Reuse Partial View in Another Module MVC -

I have created a partial view in Purchase module, _Attachment.cshtml. So the structure:
How to use _Attachment.cshtml in Sales module? I call #Html.Partial("_Attachment") in Sales Index.cshtml, but I've got "The partial view '_Attachment' was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations"

If you want to use a view in another controller, then you will need to move it into the relevant Views/shared folder
So if using areas and you want it to stay in that area
If you want to use it in multiple areas or you aren't using areas, then place it in the root shared



Finding Razor partial views in the area EditorTemplates folder

I am starting to use EditorFor helper method to render my razor partial views, but I couldn't get the partials in the Areas folder to work.
Here is the path to the partial:
The partial is really simple with only one "div" tag to do the testing.
Try to use in my page view (~\Areas\Products\Views\EditPage.cshtml) as
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.ProductEditModel, "_Edit")
Visual studio tells me that "Cannot resolve template '_Edit'".
Now, if I move the partial to the root view folder:
It works, Visual studio has no problems to resolve the template, and the div is renderred correctly in my browser.
I also tried to customize the RazorViewEngine, did not work either
namespace MySite.Web
public class RazorViewEngine : System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine
public RazorViewEngine()
: this(null)
public RazorViewEngine(IViewPageActivator viewPageActivator)
: base(viewPageActivator)
AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new[]
Just wondering what did I do wrong? BTW, I am using MVC3 at the moment, can't upgrate to MVC4 due to some old components.
When calling a partial view or view from a different area in MVC, specify the full path of the partial view or view. Since MVC is based on convention, by convention it will look in the same area the calling code in the view (or controller) resides for any partial views or views referenced, unless a specific path is used. Try using the full path to reference the partial view when it is located in the products area:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.ProductEditModel, "~/Areas/Products/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/_Edit.cshtml")
Since the view referenced is a shared view it doesn't matter if you specify the full path if you are in the same area. However, if you are trying to access a view within a different directory than the view trying to reference it and this directory is not named shared you will need to specify the full path regardless of area. It is similar when the controller calls the view; if a controller from the same area as the referenced view specifies the short name for the view and this view is from a parent directory named different than its own (ignoring the "controller" suffix) the view engine will not find your view. Unless of course the parent directory for the view is in the shared folder.
Whether it's in the controller or a view you can't use the "short name" across areas because the view engine has a convention for where to look when the path isn't used. Areas are meant to do this to keep your code separated, or decoupled if you will, at a high level by default. So any decision to "cross the barrier" should be thought about mindfully, but certainly not discouraged. It's all about convention.
I am answering my own question now.. My page view path was not correct. Since my area is Products, controller is ProductController, my page view should be placed in ~\Areas\Products\Views\Product\EditPage.cshtml, that way, it matches what the view engine expects, and the partial will be corrected resolved.

Finding my View in mvc

My Views folder has gotten crazy big! I would like to reorganize it so that the Views folder contains a list of Modules, and then each Module folder contains its share of the View (Controller) folders that currently appear under Views folder.
But of course this means going into each of my controllers and editing every view-returning method the explicit location of its view.
So instead of Controller Orders.Index method just having this:
return View();
I have to edit it to return this:
return View("~/Views/Orders/Index.cshtml");
You can imagine the suck level that this exercise attains over 50 or so controllers.
Is there some way that I can setup a routing or something per controller that will tell that controller's methods to go find their views in a defined subfolder of the Views folder?
It can be done with the help of CustomViewEngine
Follow this post and i hope you can provide your own locations to locate the view template.
MVC provide way where we can easily provide list of path to be searched
Locate view
Once you add CustomViewEngine, register it in Application_Start() event and then you are done :)
Happy coding
You could fix that by implementing a custom RazorViewEngine, where you can specify the search path for the views per request, per controller and so on.

MVC 4 solution structure Partial View

Well since most of the tutorials and demos chooses to put the partial view in shared folder im asking for a better way to do this.
My problem:
I want to use partial views in order to create a dynamic interface with reusable views. As i can with usercontrols. Since there might be a lot of partial views i want to put them in a seperate folder than the shared folder.
How it looks today:
A better way
Or should i rethink my approach enirely? if so how? if not what should i think about?
Here is an example of something I do,
Application Wide used partial views - I put them in my Shared directory.
Partial Views for a specific Controller - I put them in the Views/[ControllerName] Directory.

How to make module base structure for asp .net mvc 3 project?

I want to create module based structure, Like in zend framework. Suppose I have 2 controllers like student and teacher and I want to put all these in one folder say shchool. Same way I want the view files for each controller in school folder for e.g
For Controller:
and for view files:
D:\aspprojects\Project1\Project1\Views\School\Teacher\all CRUD files(*.cshtml)
D:\aspprojects\Project1\Project1\Views\School\Student\all CRUD files(*.cshtml)
Current structure is like as below,
for Controllers:
For view files
D:\aspprojects\Project1\Project1\Views\Teacher\all CRUD files(*.cshtml)
D:\aspprojects\Project1\Project1\Views\Student\all CRUD files(*.cshtml)
What changes do I need to do?
The problem you are facing is that MVC doesn't care what folder the controller is in. In fact, it doesn't even have to be in a folder called Controllers. MVC only looks for classnames with Controller in the name. Once compiled, the folder structure is lost, and as such, no way for the framework to know to look in a subfolder for a view, because that information is no longer present in the compiled code.
You can still do it, however.. but you can no longer rely on MVC to find your view files automatically, you will have to pass each view name directly.
This means you will have to do this:
return View("~/Views/School/Teacher/Index.cshtml");
Rather than this.
return View();
Another option is to use areas, which allows you to create a School area, and then you can create a teacher and student controllers within the school area.

by default controller search view only in two folder

i want to controller to search for a view in more than two folder (by default controler search in Shared and second folder with its own name ) can we make controller to search in any third folder including above two also.
Custom View Engine
Write a custom view engine and provide all your paths that you want. Then register it in global.asax codebehind in Application_Start event handler.
Check this question on SO that will give you all the information you need:
Can I specify a custom location to "search for views" in ASP.NET MVC?
