rebuild app in xcode5 and change graphic style [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i've rebuild a old app code for my company and after correct all the errors for the updated xcode5, when i launch the app on my devices it has a different appearance.
In specific the old one are in old iphone style and now, without make grafics change(i think), the theme in iOS7.
i'm sorry if the question is too simple but i'm very newbie in iphone develop

If you build your application with a pre-xcode 5 IDE then it will retain the iOS6 look and feel, even when you download the old version of your app that is on the app store to an iOS 7 running device.
However there are some UI Elements that you have zero control over such as the UIAlertViews and UIActionSheets these will appear with the iOS 7 look and feel no matter what you do.
Once you start building your applications though with xcode 5 and above your application will now start to use the look and feel of iOS 7 so as soon as you do a new build with xcode 5 and above your applications will look different even if you haven't changed anything.
Note that from the 1st of February 2014 all Apps submitted to the Apple Apps Store must be built using at least xcode 5 and must be optimized for iOS7. So if you want to provide anymore updates to the Apple App store you will need to optimize your application to use iOS7 properly. Here is the Apple iOS7 Human Interface Guidelines that you may want to read.


Submitting iOS App with two different targets [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm developing an iOS app with two different targets. The first target is deployed to support iOS 5 and iOS 6, and the second target for iOS 7. Both targets have different user interfaces (different storyboards), but they have the same code. I have been searching the way to submit both targets for the same app, but I didn't find the answer. Does someone know how to do that?
You can't submit the same app twice for different iOS versions.
Since all apps submitted must support iOS 7 and be built with the iOS 7 SDK you will need to create one app. Thus you can not submit an iOS 5/6 only app.
You will need to create an app that support both iOS 5,6 and 7.
Addition to #rckoenes :
Both targets have different user interfaces (different storyboards)
For this, you need to switch storybaords accordingly, while the app about to gets launch.
You need to submit an app with a different bundle id.
You can have two info.plist in your xcodeproject, and link only one to each target
You cannot submit one ipa build with different targets having different version of deployment target in one app.
So in your case you have to load different storyboard based on iOS version.
You can find iOS version using below code and load respective storyboard in your app.
[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];

how to create first IOS mobile app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner at iOS and i want to create my first iOS mobile app. What is the software requirements needed to create my first app and what are the concepts and programming language that needed?
You'll need:
a Mac: any Mac that can run a recent version of MacOS X (10.7 or 10.8) will be fine
Xcode: this is Apple's development environment; you can download it from the Mac app store for free
Once you have that, go through Apple's introduction: Your First iOS App
You don't need an iOS device to get started -- you'll be able to run your apps in the simulator that's provided with Xcode. Eventually, though, you'll also want to have:
an iOS device: any device that runs iOS 6 will be fine to get you started, and if it's one of the devices that's expected to run the upcoming new version of iOS, that's better
a developer program subscription: in order to run your app on your device, and to be able to eventually submit your app to the app store, you'll need to sign up for one of Apple's developer programs. The standard individual subscription costs $99.
a graphics program: (optional) it's possible to build apps out of nothing but standard parts, but being able to design your own graphics will give you a lot more flexibility; anything that can edit PNG and/or JPEG files will be fine
That is a very broad question. I'll try to summarize...
First off, you'll need a Mac and install Xcode if you want to develop a native iOS app with Objective-C or Cocoa.
Some people choose to make an HTML5/CSS3/Javascript app and build it into an iOS app, in which case your life could me made easier by using something like PhoneGap.
In either case, you'll need to join the Apple Developer Program which will run you $99/year. From there you'll need to generate a development key and eventually submit your app to Apple for review. You can find more information on that program here.
As far as "concepts" go... again, that's a very broad question. I do not know your technical background so it's very hard to elaborate without that context. If you're not a die hard programmer and/or your app is fairly simple, you could consider the HTML5/CSS3/Javascript approach, in which case I'd recommend this book.
I hope this helps.
First of all you need an apple computer.
Once you have that you will need to download xcode which is an IDE (integrated development environment)
Then you can start coding your apps in objective-c
To put the apps onto the app store you will need to get an apple developer license which costs 99/year

Bundle iOS settings app screenshots [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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An app will only work correctly if user setup the app's notification settings correctly in iOS settings.
Is it OK to bundle screenshots into the app itself, screenshots that depict the related screens of iPhone/etc iOS setup?
...or will Apple reject this if screenshots of the iOS settings app are not allowed in apps?
I don't find anything saying that this would be a problem at
But something guts tells me this could be disallowed.
According to App Store Review Guidelines
10.2 Apps that look similar to Apps bundled on the iPhone, including the App Store, iTunes Store, and iBookstore, will be rejected.
I guess you're worrying about that Apple will think your screenshots of the iOS Settings app makes your app look similar to the bundled Settings app?
In my opinion, if you wrap those screenshots nicely (e.g. with a frame, shadows etc) so users know that it's a screenshot, there's no problem with it.

How to submit universal application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Recently, my first iPhone app is approved. I decided to convert it to a universal app, and since it is a basic application I did it easily. I'll resubmit the app today, but I have some concerns about the process.
Idea 1) Creating a new application on itunesconnect. However, current users of my app won't get update notification and there will be 2 different applications. So this idea sounds really stupid
Idea 2) Creating a new version of my current application, this looks good for iPhone side of the app. However, I don't have any iPad app. Defining a new version for a non-existing iPad app sounds weird.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. As I know, one have to debug app on a real device to submit .app file. In my case - universal application, do I have to test app on both iPhone and iPad ?
I really don't know what I should do about it. Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.
Ideally you should test your universal on both an iPhone and an iPad. If you don't own an iPad but just an iPhone, then if it works well on the iPhone and on the iPad simulator, then you should be OK. But it is still possible for there to be hidden issues. One issue you can have by not testing on a real iPad is making sure all of you iPad specific images and xib files actually work on a real device due to filename case sensitivity. But you can only test on devices that you actually have.
There is no requirement that you test on any device before you can submit the app. Apple has no way to know whether you did or not. Of course it is a really bad idea to only use the simulator for testing since there are so many differences.
As for submitting the app, you must use idea 2. Create an update to your existing app in iTunes Connect. Submit the binary. It will be detected as a universal app. Then you can update the meta data with new iPhone screen shots and iPad screen shots.

Using UUIDs in iOS 5 by compiling for iOS 4 -- acceptable workaround? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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If you don't know, your app will not be able to get a UUID anymore in iOS 5.
I am fixing this bug, but I see one thing: if I compile my app for iOS 4, and install the app in iOS 5, the unique identifier still work. My old programs have no problem in iOS 5.
So, can I say this to my boss with 100% certainty?
If I compile for iOS 4, my program will have the unique identifier for
all iOS 5 devices! It will only fail when I compile my program for iOS
5 or Apple stops supporting iOS 4 (and this will take a long time)!
I think the answer you want has nothing to do with iOS 5. I would tell your boss:
"As of iOS 4, UDIDs have not been deprecated. Apple has a long, strong history of deprecating functionality for at least a version before yanking the functionality completely. If Apple sticks to this established track record, there's no reason to believe that UDID support will be anything but deprecated in iOS 5 and would not be in danger of removal until iOS 6."
Also, for what it's worth, if UDID support were to vanish, most of the same functionality could be simulated by generating a UUID the first time your app is launched and stashing it to NSUserDefaults or disk for later lookup.
[Update: Though this turned out to be bad advice. Here we are at iOS 5.1 and apps that make use of UDID are already being rejected. Guess Apple's extra eager to crack down on this.]
Or, start generating your own UDIDs and use them as identifiers. Have a look on GitHub - there are a few open source generators already. Just search for UDID.
