How to shift all elements in a table? - lua

I'm trying to think of an easy way to make all elements in a table shift up one. It is for a game I am playing, attempting to switch between all targets in a table!
For example, let's say I'm surrounded by three mooks who want to kill me, so I target all of them and they're added into an array like so:
What I want the function to do is change all indexes to go up one (or the amount I specify), and the last to go to the beginning, so the end result would be:
I attempted it on my own with a simple function like this:
local function nextIndex(tbl, amount)
local t = {}
for k,v in ipairs(tbl) do
if k < #tbl then
t[k+amount] = v
t[1] = v
return t
It works as long as the amount is set to 1. I'm sure there is a much smarter and more efficient way of doing this. Could anyone take a whack at it please?!

You can use a function like this:
function wrap( t, l )
for i = 1, l do
table.insert( t, 1, table.remove( t, #t ) )
You can see a test run on codepad. or, if you're uncomfortable with nesting of function calls;
function wrap( t, l )
for i = 1, l do
table.insert( t, 1, t[#t] )
table.remove( t, #t )
would work the same way.

I worked a bit more and figured out how to do it. This is the code:
local function nextIndex(tbl, amount)
local t = {}
local i
for k,v in ipairs(tbl) do
i = k + amount
if i <= #tbl then
t[i] = v
t[i-#tbl] = v
return t
Is there an easier way to do it though?

So, the task is to rotate the last rot items to the front.
I added parameter n to allow overriding of the sequence end as determined by #t.
-- uses t[#t+1]...t[#t+rot%#t] as scratch space
local function rotate_mod(t, rot, n)
n = n or #t
rot = rot % n
if rot == 0 then return t end
for i = n, 1, -1 do
t[i + rot] = t[i]
for i = 1, rot do
t[i], t[i + n] = t[i + n]
return t
Or if you want a new array (just ignore parameter r):
local function rotate_new(t, rot, n, r)
n, r = n or #t, {}
rot = rot % n
for i = 1, rot do
r[i] = t[n - rot + i]
for i = rot + 1, n do
r[i] = t[i - rot]
return r

Here's a true "in-place" version. It does not need to temporarily enlarge the table:
local function reverse(t, i, j)
while i < j do
t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
i, j = i+1, j-1
local function rotate_inplace(t, d, n)
n = n or #t
d = (d or 1) % n
reverse(t, 1, n)
reverse(t, 1, d)
reverse(t, d+1, n)


find all possible combination of these two sets of items? Lua

I see similar answers to this question given in different programming languages like Haskell and Python but all of them use build-in functionality that Lua doesn't have, so please don't mark this question as duplicate.
Let's say i have two tables like bellow:
table1 = {A,B,C}
table2 = {D,E,F}
I would like to find all unique ways of matching the items from two tables, the answer should be (in informal notation):
so the answer will store in a table that table[1] would be {{A, D}, {B, E}, {C, F}} and so on.
tables length can be anything but both will be the same size.
we can get all shuffles via induction (not the fastest way, but pretty easy to write/understand)
local function deepcopy(orig)
local copy
if type(orig) == 'table' then
copy = {}
for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
copy = orig
return copy
local function get_shuffles(N)
if N == 1 then
return {{1}}
local shuffles = get_shuffles(N-1)
local result = {}
for index = 1, #shuffles do
local shuffle = shuffles[index]
for position = 1, #shuffle do
local new_shuffle = deepcopy(shuffle)
table.insert(new_shuffle, position, N)
table.insert(result, new_shuffle)
local new_shuffle = deepcopy(shuffle)
table.insert(new_shuffle, N)
table.insert(result, new_shuffle)
return result
table1 = {"A", "B", "C"}
table2 = {"D","E", "F"}
assert(#table1 == #table2)
local result = {}
local shuffles = get_shuffles(#table1)
for index = 1, #shuffles do
local shuffle = shuffles[index]
local part = {}
for i = 1, 3 do
table.insert(part, {})
table.insert(part[i], table1[i])
table.insert(part[i], table2[shuffle[i]])
table.insert(result, part)
for index = 1, #result do
print(result[index][1][1], result[index][1][2], result[index][2][1], result[index][2][2], result[index][3][1], result[index][3][2])
function get_all_combinations(arr1, arr2)
local n, e, all_comb = #arr1, {}, {}
for j = 1, n do
e[j] = arr2[j]
local function generate(m)
if m <= 1 then
local comb = {}
all_comb[#all_comb + 1] = comb
for j = 1, n do
comb[j] = arr1[j]..e[j] -- it should be {arr1[j], e[j]} to fulfill your requirements
for j = 1, m do
generate(m - 1)
local k = j < m and m % 2 == 1 and 1 or j
e[k], e[m] = e[m], e[k]
return all_comb
for i, v in ipairs(get_all_combinations({"A", "B", "C"}, {"D", "E", "F"})) do
print(i, table.concat(v, ";"))
An alternate way of doing it is with the following code. This was written to help with a game (Typeshift) to discover all possible combinations of variable groups of letters. I've modified it to fit your example, though.
-- table array: { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} }
-- Should return { 135, 136, 145, 146, 235, 236, 245, 246 }
-- This uses tail recursion so hopefully lua is smart enough not to blow the stack
function arrayCombine(tableArray)
-- Define the base cases
if (tableArray == nil) then
return nil
elseif (#tableArray == 0) then
return {}
elseif (#tableArray == 1) then
return tableArray[1]
elseif (#tableArray == 2) then
return arrayCombine2(tableArray[1], tableArray[2])
end -- if
-- We have more than 2 tables in the input parameter. We want to pick off the *last*
-- two arrays, merge them, and then recursively call this function again so that we
-- can work our way up to the front.
local lastArray = table.remove(tableArray, #tableArray)
local nextToLastArray = table.remove(tableArray, #tableArray)
local mergedArray = arrayCombine2(nextToLastArray, lastArray)
table.insert(tableArray, mergedArray)
return arrayCombine(tableArray)
end -- arrayCombine
function arrayCombine2(array1, array2)
local mergedArray = {}
for _, elementA in ipairs(array1) do
for _, elementB in ipairs(array2) do
table.insert(mergedArray, elementA .. elementB)
end -- for
end -- for
return mergedArray
end -- arrayCombine2
-- You can set it up this way:
combinedArray = {}
table.insert(combinedArray, {"A", "B", "C"})
table.insert(combinedArray, {"D", "E", "F"})
for i,v in ipairs(arrayCombine(combinedArray)) do
-- Or go this way, which may be somewhat cleaner:
for i,v in ipairs(arrayCombine({{"A", "B", "C"}, {"D", "E", "F"}})) do
Either way, it produces the results you're looking for.

Element by Element comparison in Lua

I'm trying to find a way to do element-by-element comparison in Lua using the standard < operator. For example, here's what I'd like to do:
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
c = a < b -- should return {true, false, true}
I already have code working for addition (and subtraction, multiplication, etc). My issue is that Lua forces the result of a comparison to a boolean. I don't want a boolean, I want a table as the result of the comparison.
Here is my code so far, with addition working, but less-than comparison not working:
m = {}
m['__add'] = function (a, b)
-- Add two tables together
-- Works fine
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
return c
m['__lt'] = function (a, b)
-- Should do a less-than operator on each element
-- Doesn't work, Lua forces result to boolean
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] < b[i]
return c
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
setmetatable(a, m)
c = a + b -- Expecting {11, 11, 25}
print(c[1], c[2], c[3]) -- Works great!
c = a < b -- Expecting {true, false, true}
print(c[1], c[2], c[3]) -- Error, lua makes c into boolean
The Lua programming manual says that the result of the __lt metamethod call is always converted to a boolean. My question is, how can I work around that? I heard that Lua is good for DSL, and I really need the syntax to work here. I think it should be possible using MetaLua, but I'm not really sure where to start.
A coworker suggested that I just use << instead with the __shl metamethod. I tried it and it works, but I really want to use < for less than, rather than a hack using the wrong symbol.
You only have two choices to make this work with your syntax:
Option 1: Patch the Lua core.
This is probably going to be very difficult, and it'll be a maintenance nightmare in the future. The biggest issue is that Lua assumes on a very low level that the comparison operators <, >, ==, ~= return a bool value.
The byte-code that Lua generates actually does a jump on any comparison. For example, something like c = 4 < 5 gets compiled to byte-code that looks much more like if (4 < 5) then c = true else c = false end.
You can see what the byte-code looks like with luac -l file.lua. If you compare the byte-code of c=4<5 with c=4+5 you'll see what I mean. The addition code is shorter and simpler. Lua assumes you'll do branching with comparisons, not assignment.
Option 2: Parse your code, change it, and run that
This is what I think you should do. It would be very hard, expect most of the work is already done for you (using something like LuaMinify).
First of all, write a function you can use for comparisons of anything. The idea here is to do your special comparison if it's a table, but fall back on using < for everything else.
my_less = function(a, b)
if (type(a) == 'table') then
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] < b[i]
return c
return a < b
Now all we need to do is replace every less than operator a<b with my_less(a,b).
Let's use the parser from LuaMinify. We'll call it with the following code:
local parse = require('ParseLua').ParseLua
local ident = require('FormatIdentity')
local code = "c=a*b<c+d"
local ret, ast = parse(code)
local _, f = ident(ast)
All this will do is parse the code into a syntax tree, and then spit it back out again. We'll change FormatIdentity.lua to make it do the substitution. Replace the section near line 138 with the following code:
elseif expr.AstType == 'BinopExpr' then --line 138
if (expr.Op == '<') then
tok_it = tok_it + 1
appendStr( expr.Op )
That's all there is to it. It will replace something like c=a*b<c+d with my_less(a*b,c+d). Just shove all your code through at runtime.
Comparisons in Lua return a boolean value.
There is nothing you can do about it short of changing the core of Lua.
Can you put up with a bit verbose v()-notation:
v(a < b) instead of a < b ?
local vec_mt = {}
local operations = {
copy = function (a, b) return a end,
lt = function (a, b) return a < b end,
add = function (a, b) return a + b end,
tostring = tostring,
local function create_vector_instance(operand1, operation, operand2)
local func, vec = operations[operation], {}
for k, elem1 in ipairs(operand1) do
local elem2 = operand2 and operand2[k]
vec[k] = func(elem1, elem2)
return setmetatable(vec, vec_mt)
local saved_result
function v(...) -- constructor for class "vector"
local result = ...
local tp = type(result)
if tp == 'boolean' and saved_result then
result, saved_result = saved_result
elseif tp ~= 'table' then
result = create_vector_instance({...}, 'copy')
return result
function vec_mt.__add(v1, v2)
return create_vector_instance(v1, 'add', v2)
function vec_mt.__lt(v1, v2)
saved_result = create_vector_instance(v1, 'lt', v2)
function vec_mt.__tostring(vec)
'Vector ('
..table.concat(create_vector_instance(vec, 'tostring'), ', ')
a = v(5, 7, 10); print(a)
b = v(6, 4, 15); print(b)
c = a + b ; print(c) -- result is v(11, 11, 25)
c = v(a + b); print(c) -- result is v(11, 11, 25)
c = v(a < b); print(c) -- result is v(true, false, true)
As others have already mentioned, there is no straight-forward solution to this. However, with the use of a generic Python-like zip() function, such as the one shown below, you can simplify the problem, like so:
-- Python-like zip() iterator
function zip(...)
local arrays, ans = {...}, {}
local index = 0
index = index + 1
for i,t in ipairs(arrays) do
if type(t) == 'function' then ans[i] = t() else ans[i] = t[index] end
if ans[i] == nil then return end
return table.unpack(ans)
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
c = {}
for a,b in zip(a,b) do
c[#c+1] = a < b -- should return {true, false, true}
-- display answer
for _,v in ipairs(c) do print(v) end

Memory is not released after a dofile in lua

I am new to lua and was working on NodeMCU. I was trying to extract data from an xml file.
Here is my xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Here is my xmlparser:
return function (xmlfile, xmlword),"r")
local eofflag = 0
local i, j, k, l, xmloutput
while(eofflag < 1) do
local m = file.readline()
if(m == nil) then
eofflag = eofflag + 1
elseif (string.find(m, xmlword) ~= nil) then
i, j = string.find(m, xmlword, 1)
i = i - 1
j = j + 2
k, l = string.find(m, xmlword, j)
k = k - 3
l = l + 1
xmloutput = string.sub(m, j, k)
eoffile = 1
return xmloutput
I call this file by using:
local port = dofile("")("netconfig.xml", "port")
But I always endup with memory less than I started with even though I call the garbagecollector. Moreover The heap seems to decrease further if the word I am searching for is near the end of file. I also observed that if the word I am looking for is not present, the heap has the less difference I started with.
Am I missing something?
and thanks for taking a look.
Alternatively, is the XML strictly for settings/only used by your lua code? If so I found it much easier and less memory and compute intensive to create the settings file in lua syntax, and then simply execute it. Declare a global table and exec the file:
cfg = {}
and in the settings.lua file assign members:
cfg.port = "80"
cfg.dhcp = "1"
cfg.mode = "0"
You can write the table to file easily:
local buf = ""
for mykey,myval in pairs(cfg) do
buf = "cfg." .. mykey .. " = \"" .. myval .. "\""
For what it's worth...
Slight changes to your module:
local module =...
return function (xmlfile, xmlword),"r")
local eofflag = 0
local i, j, k, l, xmloutput
while(eofflag < 1) do
local m = file.readline()
if(m == nil) then
eofflag = eofflag + 1
elseif (string.find(m, xmlword) ~= nil) then
i, j = string.find(m, xmlword, 1)
i = i - 1
j = j + 2
k, l = string.find(m, xmlword, j)
k = k - 3
l = l + 1
xmloutput = string.sub(m, j, k)
eoffile = 1
package.loaded[module] = nil
module = nil
return xmloutput
That makes the whole thing local and dereferences the module in the packages.loaded table, allowing it to be garbage collected.
And call it using...
xmplarser = require("xmplarser")
v = xmplarser("netconfig.xml", "port")
Hope it helps.

Using a coordinate pair as a key in a Lua table

As the title says, I'm trying to use a coordinate pair (x, y) as a key for a table. Here is what I have done so far
local test = {_props = {}}
local mt = {}
local xMax = 5
local yMax = 5
local function coord2index(x, y)
return ((x-1) * xMax) + y
mt.__index = function(s, k)
if s._props[coord2index(k[1], k[2])] ~= nil then
return s._props[coord2index(k[1], k[2])]
mt.__newindex = function(s, k, v)
s._props[coord2index(k[1], k[2])] = v
mt.__call = function (t, k)
if type(k) == "table" then print "Table" end
setmetatable(test, mt)
test[{1,2}] = 5
print( test[{1,2}])
This is actually working as expected. What I'm really wondering if there is a way to reduce this even more, something like test[1,2] = 5 and print(test[1,1]). There is no technical need for this, it's purely for my further edification into Lua.
I think your method is good. You can also use strings instead of numbers and do something like return x..';'..y in your coord2index function.

Lua table.concat

Is there a way to use the arg 2 value of table.concat to represent the current table index?
t = {}
t[1] = "a"
t[2] = "b"
t[3] = "c"
X = table.concat(t,"\n")
desired output of table concat (X):
"1 a\n2 b\n3 c\n"
Simple answer : no.
table.concat is something really basic, and really fast.
So you should do it in a loop anyhow.
If you want to avoid excessive string concatenation you can do:
function concatIndexed(tab,template)
template = template or '%d %s\n'
local tt = {}
for k,v in ipairs(tab) do
return table.concat(tt)
X = concatIndexed(t) -- and optionally specify a certain per item format
Y = concatIndexed(t,'custom format %3d %s\n')
I don't think so: how would you tell it that the separator between keys and values is supposed to be a space, for example?
You can write a general mapping function to do what you'd like:
function map2(t, func)
local out = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
out[k] = func(k, v)
return out
function joinbyspace(k, v)
return k .. ' ' .. v
X = table.concat(map2(t, joinbyspace), "\n")
No. But there is a work around:
local n = 0
local function next_line_no()
n = n + 1
return n..' '
X = table.concat(t,'\0'):gsub('%f[%Z]',next_line_no):gsub('%z','\n')
function Util_Concat(tab, seperator)
if seperator == nil then return table.concat(tab) end
local buffer = {}
for i, v in ipairs(tab) do
buffer[#buffer + 1] = v
if i < #tab then
buffer[#buffer + 1] = seperator
return table.concat(buffer)
usage tab is where the table input is and seperator be both nil or string (if it nil it act like ordinary table.concat)
print(Util_Concat({"Hello", "World"}, "_"))
