Creating a new app version with iTMSTransporter - ios

I am writing a script that uses the iTMSTransporter command-line application to create and upload iOS application metadata for the iOS App Store. However, it's failing in the most bizarre way with little of any helpful information.
Apple's web service operation was not successful
Unable to authenticate the package: Benders.itmsp
ERROR ITMS-4157: "Version '2.1.10' is not valid for update or doesn't exist" at Software/SoftwareMetadata (MZItmspSoftwareMetadataPackage)
Of course version 2.1.10 doesn't exist--that's what I'm trying to create! Is there some kind of special flag that is needed to create new versions of an app at the command line? I've scoured the -help documentation in the tool itself, but can see no such argument.
I feel like I've just run into a brick wall. Googling has turned up nothing.

As far as I'm concerned it is at the moment not possible to create new versions of your app with the command line tools (iTMSTransporter). You have to do this manually with iTunesconnect. Once the version exists on ITC, you can upload your data with iTMS.
That said the workflow is really bad here, because you cannot do all the important stuff with the command line tool and we are still depending on the moods of ITC.

Does the version info you've submitted to Apple match what you've supplied in your package?
Submitting the App
Replacing Your App with a New Version


UnexpectedAppleResponse Error when trying to publish app to App Store

I'm trying to publish my first app to the Apple App Store. It's an Expo React Native App.
I'm currently submitting the build to the app store with eas submit -p ios --latest. However, I'm getting the error:
Failed to create App Store Connect API Key.
UnexpectedAppleResponse: The specified resource does not exist - There is no resource of type 'apiKeys' with id 'XXXXXXXXXX'
I'm watching an online tutorial and I've been able to follow every step until now. Any advice on how to fix this error would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
You need update your EAS to 0.60.0
npm install -g eas-cli
I had the same problem.
Work for me, friend
We fixed this issue by next steps
1: Upgrade your eas-cli running: npm install -g eas-cli
2: If you're publishing by first time your app, you need request access in to your App Store Connet, by this link,
Select Users and Access, and then select the API Keys tab.
Then, click in "Request access" blue button, and then, your api keys generated will appear there.
Then download any key, open whit text editor and paste the path of file in eas terminal, by selecting "[Enter an App Specific Password]"
Important: Is not necessary creare a new key if you has already downloaded your key
We hope this works for you.
And that's it.
There is a bug in Apple's infrastructure that does not propagate newly created objects for a long time (up to 14 seconds in my experiments). Apple responds saying the resource does not exist when the cli tries to download the key and it hasn't fully propagated. I just released a fix in eas-cli to retry in this scenario, it should be available in v1.1.1.

Build iOS app locally without a developer account

I'm just trying out iOS development and no way willing to pay $99 to try out something. I have a running project that works on android and I wanted to see how it looks on iPhone but it seems I'm stuck on all sides.
First of all, I've installed Sidekick and setup Nativescript on the mac and tns doctor reports no issues (I originally made the project on Windows with Android phone). Now I'm trying to do a local build but I get an error:
[18-10-19 22:49:00.401] Error detected during LiveSync on 9991865793b34ae30366571031b6c251590c222a for /Users/vipulk/Documents/YO. Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/vipulk/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
I think this is related to certificates and provisioning profiles. I thought you didn't needed those for local builds. Anyways, The sidekick's Auto Generate is of no use either as it doesn't work with 2FA accounts.
I tried to use this guide to create these files manually. I created the csr file but step 6 asks you to go to this page which asks you to use your development program. Again, don't have that.
The cloud build also needs certificates.
What do I do?
The NativeScript Book has two chapters at the end on iOS deployment, and they address your question, though they don't use sidekick. But, hey, nothing wrong with the good old {N} CLI.

MonoTouch application iOS signing with Xcode

I have a problem.
I developed an application iOS with MonoTouch, Fantastic!!!
But now my customer asks me that wants to sign him the app, with his certificate.
Is there a solution?
It’s possible create a xcode source from monotouch???
I have read a –xcode command but I found little doc
The --xcode option is deprecated. Once upon a time it was useful to debug some issues but better options exists today.
As for signing you can use the codesign command-line tool to (re)sign the application.
For an example just look at your build output (from MonoDevelop's Error List pad) to see the exact command line that MonoDevelop use to sign your application. Your client will opnly need minor adjustment (to the options) to re-sign it.

error starting xxxx: Module xxxx attempts to access a secure API

I have checked other questions around but no one seems to have exactly the same error. I'm using phonegap+jqm to create an application, initially tested on my android phone, now i'm trying to build-deploy to a blackberry. To build the app i used the phonegap starting guide, with:
ant blackberry load-device
I DID sign the application with the RIM provided keys. Still getting the error. Some help?
The problem was with the Signing Tool + JAVA SDK 1.7: it is a known issue that these two dont get along well.
Download and install the BlackBerry Signature Tool and run your compiled .cod file through it to check whether it is really signed or not.

An error occurred talking to the iTunes Store : message while validating App

I am trying to submit an app to the apple store via Xcode 4's in-built application loader. I created an archive, then went to itunes connect and made sure the app status is ready to upload. Then when I come to xcode and do 'Validate' or 'Submit', I just get the following message:
An error occurred talking to the iTunes Store
No details are given. Any ideas?
Update: I used the classic Application loader and submitted my app. No idea what the real issue was.
My mbp now run Xcode4.2(4D199) on Lion, I installed the latest java for Lion. And finally I sovled this issue.
Many guys said, he can used the old Application Loader app to upload the apps. so I guess the problem is the latest Application Loader app(2.4.1 (190)), and the fact told me I am right
Okie, in short words:
Here is the solution:
I hope you guys do not delete the old Xcode(4.1). We Should pick up the old version Application Loader app.
cd /Contents/Resources/Packages
cp ApplicationLoader.pkg ~/Desktop/
Now, you get the ApplicationLoader package.
Install the old one.
Tips: you can remove the latest Application Loader app in path: /Developer/Applications/Utilities/ or just remane it.
That's All.
Hope this way can help you and enjoy the new Xcode4.2. Also hope apple developer can saw this problem and test the latest Application Loader app more.
If your target has any spaces or special characters, remove them as they can sometimes cause this error.
It sounds like a connectivity or temporary network issue. I would check your network connection and try a bit later.
