Implementing twitter login in Symfony 1.4 without sfGuard - twitter

I've an existing project in symfony 1.4. Worse thing, project is not using sfGuard plugin but implemented custom user authentication.
As a new feature requirement, client requested to add login with twitter support in the app.
I went through twitter PHP libs which seems do not fit for symfony 1.4 without some level of customization.
I also went with one Symfony plugin (sorry but forget the link) but it also do not meet my requirements as (I guess) it is tightly coupled with sfGuard.
I started customizing tmhOAuth to match my requirements but I'd like to ask; is there is any symfony 1.4 plugin for twitter, which do not depends on sfGuard?


Which CMS have Integration with Existing Grails App

I have an existing grails app with multiple forms. I need a CMS which allows me to add existing grails forms to this cms and assign each form different permissions. I need to be able to change site template css from admin page. Something like dotnet nuke where you can add existing page and assign permissions to this page and add custom theme.
Features requested:
Integration with Active Directory
Integration with MS Exchange
Set up grails form security policy from protal admin ui
change form css theme from portal admin ui
easy integration with portal
I'm not sure exactly what features it supports, but Weceem is a CMS implemented as a Grails plugin, so that's an obvious starting point.
There is Maglev plugin for Magnolia that you can use, but AFAIK it works only with 4.5.x branch, not with the latest version.
Other then that, if your main requirements are security and being able to pull the theme from CMS, you can deploy Magnolia and your grails app in same web app, configure Magnolia to handle all incoming requests (that's by default) and only configure bypass inside of Magnolia for cms subchain for url where your form is available. This way Magnolia will take care of the URL check the security, make context available for you and you can refer from your form to the theme that is selected by editors in your Magnolia installation. While this description sounds probably a bit convoluted, it's actually very simple to do.
HTH, Jan

Zendesk app integration

I created a web application by using HTML, JS, JQuery, and some Jquery plugins. Now I want to integrate it into Zendesk. Can I use it like just copy all my files and paste it into zendesk zip file ? Or Do I have to re-code entire thing to make it work for ZenDesk ?
I checked the examples in online, they didn't mentioned anywhere about reusing the apps that already developed in Zendesk.
I am currently doing some fairly extensive Zendesk integration. If you are referring to customisation on the Agent Portal side then it will have to be a Zendesk App under strict Zendesk adopted frameworks jquery is included ( If in the customer facing Help Center you can simply go into there on screen editor and paste your html, js, etc into the relevant sections see (
Good luck,
If you want to integrate your app to Zendesk as an Agent App, you might consider the chance of using within an iframe.
Note that the url to which the iframe is pointing to must be served as HTTPS. Otherwise, it won't work.
As of version 2.0 of ZAF (Zendesk Application Framework), it's easy to integrate any webpage. In v2.0, you aren't restricted to any technology or environment.

grails plugin to get gmail attachment

I am working on a grails project and i need a plugin to extract an email attachment from a Gmail account.
My colleague said something about Java Mail API but i am not actually sure about how to integrate the api with grails.
Is there any other plugin or workaround to extract an email attachment from a gmail account?
While not specific to extracting attachments from GMail, the Grails Routing plugin would definitely be worth evaluating. It integrates Apache Camel into your Grails services and controllers and provides a very easy way to create routes. You can then add the following dependency to your grails-app/BuildConfig.groovy file:
// replace x.x.x with version used by the Grails Routing plugin
In the documentation for the Mail component you will an example of grabbing attachments from GMail and there is also this blog entry by Mr Haki that shows an example using the older Grails Camel plugin (Routing plugin supercedes it).
While I haven't used Camel for this purpose, I have used it on a few projects and would recommend it as a possible solution. It is a very powerful integration tool and can really make it very easy to do some pretty complicated things.

Is there an ASP.MVC 3 sample project or nuget package for Open ID / Facebook / Live authentication?

Before I reinvent the wheel, ASP.Net MVC 3 Tools Update includes an Internet Application (with Forms based login) and Intranet Application (with Active Directory login) does anyone have an MVC 3 project template, or controller/model, or Nuget package for Open ID / Facebook / MS live based logins?
I'm capable of tracking down the API libraries for Facebook, Yahoo, Google and Microsoft and building my own, but before I start from scratch, I just wanted to see if someone already had a starter project or Nuget package that implemented that form of authentication. I'd rather support that project than start my own if I could.
Thanks :-)
Try DotNetOpenAuth has a gallery you can explore. Searching for OpenID and Facebook showed several packages that will likely get you close to what you want. I'm not sure you will find a package that does them all but you should be able to grab them individually and then setup something in your code to allow logins from each.
Here's how someone tackled the traversing of logins to one auth store in his system....

Suggested Grails plugins to make Grails a good CMS option

We are trying to look for plugins for Grails to make a CMS site. Any suggestions?
Check out Weceem at
I've never used it but apparently it can be used as a stand-alone site or integrated into an existing grails app as a plugin.
There is also Alfresco plugin, though it's likely more focused on the document management side of Alfresco (it allows both Document Management and Web Content Management).
