Open native iOS ring tone screen programmatically - ios

I am developing an alarm based iOS application where the user can set the alarm tune from ring tone menu. I am new to iOS so I do not know if that is possible or not?

You want to be able to change the alarm tone that the Apple-provided alarm app uses?
Apple does not allow third party apps to muck around with the settings of their apps.


Apple Watchkit notifications

I have an iOS application where I incorporate rich notifications and add images and actions. Unfortunately these look great on the phone and very poor on the watch. I'm having a hard time finding out if I can customize the look of the watch kit notifications without actually providing functionality for a watch kit app.
I want to just customize the notification it receives from my iOS app. Can I do this? Is it just adding the watch target? If so will it show up on the watch face and if so what happens if i click it?

iOS - Show View when phone is locked

I'm building an ios app with an alarm feature. I would like to show a view when phone is locked. I want to look exactly like on iOS alarm. If you're an iPhone user try to alarm and locked your phone you will get what i'm talking about. Is it possible? If possible how?
Thanks in advance.
iOS doesn't provide apps that kind of access to the lock screen (or any screen not in your app), so it's impossible to make it exactly like the iOS native alarm. The closest you can get is sending notifications to simulate an alarm, which are visible on the lock screen

Swift - Change iPhone background

I was thinking about changing iPhone background using app. Is there some code in Swift to change iPhone background?
I donĀ“t mean change background of app. I mean change background totally of the iPhone.
There is no way to currently access the device's Wallpaper as of now.
Essentially Apple doesn't allow it, though jailbroken devices can access this functionality.
You also aren't allowed to set or change the wallpaper of the entire phone in third party apps. The user has to do that manually through the settings or photos app. You can add instructions as to how the user can do that in your app.

Continuity for making a call on iPad

This is more sort of a "can we do it" question.
I am building an iPad app which has a phone icon. I show and hide the phone icon based on the device capability of making a call through telephony framework and canOpenURL check. I was wondering if I can utilize the continuity to make a call? I have my iPhone and iPad synced through continuity. Can I somehow check this continuity and then enable the user to make a call from my iPad app through continuity via iPhone? Is that doable?

App Interruption - Siri Fails To Hear Human Voice

In my team's iOS app we have a bug when Siri is invoked while our app is running. Siri pops up and the waveform is shown very briefly and appears not to detect one's voice as the waveform remains very flat. Quickly thereafter it begins to list the things you can ask Siri.
We are using Xcode 6.3, tested on an iPad Mini with iOS 8.3 as well as an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.3.
The app never uses the microphone or queries any of the device audio inputs so I can't see this problem attributed to our app using the microphone directly. It does play looping ambient music and has sound effects.
Is there anything specific we should be calling an an interruption to ensure that Siri will work properly? Has anyone experienced similar issues?
This is most likely not related to your app. The iOS SDK doesn't provide a Siri API that could lead to this kind of events.
You may try to pause any ambient music/sounds effects whenever the app goes in background. (in AppDelegate.m)
