Apple store not including my app to update list [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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After update my app on apple store, old user aren't receiving any message to update it.
Apple store on one's phone shows the other apps demanding for update, but not mine.
Any ideas why it not appearing on the update list?
If one search for my app and click on update it does work, but my old users has no way to know there is a newer version of my app available.
EDIT: None of the answer below was right. after research the issue I finally found the problem.
The first version of the app was set to worldwide and the new version is country restricted, since we knew it, we checked if the mobiles not receiving the update message was from aboard and they wasn't, excluding the possibility of it cause the issue.
But in fact, for apple, if you buy a Belgium iPhone, uses an Belgium sim card, register on Apple Store as Belgium account and associate a credit card from Spain, your phone will be considered Spanish. The credit card is the only matters.
So, the users not receiving the update message are the ones with a foreign credit card associated to their account.
Thank you everyone for try to help! I hope this question help someone.

If you updated your app within the last few hours, it may simply be that Apple hasn't indicized your app yet. Give it time.

That sounds like you have deployed the update for newer version of iOS than your previous users have on their iDevices - in that case, they aren't eligible for update. Or it's just too soon - give it a day or two.


iOS Apple Developer App Guidelines [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've read through Apple's iOS app submission guidelines, although my question is more in regards to the rules (if applicable) after it's been approved.
Basically what I'd like to know is if a developer is allowed disable certain functionality in an older version of an app so that the user is essentially forced to upgrade to a newer version? This could also include making the user download another completely separate app (that the functionality was previously in the old version) in the process.
Is this allowable, or is there something that specifically says that's against the guidelines/rules? If anyone knows the answer to this and could provide the source of the info that would be great. thx.
You can't force user to upgrade app but if you want so or there is no other option then you can launch the App Store so that your users can get the latest version from there. or you can display some UI which does nothing except giving update option!!
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]]; //your app's itunes link to open it when user open the app
You can refer Apple forums and can check this answer.
hope this will help :)
Do you really think anyone would download the new version? Customers would swear at you and find a different app. If they paid, they will ask for a refund, and Apple will give them the full refund. Since Apple only gives you 70% of the sales price, and the full refund comes out of your pocket, a full refund will cost you real money.
Apple's interest is in selling phones. You are welcome as long as you help them selling phones. If you are an ass and upset Apple's customers, Apple will do what they can to upset you.

3.1 Details We noticed that your app contains irrelevant platform information. Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I submitted my app to AppStore( it is new version App, but My app rejected and they left this message but I don't know, what I have to fix... It wasn't clear on message what to fix.
3.1 Details We noticed that your app contains irrelevant platform information. Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its
Any one can help me with that?
If you talk about Android, Windows, Blackberry, etc in either text or screenshots and someone in the review team catches it, you will have to remove the info.
I also faced this issue, Let me tell you story.
I had a background image with a person holding a non iOS cell phone, (I guess its a blackberry). Appstore rejected because of it,
App description in itunesconnect, I linked
and they App store rejected because if it.
In App description I mentioned "purchase license from us", then again the rejected because of it.
In my case, this happened because the word "Android" was in
my App description.
While filling out the 'description' for my iOs app, I simply pasted the same description I set for the Android version (on Google play store). Since I did not format, the word "Android" managed to slip in and Apple rejected my metadata.
There was no need to upload a new build or anything. I simply removed the "Android" word and re-uploaded, and yes, it got accepted!
I hope this helps someone out there.
Merry coding!
Hi In my case it was the boarding(tutorial) screens. I have used android phones in those design. Once after I changed it to iOS phones, my app was accepted.

Put my app on "pre-order" on App Store [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm making a game on iOS, and I'd like to know if it's possible to make a "pre-order" on my app.
Example : I want to release my game on May. Is it possible to publish it on March but just for "pre-order" ?
It's a good way to see if the app is appealing or not.
The iOS app store has no such functionality. You can only make it available or not, there is no "pre-order" status.
No, it's like "demo", "beta" policy and so on. You cannot do this in AppStore.
No, that's not possible.
You can only release apps that are fully functional.
That's why you can't release beta apps.
This is not possible. If you want to "test the waters" and/or build "hype" best thing you can do is create a landing page website with a good app description/image and see how many people are willing to leave their emails on your entry form.
Then on launch day you email blast those people.
If the app doesn't work or look like a beta, you don't have to call it a beta in the description sent to Apple. If your app is complete and good enough for Apple to approve it after it's submitted, you still don't have to release it immediately. When in the approved but unreleased state, you might be able to use up to 50 iTunes redemption codes to allow further reviewing of your app.
Before you can update the unreleased app, you might have to release it for a couple hours at 3AM in only Monte Carlo or equivalent.
You can use a service like TestFlight to release a Beta to a limited number of people (I think you can release to a max of 1000 with TestFlight)
More information on TestFlight here -
Apple inc. has strict guidelines for App submission and it review.
You can have a look at this.
You requirement for pre-order app submission violates oint 2.9: Apps that are "beta", "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected.
This link will give you more insight on the process.
So you have to either cut-short the game of yours and submit it as full-functional app. Apple doesn't care how much level your game has. And in later on-releases you can add the levels and updates. But make sure you adhere with the guidelines and do not display the "demo/trial/etc".

How to use a deleted app name in iTunes Connect? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I created an app in iTunes Connect and then later deleted that app before uploading the app to the store.
When I try to create another app with the same name (even though it is now deleted), I get an alert from iTunes Connect saying: The App Name you entered has already been used.
Is there anyway to use the old app name?
From the iTunes Connect Developer Guide:
Important: If you delete your app, you can’t restore it. The SKU or app name can’t be reused in the same organization. If you’ve uploaded a build, your bundle ID can’t be reused.
So no, you can't reuse the app name.
I have spoken with Apple Developer support about this for a similar issue, and they actually made an exception and freed the name up for me. In my case, I had accidentally allowed a name to expire, and wanted to use it again over a year later.
The kind folks at Apple had to confirm that the name was not in use, and that they did not think I was "squatting" the name, but once they did that, they released it back to me.
It did require a special procedure of some sort on their end, and the case had to be escalated to a manager, but I bet if you call them (try this number) they might be able to help you out.
Change your language from English us to English uk for example, get your name back to what you want, save. go back to app change default language on fields to new language and you are good to go.

iOS App Store Unique App Names? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Must iOS apps have a globally unique name? The iTunes Connect Developer Guide implies that they do, but doesn't say so directly. The closest it comes is (p71):
As a result of this deletion [after not delivering a binary within 120 days], your app
name will be able to be used by
another developer
If an app is renamed, does the old name then become available again?
Apps do indeed have to have unique names. If a desired name isn't available, developers commonly solve the problem by adding a bit of description to the name, making it unique, e.g. "SuperText - Text Editor for Geeks" when "SuperText" isn't available.
Until recently there was a significant name-squatting problem, with devs creating placeholder apps that tied up names indefinitely. Apple cleared all of those out last Fall, making a large number of names available again. Now an app created in iTunes Connect but not submitted for review will receive a warning after 150 days and if there's still no submission 30 days later, the placeholder is deleted and the name is freed up to other developers (as per the policy you quote). Significantly, that specific name is no longer available to the developer that first used it, so be certain you're going to submit soon after creating the app in ITC.
As to approved and then later renamed apps, I don't know what Apple's policy is, and it's not spelled out anywhere that I've ever seen. I think it's somewhat unlikely that the old name becomes available due to potential consumer confusion, though: "I bought 'Buddy's Checkers' but now it's saying that I didn't buy it."
Note: Updated from 90 days to 150 days, per Apple's change. See "App Name Expiry" in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide. (thanks to Alexander)
As an aside note: Apple has recently extended its 120 day limit to 180 days. It means that if you don't upload a binary within the 180-day period, your app is deleted from iTunes Connect. As a result, you cannot reuse the app name, SKU or bundle ID. See more details in the App Name Expiry section of the iTunes Connect Developer Guide
