Attendee Status for an Event - eventbrite

I am trying to get the status of an Attendee from the EventBrite API, using the event_get_attendee_list method. From the Eventbrite UI, you can see that an attended was checked in, etc - how can I get that from the API?

Your event's ticket sales information should be available via the event_list_attendees API call:
Each attendee should have an associated 'barcode' object, which will include a "status" attribute. Tickets that have already been scanned will appear with status=used, while tickets that have yet to be scanned with have their status set to "unused"


Microsoft Graph API GET onlineMeeting via joinUrl

Current using Microsoft Graph API v1.0 to create onlineMeetings via POST /me/events. Reason being, if you create an onlineMeeting directly and add a user in the meeting, it doesn't create a calendar event.
The params I use for that call is:
:isOnlineMeeting => true,
:onlineMeetingProvider => "teamsForBusiness"
Which works great and returns a joinUrl under onlineMeetings.
However, I'd like to pull attendance data from the GET onlineMeeting route to get attendance information since the attendees section of the event only seems to return users that were added to the actual event, not who attended the actual onlineMeeting.
I have tried doing a get request like such:
but the response says it's not a valid filter.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Posting the Answer for better knowledge
Copying from #Shiva Keshav Varma comments
Try it in beta version
You can also get the attendeereport using beta/users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/attendeeReport as specified in the document.

How can I get Online meet List 'Meet Now' - Microsoft graph api

I want to get Online meeting list.
I tried
It returns online meeting list, But It not return 'Meet Now' List.
I also Read this api
But I don't now how to get 'VideoTeleconferenceId'.
How can I get Online meet list 'Meet Now' ?
There is no API to get a list of all the onlineMeetings.
It is the responsibility of the calling application to store the ID of a online meeting at the time that onlineMeeting is created.
the VideoTeleconferenceId is for use by VTC applications that have their own VTC ID, and specify this when creating a new OnlineMeeting, and then can retrieve the meeting using that same VTC-ID
I suggest you check Events with an OnlineMeeting, as they can be listed.

Get EventMessage Associated with Event in MS Graph API

I am creating a service that needs to decline events, when certain conditions are met, from a room's perspective and update the event on attendees' calendars.
While declining the meeting is simple, I am struggling to update the event on a user's calendar. I assume that I would do this using update eventMessage.
Right now I have the ID of the event that is declined and I need to associate that event with its eventMessage. Therefore, I am making the following request:
`/users/${roomEmail}/messages?$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event($select=id;$filter=id eq ${meetingId})`
What I am trying to do is get all messages, then expand so that I see the events associated with each message, then filter each event by its ID until I find the event that I care about. Once I have that event, I can send an update to its eventMessage.
However, I get the error "Parsing Select and Expand failed."
Where am I going wrong?
As the id is not a number value, I believe you may need to add single quotes around the meetingID parameter at the end.
`/users/${roomEmail}/messages?$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event($select=id;$filter=id eq '${meetingId})'`

How to list all reoccurrence meetings from calendar

I would like to list all events in my calendar (or in a time frame), it works well if they are single instance events. But I was not able to list all meetings set as reoccorruence meetings for 10 weeks, for instance.
Tried the follow apis:$select=subject,body,bodyPreview,organizer,attendees,start,end,location
GET /me/events/{id}/instances?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime}
GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/events/{id}/instances?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime}
GET /groups/{id}/events/{id}/instances?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime}
What {id} is it? I don't want to inform anything else then the calendar, it seems a meeting id. There is no documentation about it.

We want a nice list of events pulling from Eventbrite

I'm new to Eventbrite. I would like to list out events from Eventbrite using the event_search() method. I am using the following url and the user api key (
But I got an error message like
<error><error_message>This application key is not valid.</error_message> <error_type>Application Key Error</error_type></error>.
You need an API key, not a user key - see
You can get your events list from Eventbrite using the "organizer_list_events" method.{your applicaton key}&id={your id}. I got My Events list successfully with this method.
You can get your events list from Eventbrite using the "organizer_list_events" method.{your applicaton key}&id={your id}. I got My Events list successfully with this method.
This code is not working
