Applescript: Moving a file using only it's path - path

Thanks to help from people on Stack Overflow, I'm working on a huge program using Applescript, but I have gotten stuck at a part where I have made a new folder, and I am trying to move 2 illustrator files into it. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as I have moved file before after selected them with "choose", but this time I'm not selecting them I only have variables with their full paths.
So my question is how can I move the 2 files using their full paths?
Can I somehow manipulate the variables into a more manageable format?
This is the part of the code not working (the full thing is huge but I can post it if requested) and a few snippets of where variables got their values from
set saveLocation to ((path to desktop) as string) --place to save the files
set theFile to choose file --choose .ai file to get outlines on
tell application "Finder" to set fileName to name of theFile
set fullPath to (saveLocation & fileName) --file path of new .ai
make new folder at saveLocation with properties {name:(text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)}
tell current application
set newFolder to POSIX path of saveLocation
set newFolder to newFolder & (text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)
*--set newFolder to choose folder* -- I tested to see if manually selecting the new folder helped, it didn't
move fullPath to newFolder
I really appreciate any help, thanks in advance

Very simple, set the make folder to a variable to call later. Looks like this:
tell app "finder" --need to use Finder to move files
set somevariable to make new folder at saveLocation with properties {name:(text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)}
move file fullPath to folder somevariable
end tell


cordova-plugin-file: files not accessible after app update (iOS)

I am experiencing a funny problem: I am developing an ionic app, using cordova-plugin-file to store images. The resulting paths (URIs in form file:///...) are stored in a SQLite DB along with more information. When I install the app and use it, all works perfect. But if I update (or reinstall) the app, the old images are not found anymore, while newly added images work perfect.
I first suspected that the image files were being deleted on update, but I checked the content of the directory and the files are still there. (FYI: I am using file.dataDirectory/scans/ to place my files).
Then I thought that maybe I could go around the problem loading into img src a base64 blob loaded with cordova.file.readAsUrl(), but cordova.file does not find the file as well (I insist, the files are there, I checked with XCode).
So I checked further with cordova.file and it only finds files that are added after last app install, but the older files are still present in the directory.
Here my code:
private getImgSrcFromDocument(doc: Document): any {
const uri = doc.fileName;
const src = this.webView.convertFileSrc(uri);
const sanitized = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(src);
console.log({uri, src, sanitized});
return sanitized;
<img class="document_thumbnail" [src]="getImgSrcFromDocument(doc)">
I have already checked this, but is not my case.
By the way, the same code works perfect on Android.
Any idea what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance!
I found the reason why and the solution (very obvious when you know the problem):
On every new install, iOS renames the data directory for the app. The directory path has this form:
The hash in the middle is renewed on every install, so the stored full paths in DB are not valid anymore.
If you still can do it (no deploy yet, no real users), store only the relative path and complete it every time with this.file.dataDirectory (or wherever you wanted to store your files).
If you already have real users and want your update to 'find the files', just ignore the first part of the stored path and build it like before:
const ValidUri = this.file.dataDirectory + // The injected cordova-plugin-file
'relativeSubDirectories/' + // If you store your files in some subdirectory
this.document.storedFullPath.substr( // Take from fullPath only the filename
this.document.storedFullPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
Where storedFullPath is the string file:///var/mobile/....
After that, you still have to do the webView conversion and the sanitizing, like in the question above.
Hope this helps someone.

Get directory path pointing to the correct folder?

I'm trying to create link for the file upload. I'm calling file upload function from .cfc file. The file should be uploaded in a different folder. Here is what I get if after this code is executed in component.cfc page:
<cfset thisPath = ExpandPath( "./" ) />
I need to go level back in myapp and open bug folder. Then in a bug folder I need to direct the path either to folder1/ documents or folder2/documents. That will depend on the form field, here is example:
<cfset folder = trim(form.type) EQ 1 "folder1" : "folder2">
The path should either point to:
I'm looking for a solution that will work even if I roll this code to a different server with the same directory structure. Is there a good way to achieve this in ColdFusion?

Iexpress - extraction path

I am going to create a self extracting archive but I have got a problem connecting with the default path of the extraction. I would like to extract my files in the same path as the self-extraction archive program. Unfortunately, the files are extracting in another path (C:\Users\computer\AppData\Temp\IXP000.TMP). Is it possible to set the path?
I can't find any direct way to do this with IExpress, but there is a trick we can apply.
But first I'll point out that this is really easy with something like 7-Zip's 7zCon.sfx module (if all you need to do is have the archive extract to the current directory, no questions asked). So you might just want to try something other than IExpress.
Anyhow, the problem with IExpress is that, at the time our install program runs, we're no longer in the directory of the original archive; the current directory is now something like %temp%\IXP000.TMP. So we need to find the directory of our parent process – kind of a pain. Once that's known, we can just xcopy the contents of the archive over to the destination folder.
In VBScript, it would look something like this:
Option Explicit
Dim objShell, objWMI
Dim objCmd, intMyPid, intMyParentPid, objMyParent
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set objCmd = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe")
intMyPid = objWMI.Get("Win32_Process.Handle='" & objCmd.ProcessID & "'").ParentProcessId
intMyParentPid = objWMI.Get("Win32_Process.Handle='" & intMyPid & "'").ParentProcessId
Set objMyParent = objWMI.Get("Win32_Process.Handle='" & intMyParentPid & "'")
objShell.Run "xcopy /y * " & """" & Left(objMyParent.ExecutablePath, _
InStrRev(objMyParent.ExecutablePath, ".exe", -1, vbTextCompare) -1) &_
"\""", 0, True
Your install program would then be, eg: wscript extractToOriginalLocation.vbs //B.
(Inspired somewhat by the answer to this question.)
You could always use a cmd script and echo lines of code into files in specific directories

read file from res folder blackberry

I want to read file from "res" folder on blackberry. The file that i used is a file javascript.
I used this code InputStream in = classs.getResourceAsStream("file.js");. But i get "could not find this path" and I use also
String srcFile = "/res/ressourcesWeb/file.js";
FileConnection srcConn = (FileConnection), Connector.READ);
InputStream in = srcConn.openInputStream();
but i got an exception.
Can any one help me to read the file and give me the right path that should I use?
Your res folder has to be inside src folder to be accessed from your code.
src folder is the root folder of your project package. And all folders outside of src folder are invisible for the code at runtime.
Check this post for more details: Blackberry runtime error: FRIDG: could not find img/logo.png
There's file location principle described.
You actually do not need to put your resources under the src folder for them to be accessible from your code.
That is one way to do it, but I don't think it's the best way. Files under the src folder should really be source code, not images, or other resources. For JavaScript resources, it's debatable whether those should be under src or not. Most projects I've seen have used the src folder for only Java source code.
In any case, if you would like to keep your file (or other resources, like images) outside the src folder, you can do so. The BlackBerry plugin for Eclipse actually sets it up like this by default, when you create a new project. There is a res folder at the top level, next to (not under) src.
If you have
Then, you can open the file like this:
String jsPath = "/resourcesWeb/file.js";
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsPath);
byte [] content = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(input);
String contentAsString = new String(content);
P.S. You also can probably do this:
String jsPath = "/file.js";
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsPath);
and not specify the path to the resource. Obviously, this will only work if there are no naming conflicts in your resource folders (e.g. you don't have /res/resourcesWeb/file.js and also /res/otherPath/file.js) -> But it works in Console

My files are referenced like so (it's all relative):
public static string myPageTitleXML = "xml/pagetitles.xml";
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(myPageTitleXML))
{ //etc.. . .etc....etc..
I get, and "this problem needs to be shut down", when I double click the executable. But running it from the console works like a charm. What's wrong here?
I played around with attempting to set Environment.CurrentDirectory but couldn't get anything to work. Why should I have to do that anyway? It defeats the purpose of a relative path no?
responding.. .
"application" does not exist in the current context, i'll keep trying what people have mentioned, this is not a windows.form
Path.GetDirectoryName(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase), myPageTitleXML); gives error URI formats are not supported, as does Path.GetFullPath(). Server.MapPath results in an error as well, this is currently offline
Well assuming this directory is somewhere under the directory in which your code is executing, it sounds like you can use ..
.. to get an idea as to what your application is seeing when it goes in search of an 'xml' directory with the 'pagetitles.xml' file in it.
If the directory returned by one of these methods does not point where you thought it did, you'll need to move the location of your application or the location of this folder so that it is within the same directory as the app.
Hope this gets you on the right path.
So, when you run it from double clicking the executable, is there a file named pagetitles.xml in a folder named xml, where xml is a folder in the same location as the executable?
It's certainly possible to use relative paths like this, but I wouldn't really recommend it. Instead, maybe use something like:
string fileToOpen = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase), myPageTitleXML);
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(fileToOpen))
//etc.. . .etc....etc..
Is this ASP.NET code? If so then you probably need to do MapPath("xml/pagetitles.xml")
