Facebook App Center Submission: Facebook Login Inactivity - ios

I cannot find this anywhere on Google and was hoping someone might help me.
My Problem is that I'm submitting a game to FB App Center and it just doesnt allow me to submit, giving this error:
I believe this error is a false positive, since I just tested logging in on my iPad 3, which obviously runs iOS.
I also have a Android-version and I dont see FB complaining about that.
The game in question is already out there in production, on request I can post links (I dont want to make it look like spam)
By the way, the game runs on the Unity Facebook SDK version 5.1
I can provide more info if needed. Thanks a lot!
Update Added more info
When logging the callback, I even get a success response:
FacebookDidLogin > FBresult: {"is_logged_in":true,"user_id":"100002273765146","access_token":"CAAVCkhjK8KgBAD.....","access_token_expires_at":"07/22/2014 10:47:57"}
Another thing worth noting is that in the insights, frankly there are no iOS accepted logins visible. Which is really weird because I just did.
Figure 1: There are iOS views
Figure 2: No iOS-acceptations but there should be at least 1


Problems activating Facebook Ads in iOS App

I am trying to integrate Facebook Ads in my iOS App.
I have the SDK installed and I also already receive test-ads. So everything seems to work fine.
On the Facebook page inside the Monetization Manager there is a 4 step tutorial on what I need to do.
was Choosing the ad format -> Banner -> Done
Integrating the SDK (I'd say it's done cause I see Test-Ads inside my app) but here's the problem... Cause there is no Checkmark there.
Is the payment info. That's done.
Would be the Review that I'd like to do, but that seems to be deactivated...
So... It also says there, that I need to be logged in to facebook on my phone with an associated Account. I am!
I don't know what else I'd need to do in order for Facebook to recognize that I already successfully displayed a Test-Ad and I just can't find any contact phone number to ask somebody.
Any hints are very much appreciated.
Btw. I already tried yesterday evening (in case the activation process simply takes longer...)
I finally found the Problem after trying every single Setting on the Facebook page...
The problem was that I added my device as Test-Device.
So after removing FBAdSettings.addTestDevice(FBAdSettings.testDeviceHash()) it was working.
Did cost my a lot of time and nerves :) But now everything works as expected!

Google API Changes causing problems on my App

I have an iOS App on the App Store, and it connects to Google Drive. In the past week or so, I've noticed two new problems in my live app.
The App suddenly stopped logging in. I would get a 401 - invalid_client. I found a lot of questions/answers for this problem, but they were all for people who couldn't get it working. Mine was working for about two years and then stopped working a couple of days ago. After trying a lot of things, I found that I was using <id>#developer.gserviceaccount.com as my Client ID, and when I changed it to <id>.apps.googleusercontent.com it worked again. I don't know why this change fixed it, and even knowing that this fixes it, I can't find if this is the correct/appropriate solution.
I explain my second problem, which is very specific here, but skip to the next paragraph to get to the point. The second issue is a a result of Google changing the way their API calls respond, and this is why this wasn't an issue when we submitted the latest version of the App to the App Store. Google has changed the way the explicitlyTrashed property of their GTLDriveFile class. Per their spec, this property should be either an NSNumber containing Yes, or null. They have recently changed it so that it is always an NSNumber set to either Yes or No. This is what's breaking our functionality.
Anyway, these are two changes Google has made on their end recently that currently has my customers on hold since I have to fix this and push it out. My question is if there's a place to keep up with these changes that Google is making recently. Also, if someone knows or can point me to why the first issue is happening, I would greatly appreciate it.
For the first issue, the reason why it got resolved by using [id].apps.googleusercontext.com is because it it requesting an authorization token from an app to the server, as opposed to a Server to Server transaction using impersonation ([id]#developer.gserviceaccount.com). This is the right solution for both android and IOS apps requesting a token.
As for your second question, the best way to keep up to date with the latest changes is through their official blog: http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.com/
Another resource is the G+ Google Drive Developer community: https://plus.google.com/communities/107264319205603895037

GameCenter Challenges do not work in Sandbox?

We have been trying to integrate GameCenter challenges into our latest release. Everything else works just fine in the Sandbox, however, Challenges do not.
When we submit a challenge, the delegate returns that it was not sent and nothing shows up in the native GameCenter view controller.
Does anyone know if this is expected? How should we test Challenge code if not in the sandbox?
Extra Credit Has anyone seen documentation that is actually current on Challenges? Everything we have seen references old deprecated functions.
They can work in the sandbox, but my experience is that you need two iOS devices (not the simulator) both logged in to separate GC accounts when testing them. Do this and you will see the challenges appear fairly quickly, otherwise it's a bit random whether they will turn up at all.

Prevent IOS to shutdown an app when it app switch to facebook for login and permission request

I am really stuck on this problem and I need your help!
I'm doing an ipad game with unity and the social network plugin from prime31.
The situation:
When you arrive to the end of level, the game gives you your score and ask if you want to submit it to facebook. If you do, In my script I've done a system that checks if you are logged in, if you aren't it ask you to login and then the system checks if the app has the publish permissions and if not it ask you the permission. If all theses if are true it posts a message to your wall straight. So hopefully the login/asking part needs to be done only once.
The problem:
When the ipad swap between the game and the facebook app to login, the ipad shutdown the game for saving memory. I've tried to reduce the scene, but it's hard to reduce it more than it is. So I thought maybe I should open that facebook login and authorisation inGame. For that I tried working with this:
And it does exactly what I want, it opens a small window in game, doesn't crash all good really. But the problem, in this solution, is that it only works for the login, and when I ask the publish permission it switches back to the facebook app to ask the permission and therefore crashes.
After more research, it seems that it's not doable to control the ask permission behavior.
So back to square one, how can I prevent IOS to shutdown my game while the user connects to facebook. I'm still looking to reduce the scene.
I heard of using the app url and sending data for the app (my game) launch after leaving the facebook app and therefore ask the ipad to relaunch the app at a specific scene. But that would be really the last solution because it's going to take a lot of rework to make that happened.
If you have another suggestions to work around this problem I'm up for it. All I need is login -> ask for publish permissions -> post and come back to the end of level screen of my game.
Thanks for the help
Put simply, once your app is backgrounded, if iOS wants to shut it down, you can't prevent that from happening.
The best thing you can do is save the state of your app before handing over to the facebook app for the authentication side of things, and then reload your state when the app starts up again. You'll want to handle applicationWillResignActive:, applicationDidEnterBackground:, applicationDidBecomeActive: and applicationWillBecomeActive:.
The App States and Multitasking section of the iOS App Programming Guide explains how you can do this.
I think you should check for FBDialog for iOS 5 and beneath. And FBNativeDialogs for iOS 6.
These will pop a window on the top of your app, so I guess it will still be running. And for iOS 6's FBNativeDialogs
Provides methods to display native (i.e., non-Web-based) dialogs to
the user. Currently the iOS 6 sharing dialog is supported.

Facebook: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked" error in iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app that allows the user to like a Facebook page within the app. I've implemented this using FacebookLikeView. During the course of testing this functionality, I've liked and unliked the same page multiple times. Unfortunately, this seems to have triggered Facebook's spam detection. Now, when trying to like a page using the like button displayed by FacebookLikeView, the following error is presented: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked".
Based on reports of the same problem found by searching the web, I've filled out this form to request that Facebook remove the block. However, I've received no response from them. I'm not sure how to proceed. Has anyone else run into this issue and successfully solved it?
With billions of pieces of content being shared on Facebook every month and bad actors constantly targeting the people who use Facebook, preventing spam isn't easy. Just as a community relies on its citizens to report crime, we rely on you to let us know when you encounter spam, which can be anything from a friend request sent by someone you don't know to a message that includes a link to a malicious website.
From : Explaining Facebook Spam Detection
This is no answer and what Donn Lee said is maybe the best answer.
My best guess at this is to send them lot information regarding you testing the app rather than abusing the system. You could try screenshots, contact info and explain what you are testing it for.
Try : Facebook Help Center
Developer Help : Rate Limits, Restrictions and Disables
Try filing a bug on the Facebook Developers Bugreporter.
If it's been a week and the site is still blocked, submit your site on this form.
if it comes down to no other option, there is also unrelated contact info on Facebook Newsroom, including the e-mail address press#fb.com.
