XCode 5 assets catalog with iPhone only application on iPad - ios

I've got an iPhone only application, and I'm using XCode 5 assets catalog.
What should I do to make sure that all the necessary icons are available also when installing to an iPad?
Is it enough to have the default set, or should I check the iPad assets from the right toolbar and add those?

Tested it with just the iPhone assets and it is ok on iPad too. From what I can see a lower resolution icon than the one that would be needed it's being used, so it is a bit grainy, but the important thing to me is that the app icon isn't missing.


iOS9 Causing iPhone 5 Optimization to be lost

EDIT To clarify question
I have a large app that has been out for a few years. It runs perfect on all iPhone sizes (4 up to the 6 plus). It supports both iOS 7 & iOS8, and is Optimized for iPhone 5.
My issue is with iOS9. The app no longer uses the built in scaling that iOS provided to fit the app onto the 6 or 6P screens.
Not only that, but it is rendered as if it were on a 3.5" screen. It is not recognizing the Default-568h#2x.png static image. Causing it to letterbox on an iPhone 5.
Is this a bug in iOS9 that does not recognize the static splash screen image?
Thank you so much!
This was caused by my Default-568h#2x.png file being localized (Which is required by iTunes Connect).
When I removed the localization from the file, it started rendering perfect in iOS9.
This does not help anyone whose app is currently in the store with a localized Default-568h#2x splash screen file.
As far as I can tell the only way around it is to have a 'Splash Screen' .xib file defined in your project settings (you then lose the auto scaling for iPhone 6 and 6+, which was perfect for our application).
I have a case open with Apple regarding this. They told me that they could not look deeper into it until iOS9 was out of Beta (tomorrow morning), and if it was still happening, than it is indeed a bug on their side and (hopefully) would be fixed soon.
I use Images.xcassets to manage assets of app. I had to create a LaunchImage in there and just add images for iphone Portrait ios 7-9 and not have any for retina 4.7 and retina 5.5 and things worked again.
If you use a Launch Storyboard then you need to remove that and add xcassets as mentioned in previous paragraph
This is in xcode 7

Image.xcassets issue with displaying splashes for devices with iOS 8

Which images I should use if I only need to support landscape orientation and devices with iOS 7 and upper?
I have unselected all unneeded checkboxes, but the loading image does not appear for example on simulator 4s or 5 (c,s)? It only appears on iPhone 6 plus simulator. What can be a problem?
You've encountered a bug with asset catalogs. You can't use an asset catalog to provide a launch image for an app that launches into landscape. To do what you're trying to do, you'll need to use the old-fashioned "named" launch images at the top level of your app bundle.

iphone app icon ios 7,8 (3x) for iphone 6

just got xcode 6 gm seed and wanna upload new version to app store. Noticed that now you are suggested to specify Iphone app icon ios 7,8 60pt 3x. Apple has not updated its app icon guide yet. Is logic the same for 3x as 2x files, how do you think? I mean, just make resolution for the case 180x180 and name file Icon-60#3x.png?
Well yes the logic is same, 3x means (60x3), and what I see from the screenshot in your question - your are using assets catalog so you dont need to worry about the naming convention. Simply drag and drop your icon.
Hope this helps

iPad iOS 7 Icon for a "iPhone only" app

So here is my situation:
I have an iPhone app that is "iPhone only" I have separate icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7. When the app is downloaded on iPad with iOS 7, the iOS 6 is showing. Which icon size do I need to change in order for the iOS 7 icon to be shown on an iPad? I don't have iPad icon sizes showing because it is a "iPhone only" app and I would not like to use the "Asset catalog" because I am not familiar with it.
You need not really worry about how to pass exact size icons for app (be it any iOS-Device combination). The Asset catalog is your right answer & it takes care of everything you are here confused with. You just need to come out of your comfort zone of passing images manually. Once you use the Asset catalog, you will never look back.
Read my answer of understanding Asset catalog here.
Now take deep breathe & open asset catalog.

Wrong Icon Installed by Xcode

I have been pulling my hairs for the past few days. It appears I am the first one who has experienced this problem because I could not find anything that is even close through Internet searches. The problem that I have experienced is the following:
Icon for retina iPad of iOS 6.1 and prior (size 144x144) and Icon for iPhone of iOS 7 (size 120x120) are not installed correctly. If I use asset catalog, when installing my app on iPad (retina) with iOS 5, the iPhone icon (120x120) is installed. iPhone with iOS 7 works fine using the same icon (120x120). If I don't use asset catalog, but instead add the icons to the info.plist (CFBundleIcons array), it goes the other way around. iPad icon is fine this time (144x144 icon was installed). But iPhone uses the iPad icon (144x144).
What's more strange is that this is not a problem with one of my two targets. It is only a problem for the second target. The second target was created by duplicating the first one. I have compared the info and settings of the two projects, but did not see any difference (other than bundle identifiers and product names etc., of course).
I've upgraded my Xcode to 5.0.2 and that makes no difference.
I'd appreciate it if anybody could shed some light on this.
Update #1: I tried to use the icons from the first target and the problem is still there. So it's not related the icon png files. It's target related. Also tried to clean the project, delete the app from the devices to no avail.
Update #2: When I use plist instead of asset catalog, what's (incorrectly) installed on my iPhone (iOS 7) is not the 144x144 icon. It is 144x144 icon for iOS 6.1 and prior. It's still an incorrect icon.
Update #3: This is actually easy to reproduce. I created a cocos2d project from scratch this time (the Hello World project). Tried to add all the icons using the two ways introduced in the following technical article from Apple:
When using the asset catalog, 120x120 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
When using the project editor, 152x152 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
In both cases, what is supposed to be installed is the 144x144 icon. Will probably contact Apple on Monday.
I filed a tech-support case with Apple and confirmed that this is a known issue (as of 02/10/14). I open a bug report with Apple. This issue is not noticeable for most people because icons are all resized from one design. Even though the wrong icon is installed, it is barely noticeable (the icon is still resized to to the correct size on the device automatically). This is noticeable when you want to use different icon design on different iOS. For example, the icon curvature for iOS 7 is different. There is no workaround according to the Apple support.
Hope this is useful for anyone who runs into the same issue.
Make sure you don't have the older icons named with the an older version of Xcode's default icon names (Icon.png, Icon#2x.png, Icon-72.png). I have found that when these names exist, they are used even if other icon names are specified.
Try cleaning the project. Command-Shift-K , that usually fixes such issues
