How to "hide" a textField and then bring it back? - textbox

I have a program with multiple tabs, so when I go to a new tab I want to somehow temporarily get rid of all of the elements on the other tabs until the user returns to that certain tab. I am having trouble doing this with textFields, once I hide them I cannot get them to reappear. So far I have tried removeSelf, delete, and isVisible and all of them have had the same problem. Is there another way to temporarily hide a textField and bring it back later on?
edit: this is in Lua using the Corona SDK

You can normally do it with isVisible or with the .alpha property :)
Set .alpha = 0 when you change tab, and .alpha = 1 when you come back to the tab.


Is there are way to dynamically hide a setting in kivy?

I have a Kivy app that uses a slightly modified Settings as a data record editor.
I want to hide or show an item after the setting panel has been created (depending on user interaction with some other setting item).
Is there a simple way of dynamically hiding a setting item, so that it doesn't take up any space?
I can set the opacity to 0 and disabled to True and the items disappears, but still takes space.
Setting the size to (0,0) (to hide) and resetting it to the original value (to show it) corrupts the view.
What is the correct way of doing this?
Removing the SettingItem seems complicated, because the items to hide a somewhere in the middle of the items.

iOS -Objective C- Prevent the keyboard automatically hide when I set enable = NO on UITextField

I'm working on an App with Objective-C but I have a problem with my form.
I have several inputs view (UITextField) on it, and one with a particularly behavior.
When I select the checkbox, I prevent the user typing on the view and looks the view as disable( grayed out and without the blue bar flashing blue bar ) and keep the keyboard open.
When I set the UITextField as disable, the keyboard is automatically hidden.
Someone knows how to keep the keyboard open?
I need to something like the image attached, but without the blue bar flashing blue bar.
I did the logic to prevent the the user enter data on the input , but the keyboard is automatically hidden.
If the text field is disabled, the user cannot type into it and the dismissal of the keyboard is correct. You should not try to fight against that. (It sounds like you're trying to disable the keyboard for the wrong reasons anyway.)
In this case, it sounds like your timing is just off. When the user clicks the checkbox, your code responds. What you are doing there is just wrong. You should respond by moving the first responder to the next enabled text field yourself, and then disabling the first text field. That way, you are not disabling the text field while it is first responder; that's your whole mistake right there.

iOS get UINavigationBar's back button in order to set accessibility properties

I have a navigation controller stack where one of the views has a dynamic title.
The view controllers and their titles go like this:
Main --> ItemsTableView --> ItemDetails
Title:Main Title: NN Items Title: Details
Because the iOS UINavigationController sets the text of the "Back" button to be the title of the previous screen, the "Back" button on the details screen says "< NN Items" where NN is a dynamically changing number.
I'm trying to do some iOS UI automation, but the accessibility Label / ID of the back button is set by the system to it's button text. This means that the accessibility label of the back button on the details screen will change dynamically, and I can't find it from my scripts!
If I could get a reference to the UIBarButtonItem then I could easily set it's accessibilityLabel or accessibilityIdentifier from code to be a fixed string, however I can't figure out how to do this?
All of the stuff I've been able to find references setting the back button to a custom button via self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem or similar, but when I read this property it's nil. I haven't been able to find out how to get access to the standard item without replacing it. I'd prefer not to replace the button if possible
This was bugging me as well. I've been writing Xcode 7 UI Tests and was trying to come up with a generic way of tapping on the back button without having to replace it with a custom button.
The following is how I solved this for Xcode 7 UI Tests - but you may also be able to apply this to UI Automation as well.
I discovered that (in terms of Xcode 7 UI Tests at least) the back bar button item that is created by the system consists of two buttons the entire thing is a button with an accessibility label of whatever the title of the button is, and then the arrow is also a button with an accessibility label of "Back".
Thus, as long as there aren't any other buttons on the screen that are identified as "Back", the back button can be accessed via the accessibility label of "Back". Like so in the case of UI Tests:
[[app.buttons matchingIdentifier:#"Back"] elementBoundByIndex:0]
Here I'm getting the first button that can be identified by "Back". I my case there could only ever be two such buttons - the arrow, or the whole back button itself (in the case where the back button's title is also "Back"). Since both of these buttons are essentially the same, just getting the first one it finds is sufficient.

iOS DatePicker disable background

I have a button that when pressed slides in a uidatepicker, however if you keep pushing the button i keeps pushing a new date picker on top of the previous one. one on top of the other, continually per button press. Pretty much I want to disable everything on the view except the slide in date picker. Is there a way to disable the background and just have the date picker be interactive? Im sure there is an easy fix I'm missing. Thanks so much!!
I'm not really set for answering how to disable the background, but one way to prevent multiple datepickers from appearing would be to set and check the state of the datepicker.
When the datepicker appears you set a bool to YES indicating that there is currently a datepicker active. Now, everytime the button is pressed you can check if there already is a datepicker visible. When the datepicker is removed, simply set the bool to NO.

Animate only a part of an element

how can I animate only a part of an element?
I show/hide a div using jquery-ui's show method but I'd like to start/end the animation from/to a given height of the element.
My dev website can be seen here (link removed). When clicking on the 'Contact' button the contact page shows up or hides if it's already open. Since I couldn't find how to starts my animation from a given height I added a fixed button when it's closed, but when the contact button of the contact page overlaps the fixed button when it's closing...
Any help welcome!
looking for something like this??
You can also add any fade or whatever effects. This is using a single button to animate both open and close. You could also attach a attribute to the button tag to define it's current state.
