App game is finished, but when publishing to the ipad, game App will not install - ios

Thank you, for Reading my question post. i will make it simple & easy to read post
-> These are the steps i took, please help troubleshoot.
1) Finished the Game App on a Windows PC with Adobe Flash pro cc
2) >"Steps Before exporting on Publishing setting"<
A)"Created" Apple Certificate {"Tools"-Windows OpenSSL, to create
Apple Cert. on windows pc." (Completed)
//Note its a Develop Cert.//
B) "Created" App iD (Completed)
C) "Created" Provisonals Profile with the (ipad device, cert, app
id). (Completed)
3) Publishing Settings -"Target" *4.0 *Adobe air * for *IOS*
4) install app on itunes transfer and sync with ipad !Done
5) on the ipad tap the app to install and it should work
Whats happening Now!
App will never install "Stuck in a Frozen State" & " Icon Seems to be Grey"
My Tech Specs ##
Windows 7
Flash Pro CC
4.0 Air for ios
Ipad Air Ios 7
"I do not own a Mac pc"
Random troubleshooting thoughts
is it ipad air ios 7 hurting me? or do i have to add some actionscript 3 code in my actions in flash.
or is it my windows pc export to my ipad. at this point my brain is fryed i need some serious help
so upset i finished a game i can't even try it on the ipad for development testing it is my first game i ever created in my life. runs fine on "mobile testing device" when you test movie "in flash pro cc on windows".
thank you for reading

This is a certificate issue. The infinite install/gray icon issue is specific to iOS 7; previously it would give you an alert saying it failed to install. Note that this is not an iOS 7 issue, just the way iOS 7 displays the same issue present in all versions of iOS.
You must use a mobile provisioning profile that includes the device's UDID, unless you are downloading from the App Store or using an Enterprise license. Additionally, you can no longer use an app to get the UDID and you must use iTunes instead. If your UDID starts with "FFFFFF" or similar, it's wrong.
Additionally, the P12 file you generate must be generated using Adobe's process (you can find a link to instructions in the window where you set the certs). Other methods may fail. Even further, I have never successfully converted a .cer file to P12 using a Windows util. I always have to use Keychain on OS X, although I never tried any command line tools.
You also need to make sure you are using the correct profile. If your device is set up as a Developer device (I believe you have to do this in Xcode, though there may be other ways), you can install a Development Profile app on your device. If you do not, you can only use Ad Hoc to install. App Store Profile apps cannot be installed on common devices; only by Apple or through the App Store.
And one final thing: make sure your cert matches your profile. You have two types of certificates: Developer and Distribution. If you are using a developer profile, you must use a Developer cert. If you are using an Ad Hoc or App Store profile, you must use a Distribution cert.

I was also banging my head against the wall with this one... and about a week or so later, after retracing my steps, and making sure I've jumped through all the Apple provisioning hoops and keychain bs. No need for xCode in any step of the process either, I'm all Flash Pro CC.
Anyway here it is, after adding the client's device to the device list in Apple's Dev Center, I failed to remember (and thanks to an old Lee Brimlow video) that you have to click the checkbox next to the devices listed in the development provisioning profile you will be using. Click Edit on your provisioning profile, click the missing checkboxes, save the changes, download, replace your dev prov, publish again, do the iTunes sync and boom. No more gray installing problem.
Hope this helps someone.


Flash CC publish direct to iPad and get Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed

I'm in Flash CC... I've created a certificate and provisioning profile for app development, but when I try to publish to the device via the AIR 3.8 for iOS, it processes for about 1min30, and then throws up this error. I'm not sure how to fix it or what could be causing it. I've chosen an app id com.mycompany.myappname for the provisioning profile... does my flash file need to incorporate that structure anywhere?
Any help appreciated.
You need to do a few things (some of which you may have already done, just outlining them all):
Create a development certificate, convert it to a .p12 as instructed by Adobe
Create an app in the portal.
Add your device's UDID to the portal. You must use iTunes or Xcode to get this. As of iOS 7, the API used to grab the UDID on the device is removed so any app that claims to do it is returning a false UDID (false UDIDs will start with a bunch of "F"'s, I believe)
Create your provisioning profile. Make sure it is a development profile and that it includes your device's UDID and the appropriate App
I am unsure if you still have to do this, but you used to have to enable developer mode on device. This may have been done away with in iOS 7, however, as I cannot find the setting on my iPad
When compiling, your app must use the exact id that the App you created in step 2 did
Extra Tips:
Avoid doing WiFi debugging. It works, but not well. Stick to USB debug
If you have a previous version of the app on your device, try deleting it (long press the icon, hit the X)
Make sure your version number is valid (should be x.y.z, where x, y, and z are all a number between 0 and 999)
Some of that is obvious, but make sure you follow it all.
i had the same issue and the points given above didn't solved it... after banging my head for two days i deleted the Entitlement tag from the project xml file..and that solved it digging deeper i found that the issue was i had a key in it beta-reports-active and that only works for Store Submission

Unable to install provisioning profile on ad-hoc distribution test devices using iTunes 11 and iOS 7

It seems like that there is a problem installing ad hoc distribution apps using iTunes 11. I found out that the specific problem is that the provisioning profile never gets installed on the devices, which causes the application installation to fail and block (the icon stays black).
Use case:
distribute ad hoc apps to iOS 7 tester devices that do not have XCode and without having to use third party webservices like testflight.
Installation success when:
I install my app on an iPad with iOS 7 with a profile installed using iTunes 10 when it was running iOS 7. This because the profile is still valid.
Installation fail when:
I install the app on a new device running iOS 7 via iTunes 11. Looking at: Settings->General->Profiles I do not find any profiles in this case (despite I copied them on iTunes and sync the device).
Hence what I need to find out is how to install provisioning profiles on a iOS 7 tester device with or without using iTunes 11 and without:
- using third parties software like TestFlight.
- forcing the tester to use XCode
Any help/suggestion?
PS: Good old times when It used to be possible to install the device by just dragging and dropping it on the iTunes 10 icon and then synchronizing it with the device.
The situation is way better than "the good old times". You can install both the ad hoc provisioning profile and app directly on the device by directing the user to a specially constructed web page.
That link is a little old. I've created a rough script that creates an over-the-air install from the ad-hoc IPA file you create in the Xcode Organizer (although enterprise would probably work too).
All you need to do is modify and yourhost_via_ssh in the bin/mk_ota file.
The issue was that had sent to my collaborators the UUID finder App which apparently has a bug (at least on iOS 7 devices) because it gets the wrong uuid:
It does substitute in the first part of the UUID a series of letters "F" and change the rest of the uuid:
The safest way to get the correct uuid is to copy it directly using iTunes. One you have the correct ad hoc distribution certificate (with the right uuid) then send it to the tester and ask to reinstall (by dragging and dropping it on iTunes and then Synchronizing or by sending it via email and opening the mail from the device - which will prompt the user to an installation process). To check if it is installed on the testers device in the general settings menu.
Notes: I sent the UUID finder App a couple of weeks ago (as of 23 December 2013), so the current version of UUID finder may be working correctly. Double check in case you are in doubt. EDIT: API deprecated, see Deprecated UIDevice Methods - Apple Developer

AIR for iOS App not showing on iPad

I have published an ipa from Flash CS6 without any errors (i.e., certificates and provisioning profiles seem to be in order) and ticked the "Install application on the connected iOS device" on the deployment tab.
All goes to plan and even a "IPA file has been installed on the connected iOS device successfully." is displayed.
However, the app is not showing on the connected iPad. And manually installing it through iTunes doesnt solve it (still not showing). The mobile provisioning profile is present on the iPad, but not the app itself.
Am I missing something really obvious?
I'm using Flash CS6, with AIR 3.4 for iOS and publishing to an iPad 2 with iOS 6 installed. iTunes 11 is also installed on my machine.
Would really appreciate help on this?
if the ipad refuse to install the app it's because you don't sign the app with the good certificate.
you may check this tut
Additional tips :
itunes is ok but iFunBox is easier and faster
You should check your APP_ID while publishing the IPA file from flash CS6, if it is not as per your certificate and provisioning file, then it might cause the problem.
Try to look at this.

Deploying ios apps wirelessly .Enterprise apps

I have developed an app in the in-house, enterprise mode. While testing i was using the iPad provided to me by my company. I tested on it. I had certificates from developer member center. Tested just fine.
Now I have deployed the files on our secure server.I have a link where the ".ipa" files are present. So i used my same testing iPad and downloaded the app from that link via safari on the iPad. It installed and ran successfully. Now i gave that link to another member of my team and he has his own iPad. When he clicks that link it starts installing but it doesn't finish.He gets an error.The error he gets is
"Unable to download Application.XYZ app could not be installed at this time. Done .Retry."
Same thing with another iPad. These iPads are NOT registered under testing on member center. So i have a thought. Since while testing i had certificates and all on my testing iPad, it might have recognized it and installed it.But the other completely new iPads are not identified. So how do i do it?How can i say my app that it is safe to install on so-so iPad that belongs to my co-worker. If i am not clear please ask.Thanks.
bobnoble is correct. You need to have an Enterprise Distribution certificate to use with this. Development certs are similar to ad-hoc certs in that you need to individual identify the device UDID's that will be used.
We do a lot of work with enterprise customers and I never use the development certs, mainly just to cut down on the confusion. It might be a problem if one of our devs goes rouge :), but it is a chance we are willing to take.
In xcode you can select the Project or the Targets when assigning the provided profiles.
Make sure you sign the target.
There is a nice tutorial on the testflight site:
You are getting confused between a Distribution Certificate and an Enterprise Certificate. In your case you should use Enterprise or Adhoc Certificate. Enterprise certificate is not given to a person but organization and it is not created where other certs are created.

over the air ad hoc distribution "Unable to download"

I am trying to distribute an iphone app ad hoc internally for a beta test to 3 users, myself (iphone 4) and two others (iPad 2, iphone 3G). My device served as the development device as well. I followed all of the Apple documentation, archived the app and prepared it for enterprise deployment. I put it on my web server with the .plist manifest file. To test it out, I installed it on my own device (which again, is the development device), and it worked swell. So then I sent the link to my other 2 users, who then reported that they received a message that said they are "unable to download." So first I thought that it might be a problem with the UDID, which it is not. I had my user's download a UDID sender-app, and they matched up perfectly. That was after I asked this question:
What is the MIME type for .mobileprovision
in which I wanted to know the MIME type for a .mobileprovision file. I took this info, and then also sent out a link to the provisioning profile. Both of my test users could download and install the .mobileprovision file fine; the problem was when they again, tried to install the app. One user got a message that said "cannot connect to server" while the other one installed 80% of the app, before getting the "unable to download" message with 2 options: "retry" and "done."
I am at a loss. Does anybody have any ideas? I am desperate! Thanks in advance!
For the ones who don't use testflight, check the Deployment Target under the Summary page. Maybe you set it too high, which is not always necessary.
Once I created a new App which Xcode automatically set the latest target for me, which was 5.1.1, but the user was using 5.0.x. I changed it back to 4.0 with very small code change(weak->assign), and then it worked.
Try using It's free, and basically helps automate the process of doing over-the-air ad-hoc testing.
"Unable to download" seems to be a catch-all message that something is not right - either your ipa and your mobileprovision file don't match, or your provision file doesn't include the right UDID, or possibly there are just connectivity issues.
I know it's probably too late to help you, but i had a similiar problem.
The application would download, and then when i could see "Installing" there was a popup with message described by OP. The asnwear was to remove provisioning profile from ipad and restart the device.
As a note, the first provisioning profile was uploaded to device via cable from macbook.
This is an another case of the problem. You should register device's UDID first, before exporting ipa. The devices that registered UDID after exporting ipa, those are unable to download the ipa.
