Submit IPhone app on the app store, then decide to submit an IPad app? - ios

I have never submitted an app to the appstore, but I will in the near future.
So far I am becoming quite comfortable with designing for the IPhone but not the IPad.
I understand that by putting a universal PAID app on the appstore that the customer would only have to pay once to have access to both the iPhone and Ipad versions.
What if you submit an IPhone app for $0.99. then later decide you also want an IPad App version for $0.99.
Would the consumer have to purchase both?
Or is there a way to tell Apple that "this is the IPad app" of this IPhone version, and so the consumer would only have to pay a one time fee (if he has already purchased the Iphone app = free download for Ipad App).

If you want just one app at one price, you can submit the app again (in a subsequent version) as a Universal app that runs natively both on iPhone and iPad. This kind of thing happens quite often, as developers expand their horizons...
If you submit an iPhone only app and an iPad only app they will be two separate apps with two different names and two separate prices. People do that - the New York Times app works that way, I believe - but it isn't as common. For one thing, it's confusing, because the iPhone version will run on the iPad, but as an iPhone app, so the user may not realize this is the wrong app (and it will probably look kind of crappy).
GoodReader is another well-known example where the iPhone version and the iPad version are two separate apps: see


Using my everyday iPhone for iOS app device testing

Today i signed up to Apple's $99 a year iOS developer program. I'm currently working on certificates, Identifiers and Profiles part so i'd be able to first test my apps on real device. I have available an iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPad mini. These are my family's devices. If i use my mom's iPhone 5 for example to test my apps, would there be any negative affect to the iPhone what-so-ever? Lets say i turn off the device from Xcode and want to use another device, would iPhone 5 malfunction in any way or is it completely safe to use my main everyday device for testing?
No, In no way will it affect your everyday tasks like calling, texting, etc. When you run your project with your phone being the one you want to run it on the app will show up and stop whatever you are doing at the time but it won't have any long term effect on you or your mom's phone. However to make your app go on the phone you need to register the phones you want to use in development mode. If thats done you should be all good
Good Luck and Happy Developing!
I've been testing my app on my everyday iPhone for months now. I've had no issues at all. Nothing affects my iPhone negatively in any way. Also, don't be afraid to delete your app completely from your iPhone if you need to fix something. It also won't have any negative affect on your app or on your phone. Uploading and deleting your app has the same effect on your phone like you download an app from the App Store. That doesn't have any negative affect on your phone. Your uploading your app from Xcode to your phone will not have any negative affect.

How to test the iPad app in iPad hardware (not in simulator)

I am a Beginner in IOS Development.After I'm done with build and test on iPad simulator.I would like to figure out:
1.What is difference between testing and deploying app on iPad?
2.How we can test or deploy iPad app without developer license and registering iPad development-device ?
3.Can test ipad app on ipad hardware using testflight app without payment. How?
I have visited various link but it didn't clarified me ?
How to test the iPad app in iPad hardware (not in simulator)
How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?
Personal iPhone application without paying?
1.How i can test app on iPad hardware?
Buy an iPad device and start testing on it.
2.What is difference between testing and deploying app on iPad?
Certificates Development vs Production
Provisioning profile Development vs Production
Push notification token is different
3.How we can test or deploy iPad app without developer license and registering iPad development-device ?
No you cannot without developer account, as the answers you linked all said you will need to pay a membership to apple of $99 as of now I believe.
In my suggestion,
Don't buy an iPad, instead buy an iPhone6+, why?
You can use it as phone even when you're not doing a test. If an app running well (in most cases) will run on iPad (except some UI objects which you can easily test in simulator). This seems funny but you will happy with 6+.
Even you can buy iPod 5th generation. Which are little cheap.
No developer account? Not need.
If you've a device then ask your friend (who have iOS developer account) to add your UDID into their account and grab you provisioning profile and certificate. For a registered account one can add 100 devices. Mostly they don't have this much of devices. If you're a good friend then he may not say NO. Even you can offer him for a treat (a beer or coffee) for this.
No good friend / No Device ? Still don't worry.
Either you can purchase a device (which you want) and open-up a account, and Yes you'll be happy forever (at least for a year, you've to repay after one year).
There're several online testing services from which you can choose the best for you. Mostly they will charge in minutes they test your app. I seen one service which give 200 minutes/month # $20 (or 1200 minutes/month # $100). For a very small app this can be enough (after proper unit testing in simulator by you).
At last,
Having a device and account will be a long time investment. If you have both you can test and upload (your own apps too) on AppStore. But at minimum investment cost of $700 to 800 .

How to unsupport iPad properly in iTunes

We have an app on AppStore for almost 3 years, and we've set Deployment Device Info of this app as "iPhone" (not "Universal").
Earlier it seems iPad users could download our app and used it by enlarging the screen.
Now our uses reported they cannot download our app. (The guy who reported uses iPad Air + iOS7.1.1)
So, my first question is..
Is this new AppStore regulation that does't allow iPad users to download apps with "iPhone" set as deployment device target ?
We are fine if it's the regulation, but more confusing is when seeing the app in AppStore with Mac, we still see our app is compatible with iPads.
So my second question is..
From what info AppStore shows this compatibility information ?
Our aim is not to confuse users, so we want to go either way - tell users we are completely unsupporting iPads, or tell them you can download the app anyway.
That device list suggests that you require cellular access. Does the user in question have a wifi only iPad? The dialogue would be shown if the app required capabilities that the device did not have.
There is no change to the App Store policy - iPad users can still download iPhone apps, and it's pretty clear in the store that you're not getting an iPad-native version.
To answer your second question, the information shown in the App Store comes from what is set in your info plist- the minimum targeted version of iOS, and then device capabilities. Device capabilities are explained here.

How to deploy an Air app from Flash Builder to an non-jailbroken iPad without having a Apple Developer ID?

The tittle says pretty much everything, I just bought an iPad 2 that comes with the 6.1.3 iOS and I've just read that there is no jailbreak method right now.. so, is there a way to deploy apps made in Air just for tests purposes only into the device?, or do I need a developer id to do so?.
(I'm not planning to sell the app in the app store, I just want to test it for practicing purposes only)

Universal iOS application

We have an iPhone app and want it to support iPad also.
But as I learned if you submit an app to Apple and indicate it is Universal, while in reality it is not (for example iPad is not supported at the time of submission, this is restricted by their policy).
So, what is the best way that we simultaneously allow further development of our application such that we also support iPad?
ps: we didn't want to create separate projects for iPad and iPhone since they share lot of code, but as I mentioned we encountered following obstacles.
Submit your app as an iPhone app. When you support iPad change it to a universal app when you submit your update.
