Guide me to learn iOS SDK [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to coding, but i am interested in learning objective-C. From Where do i start learning objective-C for making iOS apps ?
I have started studying "Programming in Objective-C" by Stephen G Kochan. And I am going good and understanding well. it would be greatly appreciated if i am provided with some tutorials
thanks in advance

4 guides about getting started with Objective-C, which helped me quite a lot when I started developing in Xcode. You should take a look at this:

Apple's Start Developing iOS Apps Today
Stanford iOS course
And google <3


Switching from MAC development to IOS development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a MAC developer for more than 4 years. I am planning to switch to iOS development. I am confused how to start with this. Please suggest from where I can start. What are the main things should I be concentrating on. If there is any links on switching from MAC development to iOS development will be very much appreciable. Thanks.
I think you just have to follow basic tutorials with iOS programmation.
It will be very easy to switch on with those tutorials - Raywenderlich !
Go to the Part3. You just have to know the fundamental about iOS, the rest is the same as Mac programming !
It's my opinion, but if you aren't a junior in Objective-C it should be very easy for you with those tutorials !
Good luck ;)

How to start Virtual Reality Applications Development? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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With Oculus Rift, Project Morpheus from Sony I think VR is going to be next big thing. I am kinda stuck about where and how to start getting my feet wet in VR application development. Any inputs on the same is really appreciated.
I always recomend the practicle approach. First, try it, then think about what you can do with it.
Oculus VR Development Kit 2 is available, you can order it and try it by yourself.
With the development kit you will probably have access to some technical documentation to help you on how to use it.
Concerning Sony's Project Morpheus, I don't see any links to order a development kit, so you're pretty stuck regarding this one.

Where to begin when creating a mobile app (iOS)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have recently starter learning iOS development, I took few tutorials online (treehouse) and used their guidance to build some simple apps.
Now I want to create a notepad, just a simple app that let you create notes...
but when I want to do it from scratch on my own I get stuck...I don't know where should I begin? to divide the classes I need? and how to define stuff...
could you please provide me with some basic guidance? I want to build this app myself and with help from stack tutorials..
appreciate it
Try these tutorials: they are good for starting app development in objective-c for iPhone. They also have free tutorials.
Start with programming basics...
OOPS concepts and stuff like that..
Then go for obj c syntax and coding basics
Then get a hold of basic applications,common objects used etc etc..
Some helpful sites
and ofcourse
Apple documentation [the best]
You can also check out "Paul Hegarty" videos on iOS App Development on "iTunes U" (Stanford University - CS193P Course - From Fall 2011 Onwards).

how to start creating game 2D for iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm iOS development and I want to create one simple game for iOS and I don't know that how to start ?
please tell and guide me about it (for example guide me related sources books or tutorials movie)
I want to start creating simple game.... please help.
I recommend to you tutorial on , for example How To Make A Simple iPhone Game with Cocos2D 2.X Tutorial is good start. Using cocos2d-x will provide easy android porting.

Requirements for iOS game Development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've created apps using objective c. Now I want to develop some cool iOS games and I don't have any knowledge as far as game development is considered. So Can anyone please tell
1) What are the basic requirements for developing a iOS game, and
2) If possible can you guys suggest a tutorial to get started.
Thank You. Help is much appreciated.
Since Apple has brought their own framework "Sprite Kit" for making exciting 2D games I suggest you to go through Raywenderlich Sprite Kit tutorial,which I believe is an jump start for your consideration.
