IPhone landscape and portrait - ios

I new to iphone app development i am trying to make simple app that contain registration page.
The registration view controller contain 10 textfield that are created on the uiscrollview using pro grammatically it working fine when it is in portrait mode ,when device changed to landscape mode,
textfield and scroll view coming in bad design and try to overcome this problem by using authorisizing property
not worked well.
plz help me to get out of this problem and i want my app should support both landscape and portrait mode.


viewController not changing to LandScape mode in ipad

i am developing ipad related app.Login Screen not change to Landscape mode,i change Xib and used shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation also but its didn't work out .can u help where the mistakes is there.i want app only landscape.

Screen Rotation in iOS

I need some help regarding "Screen Rotation". I am creating this application in Landscape mode but I also want to be able to turn the iPad to Portrait mode. I am trying something different and making the application inside the viewcontroller. Basically copy and paste a view controller over and over. My issue is that even after I select, "Portrait" to be the ViewControllers Mode it still changed to landscape when i the iPad is turned to Landscape mode. I hope this made sense. Any answers are greatly appreciated!
If you're setting the supported orientation modes under the 'Deployment Info' section of your project file in Xcode, might be worth double checking that you are setting the modes for iPad rather than iPhone if you setup your project as a Universal app.

Apps UIWebView stuck on landscape on iPad on iOS 7

I have an iOS 5 + app I am getting ready for iOS 7.
I have a standard TabBar based app loading in viewcontrollers, one of which loads in a webView.
This webview has a landscape and portrait mode as the app can be rotated, this works fine on all devices except iPad running iOS 7.
The issue being the webview is always displayed as landscape on iPad on iOS 7 irrespective of the orientation, iOS 7 gets rid of the 2x button that you used to get with iPhone apps running on an iPad so it is faux full screen.
The app opens in portrait mode, if I rotate the iPad everything else rotates - all other views adjust and reposition - except the html in the webview - it is stuck on landscape.
This happens on device and simulator
The question I suppose is why? has anyone else had experience of this?
Many thanks
Try setting constraints on the UIWebView. In the storyboard, look for the menu icons on the bottom right, and select the one that looks like a tie fighter. Then select 'Add Missing Constraints' or 'Reset to Suggested Constraints'. then when your View changes (orientation), the space constraints will adjust.

iOS: Change Orientation only for few pop-up views

I have an app which runs only in Landscape mode. All working well. But I have few pop-up views like Apptentative feedback view and Twitter Sheet view, works great when in portrait mode. So how can I change orientation forcefully when loading these pop-ups and back to landscape when these pop-up closes.
You can't force an orientation change. You can only support changes in orientation. IE moving the device 90 degrees to the right.

Landscape-only IPad App With UISplitViewController

I am almost done developing an app. Right now I'm converting it to a universal app by supporting iPad to supported devices as well.
Can I set the app to use Landscape orientation only, since I am using UISplitViewController and want the Master View Controller to remain on the screen all the time? Is there any Apple policy that states that I cannot restrict it to Landscape only and I have to implement both portrait and landscape? Is there any chance my app can be rejected by setting it to Landscape only for iPad?
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Support both landscape orientations and neither portrait orientation if you want. I've got apps in the store that are like that.
However, note that UISplitViewController does have an option to keep both views on the screen all the time even in portrait. Use the delegate method splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: to forbid hiding the master view:
So if your only reason for being landscape only is that you don't want to hide the master view, it is a false reason. Look, for example, at Apple's Settings app, which works like that; it is a split view controller that always shows both views in all four orientations.
