What is the iOS7 equivalent to HTML radio buttons? - ios

I want the user to select his gender. Is there an iOS7 equivalent to HTML radio buttons?
I find the iOS switch awkward for gender selection and a picker view overkill...

iOS segmented buttons can help you:
Or a custom one:

There is no default class to create feature like HTML radio button. But you can customize with button by showing images depends on click(On/Off).


How to make radio button with swift?

I am trying a lot of code and it's nothing is working for me. I need to make four radio buttons with swift when I show the question for the user to choose one of radio buttons.
Sadly, there's not a built in way to do this with Swift, but it's easy enough to code out. I'd personally recommend using this Git project, as I've heard good things about it.
If you'd like to built a radio button from scratch, I'd suggest looking a making a check button by using a regular button with a UIControlStateSelected triggering a check img, and then set the layer.cornerRadius (after setting the clipsToBounds = true of course) of your button to half its width to produce a circle!
You can create your own login by using a mutabledictionary with button tag as key for dictionary. Add green/selected image for selcted button & set "yes" value for key (button tag) in dictionary for selected button & "no" value for other button's tag.
I have an example for the same but in Objective -C
The UIControl that offers the closest behavior from radio button in swift iOS is the UISegmentedControl, take a look at the reference.
Here's apple's guidelines for mobile controls.
Some quotes from this article :
Use a segmented control to offer choices that are closely related but mutually exclusive.
A segmented control:
Consists of two or more segments whose widths are proportional, based on the total number of segments
Can display text or images

options control in ios (Swift)

I would like to show options to choose in my View. I did not found a control for that. Any suggestion howto do that ?
You must use 3 different buttons for the check box,now set different tag for the buttons and set default and selected image for the button.

Is there any standard combo box element that I can use in the interface builder of Xcode

Is there any standard combo box element that I can use in the interface builder of Xcode? Or should I use picker view in this case?
Thanks in advance.
Use picker view as it is a standard control and do the same functionality of combo box.iPhone users are more user friendly with PickerView instead of combo box.You can see in all standard application picker view is used instead of combo box.So picker view is more relevant and user friendly to use.

Popover/Tooltip with buttons like in iOS autocorrect

How can I create a tooltip like this in my iPad app? Is this an UIPopoverController? Or some kind of custom tooltip view?
Use UIMenuController. There's menuItems property to set custom items.

How to implement radio button in iPhone?

I want to add buttons like radio button. i have created round rect button but no idea about radio button.
How can I do it? This how I implement checkbox button feature.
any help please ?
The best way of achieving this is setting a normal and a selected image for each button. You can then easily switch each button on or off using the selected property:
myButton.selected = YES;
There is no direct UI for radio button you have to use images on UIbutton so that you can replace the checked images when a user press on the button just like tableview check/ uncehck functionality .It is just a trick by which you can make feel of a radio button.
I've written a controller for handling the logic behind an array of radio buttons. It's open source and on GitHub, check it out!
Check out DLRadioButton! It supports not only radio buttons but also checkboxes. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.
