How do I add classes found in the "extras" folder of QuickDialog? - ios

With a recent update, some functionality of QuickDialog such as the QPickerElement was moved out of the main project and into an "extras" folder. What is the right way to add this functionality back into a project?

Took most of the day, but I finally think I have the correct way of doing this. In your project-Prefix.pch file, use the following code:
#import <QuickDialog/QuickDialog.h>
#import <Extras/QPickerElement.h> // Add a line like this for each of the extra classes you need
Also, make sure that the "User Header Search Paths" value in your target's build settings is set to recursive. If it isn't, you'll get an error saying something like: "QEntryElement not found".
Hope this saves someone else a lot of time.


Generated header file not found in xcode

We are working on a swift project where we use a little bit of Objc.
I have two targets and one framework with a big part of the code (also the mixed code) inside it. My two targets including this framework. (screenshot)
Now I keep getting this error.
'Nexx4-iOS-Swift.h' file not found
Nexx4-iOS is the generated header file that is been created. When I look inside derived data I will find this file. But I cannot navigate (CMD-click) to the file. So it seems that that there is some thing wrong with the linking of it?
Any help?
First remove is header file path from the Build Setting in Project in each target.
And again recreate header file.
Go to Build Settings under Packaging, search for Defines Module and set it to Yes. Hope this may helpful.

referring to an installed pod within Prefix.pch

Finally taking on pods. Everything seems to work, for example, dropped in Parse, install pod'd, see it in a view controller.m file just fine.
BUT.. now i want to drop Parse into the pch as i use it so often. My pre-pods line was:
#import "Parse/Parse.h"
I tried this, and
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Parse.h>
.. and every variant i can think of, no luck. I can of course drop imports where required, but this is more convenient, despite the suggestions not to use this route.
What i find most confusing is that the UI pre-fills in the path for me for second option, so it finds it, but on build, it fails with
'Parse/Parse.h' file not found.
Thanks for suggesting a working syntax.
This may not be the perfect answer, as there are so my cocoapods fans using the repo that this is likely due to my newness to it, but i had to manually create an entry into User Header Search Paths which was "Pods" and set it recursive.
Then all was good.

external framework File/File.h (Parse/Parse.h) file not found

So every time I update my app, Xcode claims not to be able to find a particular external framework even though it's there. It's happened again with Xcode 6 and my usual methods (I'm fairly inexperienced, so these basically involve clicking and typing things until something happens (I exaggerate but not by much)) aren't working.
I'm getting a Lexical or Preprocessor Issue error that says 'Parse/Parse.h' file not found.' But here are screenshots of it in the project and added to the library:
I also followed the steps in the most upvoted answer at ‘ld: warning: directory not found for option’ but still nothing.
Any idea what to do? Any idea at all? I'm tearing my hair out here.
Actually I was facing the same problem but after doing lots of (removing/adding parse framework) efforts I come to know that parse.framework is already added and error was still there.
Real Problem was not in link Binary for main project but it was with Tests link Binary.
Lets say your project name is "project1" and Xcode create one more folder with it called "project1Tests". So select "project1Tests" and add parse.framework in link Binary.
Check out the hierarchy:
project1Tests (you need to select this to add parse framework).
Hope this would help you resolve this issue.
I had this error also. I'm developing in Swift, so I added a "bridge header" as described in this Parse blog post.
The reason I got the "Parse.h not found" was that my project name contained spaces. (For project name I mean the Product Name you enter when creating a new project, which determines your folder's name.) The first day all went well, but after closing and opening Xcode, it turns out that Xcode interprets the words separated by spaces as different paths.
To fix this, you can go to Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Framework Search Paths and add an "\" before each space. (If you double click the path you'll see that Xcode shows each word separated by space as a different entry.)
Also note that the bridge header with #import <Parse/Parse.h> it's not compulsory: you can simply do import Parse.
All I had to do was remove Parse.framework from this list by highlighting and pressing delete.
Then I went down to the plus sign at the bottom of that list and had to select Add Other and manually locate the downloaded .framework file.
In my case, the error went away after I added the path to the directory where Parse.framework was to the Frameworks Search Paths Build Setting:
My project didn't even have an entry for that setting, so you may need to create it as well.
I had the same issue when upgrading parse to 1.4v. You have to delete Parse.framework from Framework List and from the project directory, when removed from both places copy again and check "Copy items to destination's group folder". It worked for me.
Its work for me.
Just go to Build Active Architecture Only and Debug should be yes and Release should be No
In my case I had to do one more thing additional to Sukhchais' answer.
It seems that though the parse.framework appears in the 'link Binary with Libraries' list for the targets, they might not have linked properly for some reason. Just remove parse.framework from the list and add it again as mentioned. By that way I was able to resolve my issue.
Just to Share my findings in case if somebody might have the same issue:
Accidentally we had two references of Parse.framework inside our source code base at two different places. And a reference of Parse.framework was linked in Build Phases of the target, from the first place. But when the app is compiled, Xcode was not smart enough to get a reference and trowed an error: "Lexical or Preprocessor Issue" error when "Parse/Parse.h" is imported in .pch file.
After spending couple of hours by trying various options, removed a reference of Parse.framework from the source base and kept only a single reference. This solved the issue.
And the app compiled successfully :)
For people coming from Ionic + Cordova if you are getting this error I solved it by removing my current parsePlugin and replacing it with this fork.
For simplicity, I used these console commands (Replace PARSE_APP_ID and PARSE_CLIENT_KEY with your keys in the Parse Console):
cordova plugin rm com.parse.cordova.core.pushPlugin
cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID=PARSE_APP_ID --variable CLIENT_KEY=PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
Ok, so I was having this problem as well. I uninstalled all my pods, reinstalled them again, and had no luck.
So the good news (and bad news considering the time I spent trying to find the problem) is that I eventually managed to solve it. Apparently, you have to import Foundation/Foundation.h before parse. I don't know whether this will work for you or not, but I tried everything on the net, and only this seemed to work. If you have any instances of this:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
flip it around so that Foundation is declared first:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
I also read somewhere that some people had issues with Facebook SDK and Parse SDK import. Apparently, the two have Bolt.Framework in common or something, which causes error. I removed Facebook SDK as well, which at first didn't make any difference. I hope I could help.

Xcode doesn't see the file

I have this file structure:
But Xcode doesn't see file for :#import "VKSdk.h" , because it's in another project, what do I need to do:
Perhaps consider looking into how to work with workspaces in Xcode. It offers great features when working with multiple interconnected projects.
Check this out
VK guid said to add only sdk.xcodeproj file, so it didn't see all the files in this added project, but when I tried to cope these files into the project, it failed to launch.
I added $(PROJECT_DIR)/DatingService/3d\ Party/VKAPI/sdk into Header Search Paths of Build Settings and now it works.
Try to clean your project. I hope it helps
File is not present make sure you are writing right class name
Make sure file is present over there.
If you are adding file from somewhere it is recommended to tick the check box copy item into destination folder.
Fix: you need to update User Header Search Paths in Build Settings like this ../**
Look at the image:

Xcode 4.2 (Snow Leopard) Build Warning "Missing File"

I recently deleted a viewcontroller from my project (both .h and .m files) but know I get a 'missing file' warning every time I build.
Any ideas on this and is it something I need to worry about?
This is probably a version control issue if you are using svn or git. I had this problem and solved it using the solution provided in this post:
Missing file warnings showing up after upgrade to XCode 4
I recently faced the same scenario. Adding and deleting did not work for me.
However, I added them once more and right clicked on them. Under source control, I Discarded the changes and then deleted the files(Move to trash). This worked for me !!!
Ensure that it's not referenced anywhere in the project.
Look at the files on the bar on the left, make sure it's not there. Missing files are colored in red.
Ensure that none of your files #import the file.
Also, in the future, avoid storing files in parent directories. ../../ isn't something you want to use.
You likely have a 'dangling reference' in your target's list of files to compile or copy -- check your compile and copy phases for the target which emits the warning.
If it's been physically deleted, the simplest way is usually to enter the file name into the project navigator's search field - look for what Tom detailed - then delete the files from the project(s).
I had a similiar problem. I was trying to delete a .h and .m and I wanted to remove the files entirely, but kept getting errors if I chose "Move to Trash" instead of just "Remove Reference".
Turns out, I needed to just delete each file INDIVIDUALLY. Just add the files back in (if you have them somewhere) and re-delete them one at a time. Worked for me!
