Popover/Tooltip with buttons like in iOS autocorrect - ios

How can I create a tooltip like this in my iPad app? Is this an UIPopoverController? Or some kind of custom tooltip view?

Use UIMenuController. There's menuItems property to set custom items.


How to display only grid tab on UIColorPickerViewController in Swift/iOS?

I used the new UIColorPickerViewController in iOS 14.
I would like to display to the user only the first tab of picker (Grid color part) without other tabs.
Is it possible ?
How to get this rendering?
Based on Apple documentation for UIColorPickerViewController it is not possible.
You could only set a selectedColor and supportsAlpha parameters.

options control in ios (Swift)

I would like to show options to choose in my View. I did not found a control for that. Any suggestion howto do that ?
You must use 3 different buttons for the check box,now set different tag for the buttons and set default and selected image for the button.

What is the iOS7 equivalent to HTML radio buttons?

I want the user to select his gender. Is there an iOS7 equivalent to HTML radio buttons?
I find the iOS switch awkward for gender selection and a picker view overkill...
iOS segmented buttons can help you:
Or a custom one:
There is no default class to create feature like HTML radio button. But you can customize with button by showing images depends on click(On/Off).

Adding default define button to annotation toolbar. iOS PSPDFKIT

I just started using PSPDFKIT and I am having trouble with the default define functionality that you get with iOS.
I want the define button to show up instead of "Wikipedia" when I select a word.
I looked into calling the define button from other toolbar, but is it allowed?

How to programmatically create an NSComboBox

i have a view. how do i create a NSComboBox programmatically
ComboBox like Mac OS X is not possible in iOS X.
You can do a workaround. Use the image as backgroud(like combobox background) and user other controls on it like textfield, buttons etc.
