iOS SpriteKit - creating multiple "floors" - ios

I am trying to create a game for iOS using XCode 5 which replicates this game
Basically, you press on the enemy and throw him into the air, and upon hitting the ground, he dies. But the enemy can spawn at an array of different y values so the "floor" they hit, and die from, is different depending on where they were spawned.
I'm new to spritekit development but from what I understand, the best way to program this would be:
-Create each stickman as a custom stickman node
-Create the background as a scene
-Create an invisible physics body object to act as boundary for which if they fall onto it they die
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I could implement this? If the invisible boundary they hit is one place, they will always die in the same place.

One possible solution is to not use collision detection to solve this problem. You could instead check if any StickManNodes that where in a thrown state had passed their original position during didSimulatePhysics. You might then set the Y position exactly to the startY position and trigger your death animation.


Ideas on how to manage movement of SKNode related to other, moving down but maintaining the same alignment with the other SKNode

i'm new in the development of swift ios game using spirtekit and i need help. I want to develop a vertical 2d endless run, where with a swipe you are able to move the player in direction and if there is an obstacle, it is created in a position calculate with the position of the player. Once create the obstacle i would like to make it falling down but alway with the same relation with the player (this means that it has to move only on y axis).
Can you suggest me some ideas on how to manage this?
This book teaches you exactly how to make what you are looking for:
This is the end product:
You can get it for free here (with trial):
The source code for this is around somewhere on the web, but I forgot where :( I bought the book a year ago and can't find it now.
Basically, you have a long background that is .moveTo .. in .update you check the position of the background, then reset it based on its XY position (it basically just goes all the way down, warps to the top position, then falls)
Also in .update you check for score, or a timer, or just a random check, then spawn an enemy, obstacle, etc. You give the enemy / obstacle SKActions to move towards the player, and let .didBegin(contact:) handle scoring, sound effects, death, etc.

how to fix occasional stutter in my game?

The context:
In my SKScene I have:
1) a few sprites with no physics controlled by touch using touchesMoved: which instantly changes sprite position property based on touch location,
2) one sprite that while colliding with the others changes its physicsBody.velocity instantly.
That's all - no other fancy processing.
The issue:
I found occasional and random stuttering all of the sprites independently without any FPS dropping.
The questions:
In the context of my performance issue:
1) Is there any reason to update sprite position or velocity in update: method rather than update them instantly?
2) Is there any sense to use SKAction rather than changing directly position or velocity property?
3) If 2 then can make any difference running SKActions instantly or run them in update: method?
Apple says about
This is the primary place to implement your own in-game simulation, including input handling, artificial intelligence, game scripting, and other similar game logic. Often, you use this method to make changes to nodes or to run actions on nodes.
but nothing more like "must,..." or "should, because...".
4) Isn't SpriteKit done like all the changes made to the nodes instantly are processed in respective loop update phase or do I have always go to the appropriate loop method to make/fire changes there to avoid any rendering performance loss or interference?

Smoke effect for rocket in sprite kit

I'm designing a game and in my game, rockets are launched. I've created an emitter, gotten it configured, and when my rocket is launched, it adds the emitter to the rocket. Problem is, the rocket is moving pretty fast and it appears that the particles follow the motion of the rocket - what I mean by that is, instead of the rocket leaving a "trail" of smoke behind it, the "smoke" looks the same as if the rocket weren't moving, I guess because it is a child of the rocket.
The only workaround I've thought to my problem is to:
-Create an ivar or property to hold the current position of the rocket and update this every frame
-When rocket is launched, add child of emitter to the scene, not to the rocket
-place it's position at the position of the rocket
-on update, follow the rocket
However, this seems extremely computationally expensive, to be checking to see if a rocket exists, getting it's position if it does, creating a new CGPoint for this position, and set the emitter position to this new point on every single frame. Also, it leaves very few options for having more than one rocket on the screen at the same time.
Any other, more elegant solutions?
You need to set the targetNode property of your emitter to the SKNode or SKScene that you want the smoke to stay on. That property sets the node that the emitter particles will be children of, that way when the rocket moves, the emitted particles stay in the same place.
NOTE: The emitter itself should still be a child of the rocket.
SKEmitterNode.targetNode docs

Sometimes sprite is pushed away when touches another sprite

I am making a game using cocos2d and SpriteBuilder. There is a hero sprite and coins, that should be collected by him. That's a horizontal scrolling game, so every time hero touches a coin, this coin changes it's x-coordinate 2000px to the right and new y-coordinate is generated at random. Using update method I move it to the visible area as a "new" coin. But when hero flyies by and doesn't collect it ,coin must change coordinates only when it's already off the screen, so I tried this solution:
_coin.position=ccp(_coin.position.x - delta * scrollSpeed, _coinY);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(_hero.boundingBox,_coin.boundingBox)) {
_coinY=arc4random() % 801 + 100;
_coin.position=ccp(_coin.position.x + 2000.f,_coinY);
else if(_hero.position.x >= _coin.position.x + 150){
_coinY=arc4random() % 801 + 100;
_coin.position=ccp(_coin.position.x + 2000.f,_coinY);
It works,but after that I found a small bug(I am not sure, whether it's related to this code) : sometimes, when hero touches coin, hero is like pushed away to the left. I have no idea why.
How to fix it?
Is that way, that I am using for coin ,right?
I see 2 issues with your approach:
1. Hero bounces of the coin.
To fix this you need to make your coin a sensor. This way you will still be notified about collisions, but the hero will simply pass through the coin without actually hitting it.
I'm not sure if you can set this in SpriteBuilder, but probably you can enumerate all coins after loading the scene and set sensor property to YES:
coin.physicsBody.sensor = YES;
Things like this is one of the reasons I believe you first need to learn pure Cocos2D and only then use tools making your life easier such as SpriteBuilder. Which is a great tool, but in some cases you still need know what happens behind the scenes.
2. You're mixing physics with things like CGRectIntersectsRect
If you're using physics engine you need to detect collisions via collision delegate and not by checking CGRectIntersectsRect in update:.
It is hard to explain how to do this in a few sentences, so here is a nice tutorial that shows how to detect collisions in Cocos2D v3 and of course there is a chapter about this in my book.
By the way you shouldn't use update:at all when manipulating physics nodes, use fixedUpdate: instead.
I hope this will help you to solve your issue.

How would I build pool-cues / simplified pinball-style plungers with SpriteKit?

I'm working on a game in which the user should be able to trigger 'rods' that come out from the edge of the screen to displace elements on screen (balls). These projectiles roughly resemble pool-cues. Or perhaps pinball plungers, except that they start from the 'loaded' position (mostly offscreen), and when triggered, they eject out, then quickly retreat.
I'm unclear how I should build these with Sprite Kit.
The game uses the PhysicsEngine, and the onscreen balls should be effected both by gravity AND they should be displaced when they collide with the rods. However the rods should neither be effected by gravity, not displaced when they collide with the balls -- they should simply retreat regardless of whether they've made contact with the balls.
I realize I can set the affectedByGravity property for the rods. However because they will still displace slightly when they collide with the balls. How can I 'fix' or 'peg' them in place? Do I need to use an SKPhysicsSlidingJoint? If so, has anyone encountered any examples online? Is there a simpler way to do this?
A related physics engine, Box2D distinguishes static, kinematic, and dynamic bodies.
Kinematic bodies can move and will collide with other objects, but they are themselves not affected by dynamic bodies or forces like gravity. Thus, consider setting rod.dynamic = NO; but animate it with actions. See also here in the reference for SKPhysicsBody.
