How to initialize UITableViewController inside a UISplitViewController? - ios

I just dragged out a UISplitView from the storyboard and set the classes of the root and detail view controllers. I am wondering how to initialize my UITableViewController (as it needs some setup before it is read to be used). This might be easier if I create the UISplitView programmatically. Still, is there a way for me to set up my UITableViewController in the UISplitView? Thanks!

You can just drag and drop a UISplitView to your storyboard and create master view and detail view classes in your bundle. Then assign each class to each viewcontrollers in xib :


Swift : How do i make a master page structure in view controllers?

I am working in a project that it contains a header view. There is a UIImageView inside header view. I want to derive this header view and its appearance (constraints,bg color etc.) on all of my other view controllers. So is that possible to do it just using Xcode designer ?
I created a view controller in storyboard and BaseViewController class.
In second view controller, i created another class and derived it from BaseViewController. But this didn't work.
Create the view in xib the use that view in all viewControllers in all storyboards. For creating a custom view you can see this video:

Where to write code of embed viewcontroller in containerView

I am working on a project which contains 3 container view with 3 child viewcontrollers. I am new at container view So I want to know where to write code of that child view controllers. I load that viewcontrollers with adding child viewcontrollers in containerview with use of seague.
As per I googled, There are demos like they only load viewcontrollers in containerview with just changing background color.
I want to know that If I have to make different classes for that view controllers that embed in containerviews?
Thank you for your help
Yes you have to create UIViewController class for each embedded View Controller.
Doing this will give you control over the embedded View Controllers like normal View Controller do.

How to use segues from view controller that has a XIB for it's design?

I'm implementing a navigation hierarchy in a storyboard. For part of my navigation, I am drilling down through a tree of data, so I have a couple view controllers in a row with the exact same look but different data management so they need separate controllers. To avoid duplication I did the layout for those views in a XIB, made a VC class for the XIB to handle setting up the views, and then I extend that class for each VC in the storyboard to handle the UITableViewDataSource stuff.
Now the navigation is working fine, but I want to have a button on the XIB views that triggers an unwind segue back to the beginning. I have the segues set up with identifiers in the storyboard from my VCs with a XIB layout to the home screen, but no matter what I do, when I call performSegueWithIdentifier I always get the has no segue with identifier error.
I think what's going on is that everything extra added to the view controller in the storyboard is removed when the XIB is loaded. I found that that was happening with my navigation item in these views and I had to create the navigation item in code since there's no way to add one in a XIB. I suspect something related is happening with the segues, but I can't figure out a workaround. Is it just not possible to have a VC in a storyboard with its layout in a XIB and then perform a segue from it? Is there a programmatic way to do an unwind segue without setting it up in the storyboard?
Unwinding is only available if you are using storyboard. So in your case you have to use UINavigationController.popViewControllerAnimated or UIViewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:.

How to share the view layout of a view controller

Basically until now I create a ViewController in the Storyboard, set its class in the identity inspector and implement the connections and behaviour in the class.
Now I have two ViewControllers (ViewControllerFoo and ViewControllerBar), both are visually the same, but the information and the implementations of the actions of the buttons are different. So I want to create a BaseViewController, with the view creation and common implementation and override some methods in the ViewControllerFoo and ViewControllerBar
If possible I'd like to keep both ViewControllers in the StoryBoard in order to create the segues that launches each one of them visually
How can I do this?
Note: I'm starting with iOS development.
View layout is something that works with view not with view controller.
You can create a simple .xib (or view) file and draw your layout here.
After that add this view to controller or specify that view as main view of this controller.
Or you can create a view class and place all elements programmatically.
Just think about storyboard as 'navigation' utility not 'view layout' utility.
Note: too many views on storyboard speed down your computer and look too ugly.
Draw view in xib to reuse it or create custom views classes/clusters to implement interesting UX/UI effects

How to use a uittabbar controller with a xib?

So I'm trying to use a uitabbarcontroller. I use interface builder and drag it like usual.
I then try and drag another view controller onto this
But this leads to this-
So I can't see two view controllers.
So how do I actually use this with a xib?
Add UIViewController in Xib not on UITabController. Then link UIViewController to UITabController.
