How to show a loading page? - struts2

I have a Java application in which I provide a search box that users use to receive a long list of results.
I need to show a page while user is waiting for the response to be back from server, I know that I can send the request using ajax and while the response is not back I can show a lightbox or a separate page but I am wondering if there is any other way to implement it without ajax as I do not care if it is asynchronous or not.
I suppose need to use interceptors but do not know how and could not find much info.

To show the loading page usign struts2 you need to use execAndWait intereceptor. Have a look at this


Disable AJAX on only home page with jQuery Mobile

I am looking for a way to simply disable AJAX on ONLY the home page in my project. I am using MVC so there are links to the home page in many areas. I want AJAX for the entire site however not when loading the home page. The reason is because I am using a script to setup the UI dynamically, it contains objects and those objects load when the page loads as a hard refresh but no when jQuery Mobile transitions to the page. I am looking for a solution where I can add a Script to just the home page to disable AJAX whenever it is referenced. But still have AJAX for the rest of the solution. Its a very unique situation but I haven't found anything that could prevent ONE page from being loaded through AJAX. Does anyone know?
if I could I would like to do something like this only on the home page
[some call to disable this page from being loaded with AJAX]
Thanks in advance.
No such thing exists. Think of AJAX like a little mini-browser: if the URL returns a response, it can access it. However, it might be possible to branch on the existence of a request header in your Home action and return something like a 403 Forbidden if an "AJAXy" request header is detected.
jQuery, for example, sends an X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header along with its request. If this header is present, the request most likely came from an AJAX method in jQuery (or other libraries that potentially use the same methodology). You can also pass your own custom headers with the AJAX request, if you want. However, all of this is implementation-specific, so it pretty much depends on all developers on your team doing things a certain way. For example, if someone used a standard JavaScript XHR object to make the request, then the X-Requested-With header would be absent. Or, if you used a custom header, every developer would need to pass that header every time, or again, the logic would break down.
If your business rules say that the home page shouldn't be requested via AJAX, the best way to handle that is at a business level, i.e. policy. Anything you try to in the actual code could easily be worked around.

Get POST response data within Greasemonkey script

I want to get reponse data send by a Jetty Server via POST within a Greasemonkey script.
New data is send every few seconds.
How can I directly access the data, that is displayed in Firebug "Network" tab as response data?
(I tried to get the data with solutions provided here that make use of jQuery and ajaxSuccess, but that did not work. And I am not sure if the POST data is returned from an jQuery ajax request. So is there a way to directly access the POST "stream").
The best way depends highly on details that you've not (yet) provided:
Exactly how does the page send and receive the information. Is it really form posts, or is it AJAX? If AJAX, is jQuery involved? Pages can post without AJAX; are iframes involved?
Link to the target page.
What does the page do with the information? Does it update displays?
What is your ultimate reason for wanting the information? Most of the time, it's easier not to try and intercept -- and parse -- AJAX. Usually, monitoring the DOM tree is much easier and more robust way of getting what you want.
If the page displays the data, you want, to the user, the best way to get it is shown in "How can I detect AJAX node insertion...".
If you really want to intercept the data:
Intercepting jQuery AJAX from Greasemonkey.
Intercepting any target-page AJAX from Greasemonkey.
Intercepting AJAX, bare bones.
If the page is submitting forms, creating iframes, etc., POST DETAILS. But in general, you would replace the javascript function that is receiving (and/or sending) the data.

How could I make an app login in a website and get info in the background?

I think I am mostly struggling with this problem because I do not know what to search for.
I want to make an app that allows the user to enter their gift card number and use that number to login to this website:
I have no idea how to do this without control over the website. Is it even possible to do so?
I don't want to use a UIWebView to show the page.
You should read up on NSURLConnection, you're going to have to execute a post request to login. Then you're going to have to determine whether or not you logged in successfully probably by parsing the returned page. NSURLConnection will handle storing the login cookie the site returns. After you've logged in you're probably going to need to execute another post request to query their system. Once again you will have to probably parse the result out of the HTML page that is returned.
NSURLConnection Delegate Protocol:
This all of course assumes that this website doesn't have an API you can use.
Looks like you need to programatically POST in https to the server, then you will get back some DOM document, or JSON, or some weird thing, which you then parse.
POSTing with iOS is pretty easy, look at something like LRResty or similar.
When you get the data back, first thing to do is look at it with NSLog. Then if the data is HTML, you will need to wade into the HTML to get the result.
The problem with that approach is that the company hosting the page may change their API at any time. You should ask them to either not ever change anything (if they want to change, then make a new page and leave the old one working, or better, support a simple REST API - which would also help them build nice AJAX/html5 web sites in the future.).

Umbraco - different behaviour for usual and ajax requests

I'm developing an Umbraco site that is a "single page" - no reload, only ajax calls.
The site will have nice urls and use html5 push state history.
The problem here is that every time a request is made to the server I need to handle it differently depending on the type of the request: normal or ajax.
For usual requests I need to display the content along with it's master page.
For ajax requests I need to display only the content.
I don't know how to accomplish this - routing and master page magic.
Can anyone help?
You could use alternate templates. For more information see here. Basically, have the alternate template just render out the content in whatever format you want, without the full html template, and then make sure that all your AJAX requests call the pages using the alternate template.
One word of warning though, if you're doing all the site navigation with AJAX and no page reloads, then Google (or most other search engine spiders for that matter) won't be able to index your site properly (as they don't process javascript) and your site won't rank very well.

ajax request changing url

I have a pager on a table using ajax and I would like each such request also to change the browser's url, so when I hit refresh button I won't skip back to first page. I was fighting the Url parameter of AjaxOptions, but it keeps winning over me. Please help.
You can safely change the URL past the hash mark without redirecting the page. However, the user can (in most browsers) navigate through these changes with the Back and Forwards buttons. This technique is usually called "history."
Because the technique is difficult to get working in all browsers, you'll want to use a framework. Take a look at
I can also recommend ExtJS's history stuff too. Take a look at this example:
Again, notice that not only does the URL change when the user does stuff, but changing the URL (via Back and Forward) also affects the page. This is good, awesome even, but means it must be done very carefully.
There is not really a quick and easy way to do this, here is an article on the topic. The problem is that not only does the Ajax have to generate the URLs, it also has to take those URLs into account when loading the page to get the appropriate content.
