Tesseract for iOS 7 - ios

I now have the following problem and hope one of you can help me!
I have now Intergrated the new framework of Tesseract in my project and it worked very well the last 2 months . Now I wanted to continue to work on my app and all of a sudden I have been getting a error warning.
This :
DATAPATH / var/mobile/Applications/A5A474B0-53E8-4C16-87CD-DE23B9CA1173/Documents/tessdata
Error opening datafile / var/mobile/Applications/A5A474B0-53E8-4C16-87CD-DE23B9CA1173/Documents/tessdata/deu.traineddata
Please make sure the environment variable is set TESSDATA_PREFIX to the parent directory of your " tessdata " directory .
Failed loading language ' eng '
Error opening datafile / var/mobile/Applications/A5A474B0-53E8-4C16-87CD-DE23B9CA1173/Documents/tessdata/eng.traineddata
Please make sure the environment variable is set TESSDATA_PREFIX to the parent directory of your " tessdata " directory .
Failed loading language ' tight '
Tesseract could not load any languages ​​!
How can it be that I can not find any more languages ​​it! I have not changed anything . It's all still the same ! I hope someone can help me to solve the problem quickly!

Its because your document folder does not contain language file. You need to save language file in Document folder before initialise Tesseract. Please see my answer for similar question here


Dynamically use current date in OUTPUT EXPORT filename

Stripped down example code using a static file name:
My question is how to generate a datestamped file. I have tried using $DATE, '$DATE' and running it through a macro but can't seem to find the syntax.
Hey this is a really nice Idea for saving backups in a running syntax production - I will use this myself from now on :) .
So the following syntax works for me:
compute tdy= $time.
formats tdy (date11).
select if $casenum=1.
write out="somepath\datemacro.sps" /"define !dated__filename () !quote(!concat('YOUR FILE NAME',' ','", tdy, "','.pdf')) !enddefine.".
Insert file ="somepath\datemacro.sps".
delete vars tdy.
The file name you used in the code above is now stored in a macro with the date added, and you can use it here:
Note that you can change "YOUR FILE NAME" into anything you like, including adding a path. And you can also change ".pdf" so save other kinds of files.
EDIT: Also of course change "somepath" to a valid path on your machine.

ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime

I'm using the nativescript-google-maps-utils plugin in a NativeScript JavaScript project to access GoogleMapsUtils functions (GMSGeometryDistance, GMSGeometryInterpolate, and GMSGeometryHeading) so that I can traverse a polyline. The Android equivalents work fine on Android devices, and the iOS functions listed work on an iOS simulator, but on an iOS device I get the exception,
ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I've been chasing this for the better part of a day and still don't have any leads; I'd welcome any insight.
It's worth mentioning I've done the usual removal of the platforms, hooks, and node-modules folders and rebuilt, with no change in the error.
Here's the first line of code that triggers the error:
let lineDistance = GMSGeometryDistance(latlngs[i], latlngs[i + 1]);
[edit 2]
Still chasing this... I gather from this issue that I need to create a file with a list of exported symbols, and this issue kind of suggests how that could be done, but I'm not understanding how that applies to this situation.
That is, the question at hand now is how can I determine the symbols from the iOS GoogleMapsUtils static library? This is becoming more of an iOS and Xcode question that NativeScript or JavaScript.
[edit 3]
Sigh... I did get this working using the answer I provided below, but now that same approach is no longer working. No idea why :-(
[edit 4]
I re-reviewed the links I referenced above and included the STRIPFLAGS option and now the code works properly. I revised the answer to include this, and to edit build.xcconfig rather than the project file.
After another day's investigation I was able to get this working. Here's what it took.
Navigate to /platforms/iOS/Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/
Run nm --defined-only GoogleMaps | grep " T " | cut -f 3 -d' ' | egrep -v '^$|GoogleMaps'
Notice the names of the symbols. In my case each one I needed was the function name prefixed with an underscore
Create the file exportedSymbols.txt in /app/App_Resources/iOS
Add the symbols to the file. In my case the contents is:
Edit the file app/App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig and add these two lines
STRIPFLAGS=$(inherited) -s {PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
So far this is working in my tests on both iOS simulators and devices.

<lang>.traineddata not found ( even when it's in the correct folder)

I'm using tesseract to detect text in spanish in some screenshot of a game, I had some issues with the "spa.traineddata" so I started to train my own data called "spa1.traineddata" and I used the two files to make text detection more accurate, yesterday I make some tests and seemed to work well, but the file "spa1.traineddata" needed more training, so I decided to continue today, I added some new images to train my file "spa1.trainneddata" and then I wanted to test it and throws me the following error
pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (1, 'Error opening data file C:\\Program Files\\Tesseract-OCR/tessdata/-l spa.traineddata Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessdata" directory. Failed loading language \'-l spa\' Error opening data file /home/debian/src/github/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/bin/ndebug/x86_64-w64-mingw32-5.0.0-alpha.20200223/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/share/tessdata/spa1 --psm
6.traineddata Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessdata" directory. Failed loading language \'spa1 --psm 6\' Tesseract couldn\'t load any languages! Could not initialize tesseract.')
and these are the lines of code that I use for testing
custom_config = r'-l spa+spa1 --psm 6'
pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open('imagenes/obv.png'), lang=custom_config)
I was searching and found that the error was because the lang.traideddata files were not in the tessdata folder, but mine are in the folder (That's why I was able to work with them yesterday)
I attach a screenshot of the tessdata folder, the last two files are the traineddata
tessdata folder
also, it is useful I'm using vscode, python 3.7 and tesseract 4
I hope you can help me (sorry my bad english uwu)

Emacs haskell-mode: "Searching for program: no such file or directory, ghci"

For some reason emacs is not able to find my ghci. I am running Ubuntu 16.04, and followed the instructions in this tutorial to the book.
Using which ghci I get the path /opt/ghc/7.10.3/bin/ghci. And executing M-: exec-path and M-: (getenv "PATH") I can see that path correctly printed.
I have tried to explicitly set the PATH variable in emacs like this, which changes nothing since as far as I could tell it was already there. From this answer.
(setenv "PATH" "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/cabal/1.22/bin/cabal:/opt/ghc/7.10.3/bin/ghci")
(setq exec-path (split-string (getenv "PATH") path-separator)
The same thing happens when I use
(custom-set-variables '(haskell-process-type 'cabal-repl)) namely the error: "Searching for program: no such file or directory, cabal"
I would greatly appreciate help. :) I have no idea what to do, and I haven't found any answers on the internet.
The issue was that I was adding the path to the actual executable, rather than the folder in which the executable sits.
should be
should be

XNA error - file not found

I am working on XNA with XML reading. While I'm debugging the code its shows file not found error, but I added my XML file in Content reference folder. While I'm using this code I got the error.
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema");
Thanks in advance.
Shawn explains this very well in this post: Shawn's blog entry
Try adding the extension:
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema.xml");
Check whether that file is present in the bin folder where your game .exe file lives (bin\Windows Phone\Debug\Content). If not, then this may be the problem. To solve this :
right click the file >> select property >> change build action to None and copy to output directory to Copy if newer.
This works for me while loading/reading binary files in my game.
