Crash in CFNumberCreate (malloc_zone_malloc) - ios

I'm getting a number of crashes in __handleUncaughtException -> CFNumberCreate -> malloc_zone_malloc (see screenshot of crash log from Crashlytics).
Can anyone explain what might be causing this?

Most likely the crash is not caused by anything related to NSNumber or CFNumber, but is caused by messing up memory earlier, and the crash you get is just the symptom.
Google for "iOS debug memory corruption" which should give you some hints.


CFNetwork Crash : CFURLRequestSetHTTPRequestBody + 12112

enter image description here
My app encountered this crash in recent months.From the stacktrace as the following, I can‘t find any clue.This crash only happened on iOS 11.2.x and background thread. This bug almost happened only once on each user's device. I don't know if it is a bug from Apple.Can anybody give me some clues about this bug? Thanks a lot!

How to get crash reason in Xcode Crash log system?

I got a crash in my test flight version of an iOS application, but when I check the Xcode crash log system, I am getting the crashed line and crashed function name. But I was not able to find the reason of crash. Does anybody know how to find out the reason of the crash occurred?
Here is the screenshot of the crash log of Xcode -> Organiser.
From this I am not getting the crash reason.
There is a way to show the report in Finder, as per by Control+Clicking in the list of crash reports on the left.
Please update your question with the .crash file, which should provide full information about the crash.
The function that actually crashed is objc_msgSend. The most likely cause is that you sent a message to an object that had a different type than you and the compiler expected.

Crash caused by [NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:]

my app got a critical crash since apple releases 10.3.0 version. Here the crash log. Does anyone have any idea about this? Thanks

IOS WebView get stuck after some time opened

My webview is getting stuck after 1 hour opened without use it, I'm getting the following errors:
Someone know what's the problem?
Thank you!
From the Log you can see that is a memory issue "Terminated due to memory issue"
It could be a memory leak or a “zombie” object.
Run the app with instruments to get more info and check if you have forgotten to disable zombies from the scheme editor , Memory Management options

EXC_BAD_ACCESS from Apple Subthread

All of a sudden, I receive this EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSZombie isn't saying anything.
Anyone have an effective way to debug and eliminate this issue?
There might be following issues:-
1) First check in your code in which line it is happening.
2) It happens due to improper bindings in the xib as well.
