Rails rake parallelization thresholds and caveats - ruby-on-rails

This is the first time that I've actually run into timing issues regarding the task I have to tackle. I need to do a calculation (running against a webservice) with approximately 7M records. This would take more than 180hrs, so I was thinking about running multiple instances of the webservice on EC2 and just running rake tasks in parallel.
Since I have never done this before, I was wondering what needs to be considered.
More precisely:
What's the maximum number of rake tasks I can run (Is there any limit
at all besides your own machine power)?
What's the maximum number of concurrent connections to a postgres 9.3
Are there any things to be considered when running multiple
active_record.save actions at the same time?
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

rake instances
Every time you run rake, you are running a new instance of your ruby server, with all associated memory and related load-dependency usages. Look in your Rakefile for the inits.
your number of instances in limited by memory and CPU used
you must profile each memory and CPU to know how many can be run
you could write a program to monitor and calculate what's possible, but heuristics will work better for one-off, and first experiments.
heuristically explore your database capacity, too.
watch for write-locks that create blocking
watch for slow reads due to missing indices
look at your postgres configs to see concurrency limits, cache size, etc.
each rake task is its own ruby server, so multiple active_record.save actions impacts:
blocking/waiting due to write-locking
one instance getting 'old' data that was read prior to another's update .save
operational complexity
the number of records (7MM) is just a multiplier for all of the operations that occur upon each record. The operational complexity is the source of limitation, since theoretically, running 7MM workers would solve the problem in the minimum timescale
if 180hr is accurate (dubious), then (180 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 7000000 == 92.57 ms per process.
Look for any shared-resource that is an IO blocker.
look for any common calculation that you can do in advance and cache. A lookup beats a calc.
leave headroom for base OS processes. These will vary by your environment, but you mention AWS but best to conceptually learn how to monitor any system for activity
run top in a separate screen / terminal as the rakes are running.
Prefer to run 2 tops in different screens. sort 1 by memory, sort the other by CPU
have a way to monitor the rakes
watch for events that bubble up the top processes.
if you do this long / well enough, you've profiled you headroom
run more rakes to fill your headroom
don't overrun your memory or you'll get swapping
You may want to consider beanstalk instead, but my guess is you'll find that more complicated than learning all these good foundations, first.


ruby requests more memory when there are plenty free heap slots

We have a server running
Sidekiq 4.2.9
rails 4.2.8
MRI 2.1.9
This server periodically produce some amount of importing from external API's, perform some calculations on them and save these values to the database.
About 3 weeks ago server started hanging, as I see from NewRelic (and when ssh'ed to it) - it consumes more and more memory over time, eventually occupying all available RAM, then server hangs.
I've read some articles about how ruby GC works, but still can't understand, why at ~5:30 AM heap size jumps from ~2.3M to 3M , when there's still 1M free heap slots available(GC settings are default)
similar behavior, 3:35PM:
So, the questions are:
how to make Ruby fill free heap slots instead of requesting new slots from OS ?
how to make it release free heap slots to the system ?
how to make Ruby fill free heap slots instead of requesting new slots from OS ?
Your graph does not have "full" fidelity. It is a lot to assume that GC.stat was called by Newrelic or whatnot just at the exact right time.
It is incredibly likely that you ran out of slots, heap grew and since heaps don't shrink in Ruby you are stuck with a somewhat bloated heap.
To alleviate some of the pain you can limit RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS to a sane number, something like 100,000 will do, I am trying to lobby setting a default here in core.
Create a persistent log of jobs that run and time they ran (duration and so on), gather GC.stat before and after job runs
Split up your jobs by queue, run 1 queue on one server and other queue on another one, see which queue and which job is responsible for the problem
Profile various jobs you have using flamegraph or other profiling tools
Reduce the amount of concurrent jobs you run as an experiment, or place a mutex between certain job types. It is possible that 1 "job a" at a time is OKish, and 20 concurrent "job a"s at a time will bloat memory.

How do I determine the right number of Puma workers and threads to run on a Heroku Performance dyno?

I've read all of the articles I can find on Heroku about Puma and dyno types and I can't get a straight answer.
I see some mentions that the number of Puma workers should be determined by the number of cores. I can't find anywhere that Heroku reveals how many cores a performance-M or performance-L dyno has.
In this article, Heroku hinted at an approach:
I think they're suggesting to set the threads to 1 and increase the number of Puma workers until you start to see R14 (memory) errors, then back off. And then increase the number of threads until the CPU maxes out, although I don't think Heroku reports on CPU utilization.
Can anyone provide guidance?
(I also want to decide whether I should use one performance-L or multiple performance-M dynos, but I think that will be clear once I figure out how to set the workers & threads)
The roadmap I currently figured out like this:
heroku run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" --size performance-m --app yourapp
heroku run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" --size performance-l --app yourapp
Write down the process information you have
Googling model type, family, model, step number of Intel processor, and looking for how many core does this processor has or simulates.
Take a look this https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#process-thread-limits
Do some small experiments with standard-2X / standard-1X to determine PUMA_WORKER value.
Do your math like this:
(Max Threads of your desired dyno type could support) / (Max Threads of baseline dyno could support) x (Your experiment `PUMA_WORKER` value on baseline dyno) - (Number of CPU core)
For example, if the PUMA_WORKER is 3 on my standard-2X dyno as baseline, then the PUMA_WORKER number on performance-m I would start to test it out would be:
16384 / 512 * 3 - 4 = 92
You should also consider how much memory your app consumes and pick the lowest one.
EDIT: Previously my answer was written before ps:exec available. You could read the official document and learn how to ssh into running dyno(s). It should be quite easier than before.
Currently facing the same issue for an application running in production in AWS (we are using ECS), and trying to define the good fit between:
Quantity of vCPU / Ram per instance
Number of instances
Number of puma_threads running per instance (each instance is having a single puma process)
In order to better understand how our application is consuming the pool of puma_threads we did the following:
Export puma metrics to cloudwatch (threads running + backlog), we then saw that around 15 concurent threads, the backlog is starting to grow.
Put this in comparaison with vCPU (usage), we saw that our vCPU was never above 25%
Using these two informations together we decided to take the actions described above.
Finally I would like to share this article, that I found very interesting about this topic.

Why is my PostgreSQL server cpu constrained?

My database is very cpu constrained, and I can't find the root cause of the issue. I currently have two applications servers each wit a Rails api connecting to PostgreSQL via the ruby-pg gem. Both application server also have sidekiq running background jobs, and I have a handful of support servers processing new posts from a national feed via sidekiq. If I were running out of memory, the solution would seemingly be straight forward. Any general ideas why I am CPU constrained?
Database Specs:
Rackspace 8GB Performance Tier cloud VM (8GB RAM, 8x Core CPU, SSD)
Debian 7 Wheezy Linux OS
PostgreSQL 9.1 with PostGIS extension
Possible Problems:
PostgreSQL 9.1 is bad at indexes
The database has nearly 10GB of indexes. I am going to upgrade my database to PostgreSQL version >= 9.2. In version 9.2, index only scans were introduced.
Too many connections
In the postgresql.conf, I have set max connection equal to '500'. Usually throughout the day, only 175 connections are utilized, but during peak times, sidekiq tasks will increase the current connections to 350. How many connections are recommended with an 8GB server instance?
Idol Connections
When I take a look at pg_stat_activity in the psql console, I see sidekiq is leaving a lot of IDLE connections. Could these connections result in CPU inflation? Does the fix exist in the api or in sidekiq?
Need a more powerful server
Maybe there is not a bug. I might need to simply increase the server instance. Again this would make more sense if I was memory bound. However, both app servers and 3 of the support sidekiq servers are 4gb performance tier instances. Essentially, servers that interact with the database have combined more than double the resources of the database. Should this even matter?
Additional questions:
What tools/techniques should I employ to troubleshoot the issue?
Any basic settings in the postgresql.conf related to cpu usage?
Are there any known issues related to rails, sidekiq, or the pg gem that could be a contributing factor? (I havent seen any open issues.)
Are there any general postgreSQL guideline for CPU usage?
Any other ideas thoughts that might help my search?
You are using massively too many concurrent connections. PostgreSQL will be wasting lots of its time on housekeeping and juggling concurrent queries. All the concurrent work will be fighting for CPU and buffer space, there'll be heavy contention on spinlocks, and it'll all generally be a mess.
On an 8 core machine, you should probably not have more than 20 actively working connections if you're mostly CPU constrained. If you're I/O limited, you can go higher, but 350 is just ridiculous.
If possible, put a PgBouncer in transaction pooling mode in front of your PostgreSQL instance, so queries get queued up and executed rapidly in series instead of slowly in parallel.
See number of database connections (Pg wiki).
Additionally, PostGIS can be very CPU-heavy. It sometimes needs to do very complex calculations. I suggest using the auto_explain module to record long running queries, and using pg_stat_statements / pg_stat_plans to record what's taking up resources. Examine these queries to see if they need improvement.
Your idle in transaction sessions must be dealt with, too. Depending on why they're idle and whether they have a transaction ID or not, they might be causing serious table bloat. They're also creating unnecessary signalling overhead within PostgreSQL, as it has to do more co-ordination with backends that're actively doing things. Finally, the number of open transactions its self increases the cost of some internal housekeeping operations.
So. Your DB will probably perform better if you reduce the connection counts, put a PgBouncer in transaction pooling mode in front, and fix those idle connections.
Most likely you are CPU constrained because your work needs a lot of CPU. :)
9.1 is not generally bad at indexes. There may be some specific issues, as all versions might, which exactly what they are might change from version to version.
Index-only-scans are mostly a benefit when you are IO constrained. I wouldn't hold out much hope for that being a magic bullet for you.
350 connections are certainly not helpful, but probably are not very harmful, either. But when they are harmful, it can be downright catastrophic. The correct value is more determined by the number of cores, not the amount of RAM. If it is easy to throttle down the sidekiq connections, do it even if you can't prove that it helps.
If the connections are just IDLE, not IDLE in transaction, then they probably aren't very harmful, but again there are a few cases where they can be. That is pretty much the same issue as the number of connections.
The connection you showed from top was idle in transaction. That status shouldn't be taking up much CPU, so that probably means it is rapidly cycling through statements and top just happens to catch it while it is between them. But you didn't say how many similar lines there were in top, if it is just that one it suggests your code is not running concurrently and 7 of you 8 CPUs are wasted.
Regarding the db server versus the other servers, if the database is fundamentally the limit, beating on it with a bigger hammer is not going to help. Often there is some flexibility about where computation is done. If you can get the app servers to do more computation that is currently done on the db and let the db focus on ACID issues, that would be good. But no one but you can know if that is possible or feasible.
My first stop would be to use pg_stat_statements to see what SQL statements are taking the most time. Maybe just adding an index to the slowest/most frequent query would make the problem magically go away.

Concurrent SOAP api requests taking collectively longer time

I'm using savon gem to interact with a soap api. I'm trying to send three parallel request to the api using parallel gem. Normally each request takes around 13 seconds to complete so for three requests it takes around 39 seconds. After using parallel gem and sending three parallel requests using 3 threads it takes around 23 seconds to complete all three requests which is really nice but I'm not able to figure out why its not completing it in like 14-15 seconds. I really need to lower the total time as it directly affects the response time of my website. Any ideas on why it is happening? Are network requests blocking in nature?
I'm sending the requests as follows
Parallel.map(["GDSSpecialReturn", "Normal", "LCCSpecialReturn"], :in_threads => 3){ |promo_plan| self.search_request(promo_plan) }
I tried using multiple processes also but no use.
I have 2 theories:
Part of the work load can't run in parallel, so you don't see 3x speedup, but a bit less than that. It's very rare to see multithreaded tasks speedup 100% proportionally to the number of CPUs used, because there are always a few bits that have to run one at a time. See Amdahl's Law, which provides equations to describe this, and states that:
The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel computing is limited by the time needed for the sequential fraction of the program
Disk I/O is involved, and this runs slower in parallel because of disk seek time, limiting the IO per second. Remember that unless you're on an SSD, the disk has to make part of a physical rotation every time you look for something different on it. With 3 requests at once, the disk is skipping repeatedly over the disk to try to fulfill I/O requests in 3 different places. This is why random I/O on hard drives is much slower than sequential I/O. Even on an SSD, random I/O can be a bit slower, especially if small-block read-write is involved.
I think option 2 is the culprit if you're running your database on the same system. The problem is that when the SOAP calls hit the DB, it gets hit on both of these factors. Even blazing-fast 15000 RPM server hard drives can only manage ~200 IO operations per second. SSDs will do 10,000-100,000+ IO/s. See figures on Wikipedia for ballparks. Though, most databases do some clever memory caching to mitigate the problems.
A clever way to test if it's factor 2 is to run an H2 Database in-memory DB and test SOAP calls using this. They'll complete much faster, probably, and you should see similar execution time for 1,3, or $CPU-COUNT requests at once.
That's actually is big question, it depends on many factors.
1. Ruby language implementation
It could be different between MRI, Rubinus, JRuby. Tho I am not sure if the parallel gem
support Rubinus and JRuby.
2. Your Machine
How many CPU cores do you have in your machine, you can leverage this using parallel process? Have you tried using process do this if you have multiple cores?
Parallel.map(["GDSSpecialReturn", "Normal", "LCCSpecialReturn"]){ |promo_plan| self.search_request(promo_plan) } # by default it will use [number] of processes if you have [number] of CPUs
3. What happened underline self.search_request?
If you running this in MRI env, cause the GIL, it actually running your code not concurrently. Or put it precisely, the IO call won't block(MRI implementation), so only the network call part will be running concurrently, but not all others. That's why I am interesting about what other works you did inside self.search_request, cause that would have impact on the overall performance.
So I recommend you can test your code in different environments and different machines(it could be different between your local machine and the real production machine, so please do try tune and benchmark) to get the best result.
Btw, if you want to know more about the threads/process in ruby, highly recommend Jesse Storimer's Working with ruby threads, he did a pretty good job explaining all this things.
Hope it helps, thanks.

Unicorn CPU usage spiking during load tests, ways to optimize

I am interested in ways to optimize my Unicorn setup for my Ruby on Rails 3.1.3 app. I'm currently spawning 14 worker processes on High-CPU Extra Large Instance since my application appears to be CPU bound during load tests. At about 20 requests per second replaying requests on a simulation load tests, all 8 cores on my instance get peaked out, and the box load spikes up to 7-8. Each unicorn instance is utilizing about 56-60% CPU.
I'm curious what are ways that I can optimize this? I'd like to be able to funnel more requests per second onto an instance of this size. Memory is completely fine as is all other I/O. CPU is getting tanked during my tests.
If you are CPU bound you want to use no more unicorn processes than you have cores, otherwise you overload the system and slow down the scheduler. You can test this on a dev box using ab. You will notice that 2 unicorns will outperform 20 (number depends on cores, but the concept will hold true).
The exception to this rule is if your IO bound. In which case add as many unicorns as memory can hold.
A good performance trick is to route IO bound requests to a different app server hosting many unicorns. For example, if you have a request that uses a slow sql query, or your waiting on an external request, such as a credit card transaction. If using nginx, define an upstream server for the IO bound requests, forward those urls to a box with 40 unicorns. CPU bound or really fast requests, forward to a box with 8 unicorns (you stated you have 8 cores, but on aws you might want to try 4-6 as their schedulers are hypervised and already very busy).
Also, I'm not sure you can count on aws giving you reliable CPU usage, as your getting a percentage of an obscure percentage.
First off, you probably don't want instances at 45-60% cpu. In that case, if you get a traffic spike, all of your instances will choke.
Next, 14 Unicorn instances seems large. Unicorn does not use threading. Rather, each process runs with a single thread. Unicorn's master process will only select a thread if it is able to handle it. Because of this, the number of cores isn't a metric you should use to measure performance with Unicorn.
A more conservative setup may use 4 or so Unicorn processes per instance, responding to maybe 5-8 requests per second. Then, adjust the number of instances until your CPU use is around 35%. This will ensure stability under the stressful '20 requests per second scenario.'
Lastly, you can get more gritty stats and details by using God.
For a high CPU extra large instance, 20 requests per second is very low. It is likely there is an issue with the code. A unicorn-specific problem seems less likely. If you are in doubt, you could try a different app server and confirm it still happens.
In this scenario, questions I'd be thinking about...
1 - Are you doing something CPU intensive in code--maybe something that should really be in the database. For example, if you are bringing back a large recordset and looping through it in ruby/rails to sort it or do some other operation, that would explain a CPU bottleneck at this level as opposed to within the database. The recommendation in this case is to revamp the query to do more and take the burden off of rails. For example, if you are sorting the result set in your controller, rather than through sql, that would cause an issue like this.
2 - Are you doing anything unusual compared to a vanilla crud app, like accessing a shared resource, or anything where contention could be an issue?
3 - Do you have any loops that might burn CPU, especially if there was contention for a resource?
4 - Try unhooking various parts of the controller logic in question. For example, how well does it scale if you hack your code to just return a static hello world response instead? I bet suddenly unicorn will be blazlingly fast. Then try adding back in parts of your code until you discover the source of the slowness.
