm a bit stumped when it comes to pushing an app to Heroku. I can set it up and actually push the app: off it goes, and launches successfully. But even before I did that I was expecting it to fail because I couldn't find anyway of getting it to do a db:migrate. And so it proved: the app is launched but of course it fails pretty much immediately because there's no DB.
I've looked on the forums, google etc but nothing. Is this something that can only be done from the command line? I would have expected an IDE to be what it says on the tin: Integrated. So I feel I'm missing something. The Run configuration works as I've said, and the Heroku log has no errors, but I need a way to tell it to run the db:migrate before launching.
Any ideas?
The answer is that it is something that it doesn't do - confirmed by IntelliJ. So in this case, one needs to push the app to Heroku, drop to the command line and run the migration there: heroku run rake db:migrate.
I raised a feature request so this may be something that can be added in the future.
I haven't figured out how to do this automatically as part of the RubyMine/JetBrains Heroku Plugin. But you can cobble this together from other sources.
Start with this gist that creates rake tasks for Heroku operations provided by this answer to a similar question:
Then create a new run configurations for each Rake task that you will be using at some point. You will need at minimum push and migrate. But the other tasks might interest you.
Then create a new compound run configuration calling the Rake tasks you created in step 2 in the correct order.
Step 2 and 3 can be consolidated by creating one rake task for migration, and adding a before rake task to push. But that's kind of counter intuitive.
Note: that this approach does require you to have the Heroku CLI installed and configured with valid credentials.

heroku run rake db:migrate doesn't find app

I've tried everything - I always get Timeout waiting dyno or App not found.
can someone please help me use the right syntax or something - what in the world could I be doing wrong??
Here are some links that haven't helped:
heroku : run rake db:migrate error
Heroku run rake db:migrate results in no change in the database, app restarted several times
the problem was that I was trying to do this at work. I thought that it was communicating with the server because it would say things like app not found but it actually wasn't. when I tried this at home it worked fine.

Heroku Scheduler not creating log

I recently set up the Scheduler add on and set up my rake task, 'rake cron_jobs:my_task'.
When I test it with
'heroku run rake cron_jobs:my_task', it works fine.
The scheduler also claims it ran when it was supposed to, and is scheduled to run again, but there's no logging associated with the process the way says there should be.
'heroku ps' shows no scheduled dynos, 'heroku logs --ps scheduler.1' has no output.
What am I missing?
Actually I was trying to solve this myself, and did not find the answer anywhere, so here it is if someone else is struggling with this:
heroku logs --tail --ps scheduler
--tail is important to keep streaming the logs.
My best guess: the heroku ps and heroku logs commands only give you status logs for currently running processes/dynos.
So after the scheduled rake task is done, you can't reach the logs through the command line.
You can access the history of your logs by using one of the logging addons. Most of them offer a free tier too.
They all are based on the log drains which you also could use directly, if you want to build it yourself.
Here is what I do for that:
Simply in your tasks itself include put statements to know when the job started running and when it is finished as well.
Also, you can include puts statement in the executed job as well.
I'm using paper trial add-on which is a very powerful logging tool that you can search and find any particular log at a specific time. Also, you can add an alert when your schedule job started to run.
I had a similar problem (using the newer Heroku PGBackups Service) and found an unexpected explanation for it.
The rake task rake pgbackups-archive was not run by Heroku Scheduler, but it worked when I ran it manually from the command line.
In my case, I noticed that my issues were caused by the different time zone used by the Heroku interface (which seems not to be CET). So my rake task which should have run at a specific time daily effectively never ran, as I changed the specific time throughout the day for testing and I always missed the specified time in the Heroku timezone.
You can try running the task every ten minutes and see if it works.

Rails can't execute rake task

Rails won't fire off a rake command from my controller because it can't find rake. I know this because I experienced this in my dev environment and fixed it by giving it the absolute path to rake. However this solution isn't working my production environment.
Things I know:
I can run the rake task rom cli
I can run it through irb with a: system "rake ..."
I can't find any errors!
How in the heck do I go about troubleshooting this???
The rake task I was calling in production was failing because of my attempt to dump it's contents into a log with logger disabled.
system "rake invite INVITE_ID=5 RAILS_ENV=production >> /root/log/rake.log &"
Thanks for all your help...sorry for being so vague. I was just looking for quick responses hoping I was doing something stupid. Which I was. I SWEAR I tried it without the log entry...probably moving too fast like I always do.
Also, just to answer a couple questions. The rake task I'm using is an internal tool I use myself for some maintenance and want to simply offload that task to my coworker who uses an app I've built. There's no need to industrialize it with a scheduler, etc...
