Pasting strings outside of Xcode to an array doesn't regonize them as strings - ios

so after a long time writing down all different currencies i need for my currency converter i was going to paste them into Xcode. But when i do that the text doesn't turn red. Im afraid i need to rewrite it all string again, which took my almost 1h to do. Is there any way to fix this?
Datarray2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"United States Dollar",#”Euro”,#”Japanese yen”,#”Bulgarian lev”,#”Czech koruna”,#”Danish krone”,#”British pound”,#”Hungarian forint”#”Lithuanian litas”,#”Polish złoty”,#”Romanian leu”,#”Swedish krona”,#”Swiss franc”,#”Norwegian krone”,#”Croatian kuna”,#”Russian ruble”,#”Turkish lira”,#”Australian dollar”,#”Brazilian real”,#”Canadian dollar”,”Chinese yuan”,#”Hong Kong dollar”,#”Indonesian rupiah”,#”Israeli new shekel”,#”Indian rupee”,#South Korean won”,#”Mexican peso”,#”Malaysian ringgit”,#”New Zealand dollar”,#”Philippine peso”,#”Singapore dollar”,#”Thai baht”,#”South African rand”,nil];
EDIT: interestly, they don't show as string here at stackoverflow either outside from US Dollar which i wrote from inside xcode.

If you look at the text, the quotes are wrong. You have ”, but should have " (and the first USD one does).
Global find and replace the wrong quotes with the correct quotes.


regex to extract URLs from text - Ruby

I am trying to detect the urls from a text and replace them by wrapping in quotes like below:
original text: Hey, it is a url here
required text: Hey, it is a url here ""
original text show my input value and required text represents the required output. I searched a lot on web but could not find any possible solution. I already have tried URL.extract feature but that doesn't seem to detect URLs without http or https. Below are the examples of some of urls I want to deal with. Kindly let me know if you know the solution.
ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc,,Les Belles lettres, 2001.
Find words who look like urls:
str = "ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc,,Les Belles lettres, 2001.\n\n\n\\n\\n\\n\"{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]}
This will give you an array of words which have no spaces and include a one or more . characters which MIGHT work for your use case.
puts{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]},
Complete solution to modify your string:
str_with_quote = str.clone # make a clone for the `gsub!`{|w| w[/(\b+\.\w+)/]}
.each{|url| str_with_quote.gsub!(url, '"' + url + '"')}
Now your cloned object wraps urls inside double quotes
puts str_with_quote
Will give you this output
ANQUETIL-DUPERRON Abraham-Hyacinthe, KIEFFER Jean-Luc, ",Les" Belles lettres, 2001.

NSLocalizedString always returns capitalized text

Ive run into an issue where NSLocalizedString is always returning strings capitalized regardless of its input. localization was working
and Im assuming I did something that caused this but I cannot seem
to figure out exactly what changed.
Here's my code:
func localize(_ str: String) -> String {
print("str in: \(str)")
return NSLocalizedString(str, comment: "")
I call it like this:
let txt = self.localize("Question")
print("txt = \(txt)")
str in: Question
Things Ive tried:
Ive grep'd all of my .strings files and confirmed there is no
'QUESTION' in there.
Removed app from Simulator and re-run app
Changed incoming string to something that doesn't exist in any file such as 'randomxxyxxy'
Ive tried searching for quite a while on this issue and wasn't able to find anything that was like this problem.
Any help is appreciated,
Thank you
When your app is trying to localize a string but cannot find the translated text for it then it will show it in capitals. This is done to show you that the capitalized text is not localized. You can disable the capitalization of those cases by disabling the option: Show not-localized strings
This is how you do that:
Edit the scheme
Select the “Run” action and click the “Options” tab
Uncheck the “Show non-localized strings” option
In your case I think that your strings' localization is not working and so they are capitalized because that setting is activated.

Ruby How to convert back binary string from smsc

my app work with SMSC, and i need to get involve in sms before it send,
i try to send from the mobile that string
"hello this is test"
And when I check the smsc I got this as binary string of my text:
userData = "c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a"
the encoding of this string is:
I know that probably this userData is in GSM encoding in binary-string
so how can i get from userData back the clear text string ?
this question is for english lang, because in Hebrew I can get back the
string with this code:
but in english i got error:
Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xDA\xF3" followed by "u" on UTF-16BE
What I was try is to detect the binary string with ICU, and I got:
"ISO-8859-1" and the language that detected is: 'PT', that very strange cause my languages is English or Hebrew.
anyway i got lost with encoding stuff, so i try to encode to each name of list from Encoding.list
but without luck until now
thanks in advance
For who that also have this issue, i got the solution, thanks to someone from #ruby irc community (i missed his nickname)
The solution is:
for ascii chars that interpolate to binary:
You need that:
"c8329bfd06d1d1e939283d07d1cb733a".scan(/../) { |h| h.to_i(16) }.pack('C*').unpack('B*')[0][2..-1].scan(/.{7}/).map.with_object("") { |x, s| s << x.to_i(2) }.reverse
Remember I sent this words in sms:
"hello this is test"
And that it has become in binary to:
The reason that i got garbage in any encoding is, because the ascii chars is 7bits GSM, so only first 7bits represents the data but each another encoding uses at least 8bits, so that what the code actually do.
But this is just for ascii char set.
In another language like I use Hebrew, the SMS send as ucs2
So this code work for me:
Very important to put the binary string in array
So that all for now.
If anybody want to translate and explain what exactly happen in the code for ascii char set, be my guest and welcome.

Why numbers getting reversed when formatted in RTL Arabic - Rails application?

I'm using Prawn gem in my Rails app to generate PDF reports.
I read the documentation for putting the text in Arabic with text_direction RTL in arabic.
But, issue is that numbers are getting reversed here.
I wanted semester 1234 as الفصل الدراسي 1234,
but in my app the output is الفصل الدراسي 4321.
My two lines of code is here:
pdftable =
pdftable.text(t('org.semester') + " " + #semester)
#semester = '1234' (The reason would be that it is being treated as a text/string, thus changes to RTL (reversed))
Anyway, Please help me to retain numbers in proper order without changing the RTL format.
Without hacking too much you could use
So you reverse the string twice

iOS Localization: Extract strings

I find this tool genstrings, but it fails on line: NSLocalizedString(key,comment);
NSString* stringResult = nil;
if (key){
stringResult = NSLocalizedString(key, comment);
NSLog(#"(*) key: <%#> (&) value: <%#> (*)",key,comment);
return stringResult;
Also, steps of localization:
Find all strings and wrap them with NSLocalizedStringFromTable
Extract strings with genstrings
Put localizable files and find translations
well done!
I stuck at first step.
How find all strings, that are needed to have translations?
Or i'm wrong?
Thanks for explanation!
I use Ltools to help with this. It's a two step process:
Search for #" in your code, and wrap the appropriate strings in L()
Run as part of your build process
This will make sure that every string that needs translating has a translation.
This is not exactly what you are searching for, but for me it doesn't make sense to translate all strings, e.g. you likely do not want to translate strings (#"") from an NSPredicate.
If you moved all relevant strings to NSLocalizableString / NSLocalizableStringFromTable, then I can recommend Linguan. You just pass in your XCode project and you are ready to start translating.
