iOS Facebook sdk open album select and image select screens - ios

So basically i want a way to open a screen with my Facebook albums. I should be able to select
an album and then a screen with the images in that album should open and after selecting the image i
should get it's url or data. I think theres a way to do that with the Facebook sdk and by that i
mean that i don't have to create the albums/images screens they are already in the sdk but how
do i use them?

The Facebook SDK don't have this feature.
There are some interesting projects on github for example:


iOS: SDK for viewing photos of your own album

I basically want the ability to check first within two specific dates if a user has taken any pictures on his phone. If so, if he clicks a button in my app the photo viewer (ideally exactly the same as used in the Photos app) should be opened and only these pictures/videos should be displayed. Then the user can look at them, share them, basically also the exact same functionality as the Photos app offers. But how can I do that? So far it seems I would have to code this completely from scratch, since I don't want the user to "pick" any picture but just look at them, share them etc. Or is there any SDK for this?

Sharing a photo from an ios app

Given that I have a UIImage instance in my app how could I get
ios to show the image sharing dialog (Mail, add to notes, twitter, fb,
save image, etc)
Upon a cursory look to PHAsset I haven't found anything prominent :-(
You can search for UIActivityViewController. This class will display a dialog, having all sharing apps listed within dialog.

Twitter share button for iOS app

I'm creating a separate Twitter share button for my iOS app. The image for the twitter share button, am I allowed to make my own version of Twitter's logo for my app as long as users know the button is for twitter? Or am I only supposed to use the exact white bird and blue background image for my share button to indicate twitter? I can't seem to find anywhere on twitter for developers to download the twitter icon button to use for my iOS share button?
The rules for using twitter's logo can be found here as well as links to download the logo for your use.
Use any other artwork from our site, such as the verified badge.
Create your own buttons or images using our logos unless technically necessary, such as in signature bars. If you do, use this resized
version of the Twitter bird
Use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand

Can I add my App icon to default Photo library in IOS?

I want to add my App icon to default Photo library but I do not know how to do that? Can it be done?
You can see the photo at here
I want to add my app icon for user after select video or photo, can click on my app icon to open my app.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
It's not possible to add your app in the iOS "Photos" app. But it's possible if you want other (3rd party) apps to be able to open files in yours.
A good place to start is this Instagram documentation on how they do it, and from that link you can see that the relevant Apple information lies in the UIDocumentInteractionController class reference and Document Interaction Programming Topics.

Social Sharing Palette in iOS6

I noticed in iOS6 that when you select a photo in your photo library, and push the the "arrow in a square button", it brings up a palette with icons that enable the user to share the photo (ie icons for mail, message, photo stream, twitter, Facebook, etc). I'm wondering, is there any library in iOS6 that has a palette like this built in? (I know separately there is SLComposeViewController and MFMailComposeViewController). If there isn't, would Apple have issue if you built a palette identical to the one they have (same icons, etc)?
This is a UIActivityViewController.
