Splashscreen won't show on landscape application (iPhone) - ios

In my landscape application I can't manage to show splash screen on iPhone. I know I can't show directly a landscape image, in fact I rotated it in my image editor.
But when I try to launch the app, only a black screen is showed before the first view.
Everything works fine for iPad. How can I solve?
Thank you in advance for your answers.


IOS Launch screen storyboard shows up in different orientation

I have an IOS app built with XCODE 11 which is landscape only(right+left).We are trying to move from Legacy launch images to Story board Launch screen.
The issue seems to be that the new launch screen appears as expected in landscape mode but when the device is in portrait orientation, the launch screen also appears in portrait , which looks weird because the image is meant to be in landscape to match the app orientation.
Note: The app launches in landscape after the launch screen irrespective of how the device is held.
Is there a way to lock the launch screen orientation to match the app (Landscape left+right)?
Been stuck on this issue for a while, appreciate any inputs :)
Have you tried set Supported interface orientations landscape in your info.plist only ?

iOS launch screen will appear in portrait instead of landscape

I am creating an iOS app that will support iPhone and iPad in landscape and portrait orientations. I have setup my launch screen storyboard with an ImageView and that appears correctly in both landscape and portrait modes in Interface Builder. However, even though I am holding my phone in landscape, the launch screen will always appear in portrait. I have logged my device current orientation in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, but it reports UIDeviceOrientation unknown. After the launch screen disappears, the first view appears in landscape as expected.
Do you know why that happens and how to fix it?
I think that you haven't open this:

iOS black screen after splash screen

I have a slight problem with my application, which was done under ionic, in AngularJS.
The application launches and works very well under android, but on the iOS part, just after the splash screen, it gives me a black screen.
So I can access my index, which is a login page, I need to rotate the device, or that I orient it in landscape. After doing this, the application works very well, whether in portrait or landscape, I do not understand anything..
I would like to know what is happening, since on Xcode I tried everything ..
here is what I did, I even made it only in portrait, but nothing helps
Thank you for your answers.

Manage orientation landscape and portrait both in a app iPhone

According to my client's requirement I want to set Splash Screen orientation in landscape(right) then the orientation will come in portrait.. any idea how can I implement it?
Just rotate your splash image in an external editor so that is gets displayed in a landscape mode.
Just because you perceive it as landscape doesn't mean it's actually not "rotated portrait".
See your Splash Image will look like this:
Just rotate your image the way you want it to look like...
The iPhone only has a single splash screen, no matter which orientation it launches in. The iPad on the other hand will display a different splash screen image in portrait and in landscape mode.
If your iPhone interface supports both portrait and landscape then you must decide which way round you'd like to display that splash screen image. As Kanan says, design your landscape image (say in Photoshop), then rotate the canvas so that the image is portrait (but the content is still landscape).

iPad Take Photo changes orientation

I am developing a PhoneGap app for iPads with a landscape-only orientation and I have run into a problem that I can't seem to figure out. In the app is a feature that allows you to take a photo of a customer. If you take and crop the photo in landscape mode, it looks like it tries to change the orientation of the app to portrait (I get a black bar on the right side). However, if you take and crop the photo in portrait mode, the app stays in landscape. You can even take the photo in landscape and crop it in portrait and the app will maintain its landscape orientation. I now assume that the problem lies in whatever happens when I click "Use" in the crop screen (Move and Scale screen). Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks.
