Which CMS have Integration with Existing Grails App - grails

I have an existing grails app with multiple forms. I need a CMS which allows me to add existing grails forms to this cms and assign each form different permissions. I need to be able to change site template css from admin page. Something like dotnet nuke where you can add existing asp.net page and assign permissions to this page and add custom theme.
Features requested:
Integration with Active Directory
Integration with MS Exchange
Set up grails form security policy from protal admin ui
change form css theme from portal admin ui
easy integration with portal

I'm not sure exactly what features it supports, but Weceem is a CMS implemented as a Grails plugin, so that's an obvious starting point.

There is Maglev plugin for Magnolia that you can use, but AFAIK it works only with 4.5.x branch, not with the latest version.
Other then that, if your main requirements are security and being able to pull the theme from CMS, you can deploy Magnolia and your grails app in same web app, configure Magnolia to handle all incoming requests (that's by default) and only configure bypass inside of Magnolia for cms subchain for url where your form is available. This way Magnolia will take care of the URL check the security, make context available for you and you can refer from your form to the theme that is selected by editors in your Magnolia installation. While this description sounds probably a bit convoluted, it's actually very simple to do.
HTH, Jan


Implementing twitter login in Symfony 1.4 without sfGuard

I've an existing project in symfony 1.4. Worse thing, project is not using sfGuard plugin but implemented custom user authentication.
As a new feature requirement, client requested to add login with twitter support in the app.
I went through twitter PHP libs which seems do not fit for symfony 1.4 without some level of customization.
I also went with one Symfony plugin (sorry but forget the link) but it also do not meet my requirements as (I guess) it is tightly coupled with sfGuard.
I started customizing tmhOAuth to match my requirements but I'd like to ask; is there is any symfony 1.4 plugin for twitter, which do not depends on sfGuard?

What is the proper way to deploy Orchard CMS to shared hosting?

I've created a basic website using the Orchard CMS, and attempted to deploy it to my shared host, Softsys, using Web Matrix (via FTP). Currently, the site technically "works", however it looks like all styling has been removed (even from the dashboard).
Is there a step or files that I missed while deploying the site? I know "Web Deploy" is probably the preferred method of deploying, but I'm pretty new to this, and was not sure what the login specifics were, or how to obtain them for web deploy.
Here is a screenshot of what the site currently looks like deployed:
Edit: it turns out that the problem was on my host's side, for some reason the virtual directory was not being created properly - I still am curious what the proper/best practice method to deploying is however.
It looks like you have no theme applied. Check whether you have your theme existing in ~/Themes folder and properly enabled in the admin Dashboard. Maybe the /Themes folder content hasn't been copied?
If your hosting provider allows the option to deploy sites via WebDeploy - that would be the best one.
The easiest and most straightforward way to deploy Orchard site is to:
Have the ASP.NET application properly configured in IIS and accessible. If you use hosting - provider does that for you. If you'd have a dedicated server - you have to set up an application yourself.
Grab the deployment package from Codeplex, or build one from the sources.
Copy the whole package to your site's root (via FTP or WebDeploy).
Run it and proceed with the setup.
Basically - these are the same steps as for every "ordinary" ASP.NET application.
You probably need to set IIS user to have write access to some of the folders: Themes, Media and App_Data.

Open Discussion - Symfony - what do you do to start your projects quicker?

When you start a new project (whether it's personal or professional) what do you have at hand to quickly start developing the project?
For example, when I start a new project at work, I have the following already setup from a custom sandbox:
Two different authentication classes, LDAP and CAS which I can change via app.yml
Custom form widgets which I use across most applications
Capistrano deployment script for deploying the project to staging or production servers.
A mail template class which uses an XML file for the templates to send emails
Mail server, ldap etc. settings all configured.
Bunch of icons and the same CSS (which with some exceptions is always the same for each project)
custom error pages, layouts, login layout etc.
static pages such as about, contact us etc.
Useful plugins such as sfFormExtraPlugin, twig etc.
jquery and jQuery UI libraries
Basic local ACL and translation model classes and some other default models.
Tasks - send email task and build translations.
custom tools class for doing some custom stuff
custom factories and some default routes
helpers which I will most probably use are enabled by default (i18n, partial etc.)
And some other things :-)
I'm just wondering what you do to make your development quicker and more efficient when starting a new project. Hopefully I'll learn some new things from what you do.
Thanks folks!
Great question and great list. Here's some more:
As a general practice, whenever we develop a feature that could be used across projects, we develop it as a plugin so it can be easily dropped into other projects.
Custom form formatter that uses our own widget/validators in place of the default Symfony ones.
Custom mailer with support for sending processing templates as emails and better HTML email support.
Plugin for minimizing/combining CSS and JS assets.
Symlink from web/sf to lib/vendor/symfony/data/web. Better than an alias in apache.
Custom admin generator templates.
Quick setup script that takes commandline options or read a config file to create full local dev env (init the project, setup a vhost, modify etc/hosts, import to svn, create svn externals for Symfony and key plugins like sfDoctrineGuard)
Custom Project skeleton
Custom Javascript helper based on Apostrophes new a_js_*() helper functions

Suggested Grails plugins to make Grails a good CMS option

We are trying to look for plugins for Grails to make a CMS site. Any suggestions?
Check out Weceem at
I've never used it but apparently it can be used as a stand-alone site or integrated into an existing grails app as a plugin.
There is also Alfresco plugin, though it's likely more focused on the document management side of Alfresco (it allows both Document Management and Web Content Management).

How do I install an ASP.Net MVC application on IIS 7 using Wix?

For IIS6 I can use the IIS helpers in Wix to install a web application like this:
Name="My Application Pool"
Identity="networkService" />
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for IIS7. We don't want to use the aspnet_isapi.dll mechanism, and instead want the integrated pipeline to handle the request routing. The app pool created by this script is in Classic mode not Integrated mode so none of the handlers get run correctly.
How can I correctly install an MVC app on IIS 7?
I personally recommend using AppCmd.exe (matthewthurlow's first bullet) because you don't have to count on the legacy management components being installed, or risk modifying the configuration XML manually.
If you are not comfortable with AppCmd, Mike Volodarsky has a great article on Getting Started with AppCmd.exe, and the Microsoft IIS Configuration Reference is excellent, offering UI, Code and AppCmd examples for modifying each of the configuration items (e.g. Application Pools ). The IIS7 Administration Pack also includes a Configuration Editor that allows you to generate AppCmd scripts from any existing configuration.
To integrate AppCmd into WiX, you need to create and schedule two custom actions for each command. There is general information in the WiX v3 manual documenting this procedure, and I've included a concrete example below.
First, you need to set up an immediate action to store the command line in a property:
Value=""[WindowsFolder]system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE" add apppool /name:"[APP_POOL_NAME]"" />
Next you set up a deferred action which references this property:
And finally, you need to schedule these. The immediate action that sets the properties seem to work well after InstallFinalize, and the deferred action works after InstallFiles. I haven't got as far as figuring out rollback actions yet.
MapGuide Open Source does this method extensively; you can see the CA scheduling in our MapGuide.wxs file, and the CA definition in our IIS7.wxs file.
Thanks to #matthewthurlow, I was able to use the XML utils to achieve what I needed to do:
ElementPath="//configuration/system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add[\[]#name='My Application Pool'[\]]/#managedPipelineMode"
The rest of the actions do seem to work fine with IIS 7.
The IIS extensions for WIX don't support IIS7. The IIS team keep rewriting the metabase between versions. There are quite a few things that don't work, the lack of an integrated app pool amongst them.
Until the extensions get rewritten, you're left with three options:
Use build in custom actions to invoke appcmd.exe
Use XmlConfig to update applicationHost.config
Write your own custom actions
I've opted for the xmlconfig option at the moment as you can do this within a component and tie it to a feature.
