ios - error while uploading application at device anywhere studio - ios

I'm trying to upload an iphone application to device anywhere studio.
But when I'm clicking on the "Data cable" button to deliver my application, it gives me this error:
Unable to upload application(error code:ensemble_error_unknown_error).
But I could run andriod application successfully. Why it should be happen only in iphone.? Can anyone help me.

Since that error message is not very specific you should contact the Device Anywhere support team for advise.
Here's a link with the description of the upload process and a contact for support.
Good luck.


Cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review

I literally cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review.
I have an iOS universal (iPhone/iPad) video game that I need to submit to Facebook review in order to get approval for "publish_actions" permission.
I've successfully built the iOS simulator build, compressed it to a ZIP archive and then it simply doesn't get uploaded to the corresponding Facebook web site form.
What I've already tried:
I've tried to upload different versions of my app - one is 216MB
compressed, the other is 360MB. Could it be the size of the archive
that is too big?
I've tried to use different archive programs to make the ZIP
I've tried to upload it from different browsers (Safari, Chrome)
and platforms (Mac OS X, Windows 7).
No success at all.
I do the following steps:
Click the "provide a version" link
Click the "Use an Uploaded Simulator Build" button
Click the "Choose a File" button
Select the ZIP archive with the app
Then I see a spinning progress bar
And then - nothing happens.
I've additionally tried the following things as advised:
Created a new empty application. Did a simulator build. And successfully uploaded it. Size of the archive was 23KB
Enabled network state logging in dev tools of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and indeed there's no sign of data transfer when uploading my application archive
I've filed a bug to facebook
They know about this issue.
Most internet connections have much crappier upload speed than download speed. Uploading 200MB would really take a long while. How much did you wait?
Try making an empty new project and uploading a build of it to see if it goes up.
Try checking your network activity while you're waiting to see if you're really uploading anything.
File a bug # . Facebook support will help you figure out the issue much faster.

iOS Developer Enterprise Program - Hosting on Web Server

I am new to this site, so bear with me. I just wanted to ask a quick question regarding the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. I am enrolled, and I have made a few apps that are ready for in-house distribution. I have uploaded the .plist and .ipa file to my website in a separate directory. However, whenever anybody tries to download it, they just get the error message "Could not connect to". Then, when I open up Xcode and launch the console when my iPhone is connected and I try to download it, Xcode displays this: "Could not load download manifest with underlying error: (null)". The null part really throws me off. Everyone has iOS 7.1 (or mostly everyone), and the website does have an SSL certificate, so I can't figure out why it is showing that error. Any help with this would be great.
Was ready to give up and change SSL provider, but managed to get the reason for me. Hope this will help for someone:
Problem occurred because my server was responding 403 Forbidden for manifest download request by Safari (because this request does not send cookies required for being authorised).
You need to make sure that the website that hosts the .plist and the .ipa files uses https. This is a requirement in iOS 7.1 and above.

What is this error 7 with google-cast sample ios/application?

I downloaded the chromecast ios sample and when I connect the sample application to chromecast, it give the following error:
error code=7 "The operation couldn't be completed. ( error 7.)"
Do you know why?
I got the same error message while testing the "CastHelloText-ios" sample provided by Google on GitHub.
First I checked all the required steps described by Google were ok:
In your cast developer console: check your Chromecast has the status "Ready for Testing" otherwise register it.
host the receiver somewhere on the web and note the URL
in the cast developer console, declare a new app with a custom receiver and fill the URL of your receiver. Save it and note the application ID.
fill this application ID in the controller of your iOS app: static NSString *const kReceiverAppID = #"1234ABCD";
make sure that your chromecast has the option "Send this Chromecast's serial number to Google when checking for updates" is ticked (in the iOS app it's in the General section of your device)
Finally I solved the issue by rebooting the chromecast:
Run the Chromecast iOS app from Google, click on your chromecast device, click on General and click on the red button "Reboot".
For information, I've performed this reboot after reading the note of this Google documentation:
If you wish to verify that your published application is working properly, you can manually restart your Google Cast device to force a load of new configuration data.
- to reboot your chromecast you can use any chromecast app provided by Google (iOS, Android, MAC, etc.)
GCKErrorCodeApplicationNotFound - Typically this error will occur if either your device doesn't have [x] send my serial # to Google set, or your AppID is incorrect.
We'll try to get the docs updated shortly.
For test this app you will need to change this line
[self.deviceManager launchApplication:kReceiverAppID];
To use default applicationID:
[self.deviceManager launchApplication:kGCKMediaDefaultReceiverApplicationID];
Or you need to create a development account and to change kReceiverAppID with your AppID.
And if you have an another error, you can to check the GCKError.h class, there has all error codes possible with explanation
I had the same problem. In my case seems like the Chromecast still associated with the old Application ID. It worked fine after restarting the device.

actionscript 3.0 file download from ftp server using air

I've developed an application and now I'm trying to download a file from ftp server. I'm using codes from here
Codes are working on PC and I'm able to get file. However, when I build an ipa and test on I-Pod, device is unable to connect server. I traced by using a text field on screen and there is nothing on screen whenever I press download button. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Thank you.
iOS Devices don't allow direct socket connections. You'll probably have to figure out how to do it with an http request of some sort.

PhoneGap Build - BlackBerry link doesn't work

I'm new to mobile development and I've compiled my app through the online PhoneGap Build.
It returns me the links to download all the apps, but the BlackBerry
link doesn't work properly, even if phonegap doesn't return me
any sort of error.
The link is only a single jad file. There are no .jar or .cod files,
and if I try to install it on a blackberry, I can't.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't know much about BlackBerry apps, so maybe I miss something.
Thanks in advance
on your desktop computer, go to, and click the name of your app (not the d/l links)
it will show a list of qr codes, one for each platform
on your blackberry, open App World, menu, scan a barcode, then scan the qr code and it will download it like a normal app
That same issue would occasionally happen to me as well. I resolved it each time by deleting the app in PhoneGap Build and then resubmitting it and then waiting for the build notification to be shown instead of continually hitting refresh in the browser. It's not scientific but it's what resolved the issue the last 2 times for myself.
