Devise stored_location_for(resource) returns nil - ruby-on-rails

I read the few posts about troubleshooting stored_location_for here, but can't seem to figure it out and not sure how to troubleshoot.
I tried deleting my custom after_sign_in_path_for, but that didn't work either. My location is never getting saved, although as I understand it after each session/page update it should store the location. Do I need to through that in as a filter manually?
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
stored_location_for(resource) ||
if resource.is_a?(Account)
if resource.applications.any?

May be you are not storing the location where you want to redirect_to after signing in with devise. Devise provides two methods - store_location_for and stored_location_for
Suppose your user model is named "user" then
A call to store_location_for(:user, my_desired_path) in your controller will store the url "my_desired_path" in session with key "user_return_to". Basically this method will simply do this - session["user_return_to"] = my_desired_path. Probably you are missing this. I have a booking controller and a "login" action which stores the checkout location for booking in booking controller and then displays a login form for users in rendered view -
def login
my_desired_path = url_for(controller: 'bookings', action: 'checkout')
store_location_for(:user, my_desired_path)
Now you can use stored_location_for(:user) to retrieve my_desired_path from your session. So to say, a call to stored_location_for(:user) will return "my_desired_path.
Now if you use stored_location_for in your custom after_sign_in_path_for(:user) then it shall return "my_desired_path".
Additional Point -
A call to stored_location_for(:user) returns session[:user_return_to] but also clears this session after returning the value if your redirect format is navigational format. So a second call to stored_location_for(:user) will not return my_desired_path. And sometimes this is how we want our application to behave. On contrary, if your redirect format is not navigational format then session wont be cleared and a second sign-in will again redirect to same "my_desired_path".
Sometimes you want to redirect to different locations in signing-in from different pages in your application. Suppose, you want to redirect to "\X" on page A and to "\Y" on page B. Now follow these steps -
User in on page A - store_location_for(:user, "\X") is saved in session.
Application provides a sign-in form but User does not sign-in and just browse here and there in your application.
User is on page B and perform a sign-in expecting to land on "\Y" but unexpectedly lands to "\X".
So take care of it in your application. This scenario is more likely to occur in applications which uses AJAX for signing-in.


Some questions about security in Rails 5

I've got a number of security concerns about my current application and wondering if I am leaving myself open to abuse, in the following arenas.
a) .My main access control method is by maining a current_user, current_company current_project method in my application controller. These methods return object based on stored session keys established when a user logs in and cleared when they log out. I.e if I want to know something about the current user, I can call "current_user.role" or if I want see whether the account a user is trying to change belongs to him, I check whether the associated account id which is requested in the url actually belongs to that user, essentially as follows
in Account controller
def account_info
redirect_to login_path if !user.logged_in
#account = Account.find(account_id)
unless account_belongs_to_user(account_id)
redirect_to unauthorized_path
In my application controller, when a user is initially authenticated, I do something like this:
session[:current_user_id] =
and clear that session key when the user logs out.
Then when account is requested, and account_belongs_to_user is called, the application controller processes it, more or less like this:
def account_belongs_to_user(account_id)
account = Account.find(account_id)
return account.user_id==session[:current_user_id]
So I guess my security scheme ultimately relies on whether the session data is secure and not trivially spoofable.
b) When I render pages I sometimes pass objects which have senstive data to my erb pages to generate the page text.
For example, I might pass a "company" object (ActiveRecord) to the view to generate an invoice screen. But the company object, passed as #company, has a lot of sensitive data like access keys and the like. Not really being fully aware of the the internals, if I don't specifically include something like:
<%= #company.access_token %>
on my web page, can I be confident that the attributes of #company won't somehow be passed into the browser unless I specifically ask for them to be rendered on the page?
This is obviously an issue when using rails to serve data for say, AngularJS single page applications, as everything I pass for Angular to render the page I assume is probably accessible to an evil-doer even if not on the page itself, but I'm hoping that's not the case with pages generated server side by rails.
This may be a naive question, but thanks as I just want to be certain what I am doing before start spilling secrets all over the place.
put an authentication for the token using active_record callback

Show page only once after sign up - Ruby on Rails

I have an app that is using Devise, I would like that after a user signs up, they are directed to a specific page, this page calls an API and saves the value from the API, I need this page to only be accessible or available after a user completes the sign-up form and clicks submit, and is then redirected to this page.
I do not want this page or URL accessible any other way but after sign-up, as the API will send a new value if accessed again. How can I accomplish this?
Once a user signs up they will be redirected to the page calling the API:
def after_sign_up_path_for(resource)
api_call_path ##path that can only be accessed after sign_up
The API is called and the response from the JSON data is automatically saved to the database once the page is opened, if the page gets opened again a new JSON response will be received with new data, which is what I would like to avoid.
So in a nutshell, my question is how can I restrict access to a specific path, and only make that path accessible if a user completes the sign-up form (devise) OR is there a way that I can run the code from the controller using a callback/filter after the user is created through the User model?
I was just busy with something similar. You do not need to direct the user to a page to run the code, you can just run the code that needs to be run after the user logs in the first time.
You need to create a Session Controller, and create a conditional statement that checks if the user has logged in previously:
devise_for :users, controllers: { sessions: "sessions" }
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
if resource.sign_in_count == 1
##Do something awesome
As Emmanuel advised you can check futher info on the Devise Controllers.
Let's call the moment between after sign_up and showing the specific page - state A. So in the specific page controller you need to know - is the user in state A. You can achieve it by
1) saving to db (server side) that user is in state A after sign up and resetting state after showing specific page (you can do resetting triggered by client side to guarantee that page is showed).
2) saving to cookies (client side) after sign up then do as above.
Second solution is more clean in my opinion, but I do not know how strict is the rule to show only once
You can customize devise users controller by issuing
rails generate devise:controllers [scope]
Then customise UsersController such that after user is saved you can call your api code there
def create
#user = ....
For more information check Configuring controllers

Devise: how to store a particular location, not necessarily the last location?

I'm wondering if I'm asking too much of Devise. I'd like to allow a visitor to fill out a form and then but then be required to sign up when they press the "submit" button. That's the easy part. My problem is that once the user is redirected to the sign up form and they fill it out, I can't get them redirected back to the original form so that that form can be submitted (but now with the user ID).
I've played around with the "after_sign_in_path_for(resource)" method in the application controller, but my problem is that after signup, the request.referer isn't the original form, it's the signup form. I thought about using a before_filter :store_location callback, but then I realized that it'll store the most recent location, which is the url for the signup form.
How do I set up devise that original form as the correct location to render after sign up?
P.S. This question comes from a related one, located here.
Try this make 2 method in ApplicationController which saves
the current url to the session, and another that redirects to the stored
url (which should have a default in case it can't find it). Then, in
pages which i want to bookmark for returning to (you might not want
someone to get sent back to some pages), then save the url.
EG in application.rb
def store_location
session['saved_location'] = request.request_uri
def redirect_to_back_or_default(default)
if session['saved_location'].nil?
redirect_to default
redirect_to session['return-to']
session['saved_location'] = nil
Then, in a page that you want the user to be able to go back to:
Then, just call
redirect_to_back_or_default('enter your chosen default url here, depending on context')
in after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope) to send someone back.

rails 3 / heroku / devise: how specify different 'landing page' when users sign in?

We'd like to have 3 different signin forms for our app:
the default signin form, takes them to their normal dashboard (as we do now)
a "foo" signin form that, if they use THAT form to sign in, takes them to a special purpose screen
a "bar" signin form that takes them to yet anogther special-purpose screen
I assume the right approach is to somehow
a) create a new route for /foo and /bar, probably directing both to the SAME signin method but in the route add a url parameter 'signin_type' telling us which "type" of signin form it is?
b) implement a custom RegistrationsController method(s) (what name?) to handle the signin form (we already have a custom new and create method for when they register, since our registration form needed a 'referral code' field added), and have the method look at the url parameter 'signin_type' to redirect the sign to either the normal, or foo, or bad
c) implement another method that handles the signin submit (is that a different method?) that looks at some special embedded form value to figur eout which signing form was used?
That's my best guess. If correct, it's how to do (b) and (c) that has me stumped. Any thoughts will be appreciated!
I think you may be trying to over engineer this. I would approach this with a single sign_in page, and just use conditional logic in overriding the after_sign_in_path_for(resource) method for the Devise controller. Not only will this be much easier to implement now, it will be a lot easier to maintain in the future. Simply add to your ApplicationController.rb:
def stored_location_for(resource)
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
if condition_foo
redirect_to foo_url
elsif condition bar
redirect_to bar_url
redirect_to dashboard_url
The first method overrides Devise's default location of root and sets it to nil, then the logic after that is pretty self explanatory. This should work for what you are wanting.

Rails 3 - logging in a user automatically after creating the account

In my users_controller I have two methods signup_process and login. I would like to call login automatically for a user after a successful signup_process call.
Is this possible? In other language frameworks I would usually just call the login controller action direct from the signup_process action passing the username and password - but I think that is frowned upon in Rails.
Is there some way instead to post the user data to the users.login action from my controller?
This must be a common pattern - what am I missing? :)
Thanks in advance!
Not sure what you mean by frowned upon, but here's one way
class UsersController < ...
def signup
// Do some stuff
do_login(username, password)
// render or redirect as you wish
def login
// render or redirect as you wish
def do_login(username,password)
// do the actual login processing
// can even render or redirect here if it's common to both setup and login
Would that do what you want?
Well, what does the login action do?
Most likely, it sets something in the session indicating the user is logged in. You could do just that, after creating the user.
It does not make sense to call a controller action, since it's most likely hooked up with a view/form.
Please provide more information on what the login action does, if you still feel like you need to go through it.
