Phonegap local builds fail with media plugin - ios

create new project
build for iOS: SUCCESS
add media plugin
build for iOS: FAIL
The following build commands failed:
CompileC build/ HelloWorld/Plugins/ normal i386 objective-c
(1 failure)
[error] /Projects/Code/hello/platforms/ios/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 65
Here's the list of commands
phonegap create hello
cd hello
phonegap build ios # WORKS
phonegap local plugin add
phonegap build ios # FAILS
Same scenario happens with cordova, and if I use sudo.

I fixed the problem by completely deleting the iOS folder under platforms, then re-running phonegap build ios.

This is something I ran into a while back. If you’re not an iOS developer, but get tasked with building iOS apps, you may run into this. This particular exit code is fun because xcodebuild doesn’t tell you what the problem is.
Aside from building your app using the Xcode IDE, you also have the command line utility xcodebuild available to you. Assuming the code itself compiles just fine, this tool will tell you, for example, if you’re missing a provisioning profile or something.
In my case, it turned out xcodebuild didn’t have access to the certificate I was using.
So… here’s some things to check for:
Make sure you’ve installed an up to date certificate in your Keychain
Remove expired certificates
Grant access to xcode to use your certificate (or allow all programs to use the certificate)
Make sure you’ve installed an up to date provisioning profile
Remove expired
provisioning profiles
Another option ....
use which will build the app for you and generate your .ipa and .apk files. It is free for 1 project (just delete your project and then re-upload if you have multiple ones). Just make an account, upload your certs and then you upload your www folder.
Thumbs up if you this was helpful to you!

I got the solution on PhoneGap Google group
And the solution is to add the File plugin also. Strange that these dependencies are not mentioned but it worked. I guess we'll need to randomly try the combinations of plugins until something works.
The bug is logged here:
And it looks like you have to add File plugin first, then Media, the order is important.

try add sudo when add cordova plugin into your project.
sudo cordova plugin add

I was getting an exit code 65 after adding the dialogs plugin. Tried some of the top answers here, but in the end James's advice worked: deleted the ios platform, reinstalled the platform, and then it built.


Command Code sign Failed with a nonzero exit code when building flutter app using Xcode (errSecInternalComponent)

I am getting getting this error:
/Users/administrator/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-xxxxxxx/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/ errSecInternalComponent
When building a flutter app.
I found some hints that might be related to xattrs.
xattr -rc folder/to/sources
does not help.
I saw that when running new builds, there are lots of files with attributes in my app's folder.
So I also
xattr -rc ~/development/flutter
After this step, the files stopped to appear, but I still get the same error.
I tried the possible solutions in
My key / identity seems to be accessible. I also tried a restart and flutter clean.
I also cannot find any information about setting the debuglevel of the codesign binary - is that possible?
EDIT2: Now trying
Xcode 10, Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
In my case code sign failing issue happened because of keeping project files on shared iCloud directory. I realized that after trying out all popular suggestions like flutter clean or xCode wizardry actions related to this issue, so I finally managed to re-create the project in local non-shared drive directory and the problem disappeared.
I managed to fix that by switching off "Automatically manage signing" and used a distribution certificate and profile which I had to create on the Apple developer website beforehand.

How to remove scripts (in a framework) when the ios app is archived?

I'm working on a cocoa pod framework which has a couple of shell scripts in it. After installing the pod, the user should add the following in app's build phase -> run script :
After this the build works fine and app runs. But archiving creates problems. XCode gives an error saying:
iTunes Store Operation Failed
Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. The file at path [] is not properly signed. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult
I've two concerns now:
Xcode doens't allow scripts to be a part of archive?
If thats the case, then how do I remove these scripts from archive? Is there a build setting like ${ARCHIVE_DIR} from where I can search for the latest archive and then remove the script. Or, is there some build setting where I can mention what files to ignore while building or archiving?
Also, I've already tried adding these files to 'exclude source file names' to the app's build settings. It didn't work since the script to be executed isn't a part of the app, but part of the framework integrated in app.
Also, my framework is a fat framework generated by using lipo on simulator build and device build. Which means that framework won't be code signed.
Apple does not allow simulation code inside framework when push to store, to overcome this, either ship the framework without simulator arch, or use external script to remove it during app build.
Example script can be found in some framework like Realm, basically you have to add the script file in your framework, and tell user/dev to call this on their build script (it's the
This issue is stated in this archiving universal framework bug

xcrun: error: unable to find utility "PackageApplication", not a developer tool or in PATH - Since updating Xcode

Updated Xcode this morning and now ionic project wont deploy to a device.
ionic run ios --device
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "PackageApplication", not a developer tool or in PATH
Error: Error code 72 for command: xcrun with args: -sdk,iphoneos,PackageApplication,-v
No idea what to do to fix, Googling returns lots of options but none correct.
Cordova is trying to use "PackageApplication" tool. But it was removed since Xcode 8.3. Either downgrade Xcode or wait for Cordova to have a fix for that.
Linked in the Jenkins issue that matson kepson mentioned here there was a guy who attempted a PR to fix the issue. There was some unfinished change requests in his PR and I also found a few null ptrs in his changes. I forked his pr and fixed these things here and there is now a snapshot linked here that you can download and become unblocked until such a change is merged into the full build.
Hi its official Bug from jenkins
here you have a fresh status
Little bit clearer to look at this:
I've just come across this and my solution was to remove the iOS platform from the project:
ionic platform rm ios
Then add it back in again
ionic platform add ios
I needed to run an initial build for it to fail with no signing set, so opening up the project in Xcode to just fix that. After that, building via the ionic cli worked as expected. I am guessing that re-adding the platform pulled in a new version of cordova-ios.
Update: I had only started on this project and created the base project from the blank template. I have Xcode 8.3.1 installed and using Ionic 3 (still with the --v2 switch with ionic cli).
I used shenzhen this automatic procedure encountered a similar problem, and finally in accordance with the github Pull Request to solve my problem, hope for your reference!
I found a workaround to solve this using command line, with device connected on your mac:
ionic build ios --device
ios-deploy --noninteractive --debug --bundle build/device/
After this, stop debug using Ctrl C, and your app will be working on your device.
Hope work for you guys.
The is caused by the deprecated PackageApplication. If you're using the remotebuild tool to run from Windows, it will be solved when the remotebuild bug has been fixed:
Another solution is to downgrade XCode.
Here if the explanation on how to uninstall current XCode.
And here you can download XCode 8.2.
An option is open a .xcodeproj file located at platforms/ios and run the project directly from Xcode.

Xcode - clang failed with exit code 1. Plugin cause?

I'm getting an odd error in Xcode when I try to Archive my app.
I'm using Ionic and the Ionic CLI tools. The app has been built for Android and is in beta on the Google Play store.
In Xcode I get this error:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/SubjectiveEffect/myApp/platforms/ios/CardsApp/Plugins/'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
So it looks like there is some error with the de.appplant email plugin. The email plugin works in Android but it doesn't work in Ionic View on iOS. I wasn't sure if this was that the plugin isn't Ionic View compatible or not.
Anyone have any ideas?
I uninstalled this plugin and I now get the same error, but from a different plugin!
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/SubjectiveEffect/myApp/platforms/ios/CardsApp/Plugins/com.danielcwilson.plugins.googleanalytics/UniversalAnalyticsPlugin.m'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
So I'm pretty sure this is a plugin problem.
Anyone have any idea why or how I can fix it? I'm installing from the command line on a Mac with the standard cordova commands as seen on ngCordova.
edit: To be clear - those folders do not, indeed, exist. The plugins work fine in Android though...
Your error is quite strange, probably something happened to the structure folders..
I would try doing something like this:
Before doing this test make a backup copy of platforms/ios.
cd my-folder-app/
ionic platform remove ios
ionic platform add ios
Now should need to copy from backup and paste for example the icons, splash screens to the fresh platforms/ios folder and re-apply some eventual changes that you did.
ionic build ios
And then open xcode:
Run the app on emulator or device to test if works
Disconnect the device
Select the schema and iOS Device
If you need configure the schema, first you need to edit it:
Select Archive from the left panel, and from the right there is Build Configuration: select Release if you want publish the app or Debug if you want install the app on a test device. And click Close.
From the top menu: Product > Archive
Good luck!
To be sure that your errors not depends to the ionic project make this test please:
cd projects-folder/
ionic start myTestApp tabs
cd myTestApp/
ionic platform add ios
ionic build ios
And now follow the same steps on xcode to archive the app.
I never really found out what was happening.
What I did was remove the iOS platform and re-add it. This just created more errors although for some reason the correct folders were there. I also then found my Android build wouldn't work.
I removed everything and re-added it all, updating Ionic too.
Then XCode would open but freeze. Hard freeze. The only way to quit it was to force close the Mac. I even uninstalled XCode and re-installed it. Same thing.
Finally I used the command line to erase all presets in XCode so it would open fresh without any projects loaded. Now it works, and the Android version seems to be working too.
I've no idea where the error started and so I can't rightly tag anyone as correct as that would be misleading. The solution: cleans and burn, start again. :)

Xcode 4.3.2 bypass code signing

I'm using Xcode 4.3.2 to compile Cydia Applications.
4.1 has a simple way to allow un-signed Applications to build (plist edit), however, in 4.3.2, it does not share the same simplicity of editing a plist file.
Now, in 4.3.2, I receive this error:
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 5.1'
So my question is, how Do I bypass code signing in Xcode 4.3.2?
Found it! the plist is located at
i assume its the same steps as have not tested it yet.
EDIT: Tested it, and it worked. :)
The post below allowed me to compile from command line without changing my xcode settings (in case you still want to be able to easily test, debug on your phone and build for the app store)
Building iOS applications using xcodebuild without codesign
cd to your xcode project directory
do this: xcodebuild clean build CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO
You will get the application built in the release folder unless you pass the output folder as a param.
In order to locate the output, do the following:
XCode > Preferences > Locations
Below derived data is the folder to which xcode outputs the apps. I use a list view to check the time of change, which allows me to locate the correct app.
Of course, you'll next have to sign the app with ldid and do other stuff required for Cydia, the big boss does a great job there:
