Rails: around_save callback to conditionally trigger an action specific to one attribute? - ruby-on-rails

My Rails app has events and users. I need to send a message to a user if/when they're added to an event, whether it's a new event being created or an existed one being updated. To avoid messaging them multiple times, I'm considering a design pattern like this:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
around_save :contact_added_users
def contact_added_users
existing_users = self.users
added_users = self.users.reject{|u| existing_users.include? u }
added_users.each { |u| u.contact }
Is this a sensible approach? I'm not sure how to work this functionality into the conditional callbacks pattern.
Edit: It occurs to me that this won't work as added_users will always be empty.
Update: In order to minimize conflicts with existing code, I think I'm going to avoid using callbacks in the model, and instead use an around filter in the controller. Also, that allows me to query the database for the existing users before they're attached to the event object. Something like this (using ActiveAdmin):
ActiveAdmin.register Event do
controller do
around_filter :contact_added_users
def contact_added_users
#event = Event.find(params[:id])
existing_users = #event.users
added_users = #event.users.reject{|u| existing_users.include? u }
added_users.each { |u| u.contact }


How to skip_callback before_save for specific user?

I've a method named update inside my DailyOrdersController:
def update
if #daily_order.update( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
render :edit
My DailyOrder model:
before_save :refresh_total
def refresh_total
# i do something here
What I'm trying to do now is, I want the refresh_total callback to be skipped if the update request is coming from current_admin.
I have 2 user model generated using Devise gem:
User (has current_user)
Admin (has current_admin)
I try to make it like this:
def update
if current_admin
DailyOrder.skip_callback :update, :before, :refresh_total
if #daily_order.update( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
render :edit
But it's not working and still keep calling the refresh_total callback if the update request is coming from current_admin (when the logged-in user is admin user).
What should I do now?
I think this is all what you need:
If you skip callback, you should enable it later. Anyway, this does not look as the best solution. Perhaps you could avoid the callbacks otherwise.
One way would be to use update_all:
DailyOrder.where(id: #daily_order.id).update_all( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
Or you could do something like this:
#in the model:
before_validation :refresh_total
#in the controller
#daily_order.assign_attributes( daily_order_params.merge({default_order:false}) )
#daily_order.save(validate: current_admin.nil?)
or maybe it would be the best to add a new column to the model: refresh_needed and then you would conditionally update that column on before_validation, and on before_save you would still call the same callback, but conditionally to the state of refresh_needed. In this callback you should reset that column. Please let me know if you would like me to illustrate this with some code.
This may come in handy:
Even better, you can call update_columns.
Here is what it says in the documentation of the method:
Updates the attributes directly in the database issuing an UPDATE SQL
statement and sets them in the receiver:
user.update_columns(last_request_at: Time.current)
This is the fastest way to update attributes because it goes straight to
the database, but take into account that in consequence the regular update
procedures are totally bypassed. In particular:
\Validations are skipped.
\Callbacks are skipped.
+updated_at+/+updated_on+ are not updated.
This method raises an ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError when called on new
objects, or when at least one of the attributes is marked as readonly.

Using conditionals on callbacks rails

I have a callback on my comment model that creates a notification that gets sent out to the appropriate members but I don't want it to create a notification if the current_member is commenting on his own commentable object. I've tried using the unless conditional like this:
after_create :create_notification, on: :create, unless: Proc.new { |commentable| commentable.member == current_member }
def create_notification
subject = "#{member.user_name}"
body = "wrote you a <b>Comment</b> <p><i>#{content}</i></p>"
commentable.member.notify(subject, body, self)
But I get this error: undefined local variable or method 'current_member' for #<Comment:0x746e008
How do I get this to work like I want?
It's pretty atypical to try to use current_user or things like that from the model layer. One problem is that you're really coupling your model layer to the current state of the controller layer, which will make unit testing your models much more difficult and error-prone.
What I would recommend is to not use an after_create hook to do this, and instead create the notifications at the controller layer. This will give you access to current_user without needing to jump through any hoops.

How to implement controller in order to handle the creation of one or more than one record?

I am using Ruby on Rails 4.1. I have a "nested" model and in its controller I would like to make the RESTful create action to handle cases when one or more than one records are submitted. That is, my controller create action is:
def create
#nester = Nester.find(:nester_id)
#nesters_nested_objects = #nester.nested_objects.build(create_params)
if #nnesters_ested_objects.save
# ...
# ...
def create_params
params.require(:nesters_nested_object).permit(:attr_one, :attr_two, :attr_three)
I would like it to handle both cases when params contain data related to one object and when it contains data related to more than one object.
How can I make that? Should I implement a new controller action (maybe called create_multiple) or what? There is a common practice in order to handling these cases?
Well, if you insist on creating those records aside from their nest, I can propose to go with something like this (it better be a separate method really):
def create_multiple
#nest = Nester.find(params[:nester])
params[:nested_objects].each do |item|
#nest.nested.new(item.permit(:attr_one, :attr_two, :attr_three))
if #nest.save

Rails 3: Should I explicitly save an object in an after_create callback?

Relevant Code: http://pastebin.com/EnLJUJ8G
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :check_room_schedule
scope :for_date, lambda { |date| where(day: date) }
scope :for_room, lambda { |room| where(room: room) }
scope :room_stats, lambda { |room| where(room: room) }
scope :gear_stats, lambda { |gear| where(gear: gear) }
def check_room_schedule
#tasks = Task.for_date(self.day).for_room(self.room).list_in_asc_order
#self_position = #tasks.index(self)
if #tasks.length <= 2
if #self_position == 0
self.notes = "There is another meeting in
this room beginning at # {#tasks[1].begin.strftime("%I:%M%P")}."
def self.list_in_asc_order
order('begin asc')
I'm making a small task app. Each task is assigned to a room. Once I add a task, I want to use a callback to check to see if there are tasks in the same room before and or after the task I just added (although my code only handles one edge case right now).
So I decided to use after_create (since the user will manually check for this if they edit it, hence not after_save) so I could use two scopes and a class method to query the tasks on the day, in the room, and order them by time. I then find the object in the array and start using if statements.
I have to explicitly save the object. It works. But it feels weird that I'm doing that. I'm not too experienced (first app), so I'm not sure if this is frowned upon or if it is convention. I've searched a bunch and looked through a reference book, but I haven't see anything this specific.
This looks like a task for before_create to me. If you have to save in your after_* callback, you probably meant to use a before_* callback instead.
In before_create you wouldn't have to call save, as the save happens after the callback code runs for you.
And rather than saving then querying to see if you get 2 or more objects returns, you should be querying for one object that will clash before you save.
In psuedo code, what you have now:
after creation
now that I'm saved, find all tasks in my room and at my time
did I find more than one?
Am I the first one?
yes: add note about another task, then save again
no: everything is fine, no need to re-save any edits
What you should have:
before creation
is there at least 1 task in this room at the same time?
yes: add note about another task
no: everything is fine, allow saving without modification
Something more like this:
before_create :check_room_schedule
def check_room_schedule
conflicting_task = Task.for_date(self.day)
.where(begin: self.begin) # unsure what logic you need here...
if conflicting_task
self.notes =
"There is another meeting in this room beginning at #{conflicting_task.begin.strftime("%I:%M%P")}."

Base.save, callbacks and observers

Let us say that we have the model Champ, with the following attributes, all with default values of nil: winner, lose, coach, awesome, should_watch.
Let's assume that two separate operations are performed: (1) a new record is created and (2) c.the_winner is called on a instance of Champ.
Based on my mock code, and the observer on the model, what values are saved to the DB for these two scenarios? What I am trying to understand is the principles of how callbacks work within the context of Base.save operation, and if and when the Base.save operation has to be called more than once to commit the changes.
class Champ
def the_winner
self.winner = 'me'
def the_loser
self.loser = 'you'
def the_coach
self.coach = 'Lt Wiggles'
def awesome_game(awesome_or_not=false)
self.awesome = awesome_or_not
def should_watch_it(should=false)
self.should_watch = should
class ChampObserver
def after_update(c)
def after_create(c)
def before_create(c)
c.should_watch_it(true) if c.awesome_game
With your example, if you called champ.winner on a new and unmodified instance of Champ, the instance of Champ would be committed to the DB and would look like this in the database:
winner: 'me'
awesome: true
should_watch: true
loser: nil
coach: nil
The after_create callback would be called if it is a new record, and if not, the after_update callback would (this is why loser would be nil if the instance was new). However, because they just call a setter method on the instance, they will only update the instance and will not commit more changes to the DB.
You could use update_attribute in your observer or model methods to commit the change, but unless you actually need to have the record in the database and then update it, it's wasteful. In this example, if you wanted those callbacks to actually set loser and coach in the database, it'd be more efficient to use before_save and before_create.
The Rails guides site has a good overview of callbacks here, if you haven't read it already.
